Structured Review

Addgene inc rtn4a gfp
Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/Addgene inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
86/100 stars


1) Product Images from "Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions"

Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

Journal: Developmental Cell

doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " title="... from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs ..." property="contentUrl" width="100%" height="100%"/>
Figure Legend Snippet: Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also Figure S3 and Table S3 .

Techniques Used: Expressing, Negative Control, Construct, MANN-WHITNEY, Control

Figure Legend Snippet:

Techniques Used: Recombinant, Magnetic Beads, shRNA, Sequencing, Software

Structured Review

Addgene inc gfp sbp rtn4a
Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
Gfp Sbp Rtn4a, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more sbp rtn4a/product/Addgene inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
gfp sbp rtn4a - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
86/100 stars


1) Product Images from "Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions"

Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

Journal: Developmental Cell

doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " title="... from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs ..." property="contentUrl" width="100%" height="100%"/>
Figure Legend Snippet: Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also Figure S3 and Table S3 .

Techniques Used: Expressing, Negative Control, Construct, MANN-WHITNEY, Control

Figure Legend Snippet:

Techniques Used: Recombinant, Magnetic Beads, shRNA, Sequencing, Software

Structured Review

Addgene inc rtn4a gfp
Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/Addgene inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
86/100 stars


1) Product Images from "Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions"

Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

Journal: Developmental Cell

doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " title="... from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs ..." property="contentUrl" width="100%" height="100%"/>
Figure Legend Snippet: Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also Figure S3 and Table S3 .

Techniques Used: Expressing, Negative Control, Construct, MANN-WHITNEY, Control

Figure Legend Snippet:

Techniques Used: Recombinant, Magnetic Beads, shRNA, Sequencing, Software

Structured Review

Addgene inc n a rtn4a gfp kind gift
N A Rtn4a Gfp Kind Gift, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more a rtn4a gfp kind gift/product/Addgene inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
n a rtn4a gfp kind gift - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
86/100 stars


Structured Review

Addgene inc gfp sbp rtn4a
Gfp Sbp Rtn4a, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more sbp rtn4a/product/Addgene inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
gfp sbp rtn4a - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
86/100 stars


Structured Review

Addgene inc n a gfp sbp rtn4a farı́as
N A Gfp Sbp Rtn4a Farı́as, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more a gfp sbp rtn4a farı́as/product/Addgene inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
n a gfp sbp rtn4a farı́as - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
86/100 stars


Structured Review

Addgene inc rtn4a gfp
(A, D, G) Representative STED (A), TREx (D) and dual-color SMLM (G) images of the ER and ribosomes in axons from neurons expressing GFP-Sec61β and stained for RpS12. (B, E, H) Magnifications and intensity profile lines from merged images for each microscopy method. (C, F, I) Quantification of RpS12 intensity in ER mask, enlarged ER mask, and one-color flipped images, for each microscopy method. (J) Representative STED images and intensity profile line for an axon segment of a neuron transfected as in (A) and co-labeled for puromycilated peptides. (K) Quantification of RpS12 intensity in ER mask and enlarged ER mask with or without high puromycin treatment using dual-color SMLM. (L-N) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (L). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left), or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs are visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (M). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (M), and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (N). (O) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30-minutes with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3 or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C, F, I, K, N and O). Boxplots show 25/75-percentiles, the median, and whiskers represent min to max in (C, F, I and K). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (N, O). ns = not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t-tests or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests. Scale bars represent 1μm (A, D, G, J) and 5μm (M).
Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/Addgene inc
Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
93/100 stars


1) Product Images from "Axonal ER tubules regulate local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions"

Article Title: Axonal ER tubules regulate local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

Journal: bioRxiv

doi: 10.1101/2022.11.30.518484

(A, D, G) Representative STED (A), TREx (D) and dual-color SMLM (G) images of the ER and ribosomes in axons from neurons expressing GFP-Sec61β and stained for RpS12. (B, E, H) Magnifications and intensity profile lines from merged images for each microscopy method. (C, F, I) Quantification of RpS12 intensity in ER mask, enlarged ER mask, and one-color flipped images, for each microscopy method. (J) Representative STED images and intensity profile line for an axon segment of a neuron transfected as in (A) and co-labeled for puromycilated peptides. (K) Quantification of RpS12 intensity in ER mask and enlarged ER mask with or without high puromycin treatment using dual-color SMLM. (L-N) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (L). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left), or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs are visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (M). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (M), and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (N). (O) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30-minutes with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3 or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C, F, I, K, N and O). Boxplots show 25/75-percentiles, the median, and whiskers represent min to max in (C, F, I and K). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (N, O). ns = not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t-tests or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests. Scale bars represent 1μm (A, D, G, J) and 5μm (M).
Figure Legend Snippet: (A, D, G) Representative STED (A), TREx (D) and dual-color SMLM (G) images of the ER and ribosomes in axons from neurons expressing GFP-Sec61β and stained for RpS12. (B, E, H) Magnifications and intensity profile lines from merged images for each microscopy method. (C, F, I) Quantification of RpS12 intensity in ER mask, enlarged ER mask, and one-color flipped images, for each microscopy method. (J) Representative STED images and intensity profile line for an axon segment of a neuron transfected as in (A) and co-labeled for puromycilated peptides. (K) Quantification of RpS12 intensity in ER mask and enlarged ER mask with or without high puromycin treatment using dual-color SMLM. (L-N) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (L). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left), or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs are visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (M). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (M), and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (N). (O) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30-minutes with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3 or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C, F, I, K, N and O). Boxplots show 25/75-percentiles, the median, and whiskers represent min to max in (C, F, I and K). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (N, O). ns = not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t-tests or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests. Scale bars represent 1μm (A, D, G, J) and 5μm (M).

Techniques Used: Expressing, Staining, Microscopy, Transfection, Labeling, Negative Control, Construct

Validation of split APEX assay in neuronal soma (A) Representative images of split APEX assay in soma from neurons expressing Rpl10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (top), or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (bottom). Expression of constructs are visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (B) Quantification of Strep signal in soma from neurons as in (A), and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction. Individual data points each represent a neuron and data are presented as mean values ± SD in (B). **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001 comparing conditions to V5-AP-Sec61β using ordinary one-way ANOVA tests.
Figure Legend Snippet: Validation of split APEX assay in neuronal soma (A) Representative images of split APEX assay in soma from neurons expressing Rpl10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (top), or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (bottom). Expression of constructs are visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (B) Quantification of Strep signal in soma from neurons as in (A), and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction. Individual data points each represent a neuron and data are presented as mean values ± SD in (B). **p < 0.01, ***p<0.001 comparing conditions to V5-AP-Sec61β using ordinary one-way ANOVA tests.

Techniques Used: Expressing, Negative Control, Construct

rtn4a gfp  (New England Biolabs)

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    Structured Review

    New England Biolabs rtn4a gfp
    ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit <t>anti-Rtn4a/b</t> antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.
    Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by New England Biolabs, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/New England Biolabs
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "The endoplasmic reticulum adopts two distinct tubule forms"

    Article Title: The endoplasmic reticulum adopts two distinct tubule forms

    Journal: bioRxiv

    doi: 10.1101/2021.10.26.465969

    ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.
    Figure Legend Snippet: ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.

    Techniques Used: Immunolabeling

    ( a ) Immunoblotting with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody for lysates of the native COS-7 cells (left lane) and COS-7 cells expressing Rtn4a-GFP (right lane). This showed that although the antibody also detects Rtn4a, the major forms in the native COS-7 cell are Rtn4b and Rtn4b2. ( b ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of untransfected U2OS, A7r5, NIH-3T3, and C2C12 cells, showing that Rtn4b and Rtn4b2 are the major forms. ( c ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of cultured primary neurons and astrocytes from the rat hippocampus. ( d ) Enhanced contrast for (c) to visualize the weak signal of Rtn4a, which is presumably present at the neuron plasma membrane.
    Figure Legend Snippet: ( a ) Immunoblotting with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody for lysates of the native COS-7 cells (left lane) and COS-7 cells expressing Rtn4a-GFP (right lane). This showed that although the antibody also detects Rtn4a, the major forms in the native COS-7 cell are Rtn4b and Rtn4b2. ( b ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of untransfected U2OS, A7r5, NIH-3T3, and C2C12 cells, showing that Rtn4b and Rtn4b2 are the major forms. ( c ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of cultured primary neurons and astrocytes from the rat hippocampus. ( d ) Enhanced contrast for (c) to visualize the weak signal of Rtn4a, which is presumably present at the neuron plasma membrane.

    Techniques Used: Western Blot, Expressing, Cell Culture

    Structured Review

    Addgene inc rtn4a gfp
    ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit <t>anti-Rtn4a/b</t> antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.
    Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/Addgene inc
    Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    93/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "The endoplasmic reticulum adopts two distinct tubule forms"

    Article Title: The endoplasmic reticulum adopts two distinct tubule forms

    Journal: bioRxiv

    doi: 10.1101/2021.10.26.465969

    ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.
    Figure Legend Snippet: ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.

    Techniques Used: Immunolabeling

    ( a ) Immunoblotting with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody for lysates of the native COS-7 cells (left lane) and COS-7 cells expressing Rtn4a-GFP (right lane). This showed that although the antibody also detects Rtn4a, the major forms in the native COS-7 cell are Rtn4b and Rtn4b2. ( b ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of untransfected U2OS, A7r5, NIH-3T3, and C2C12 cells, showing that Rtn4b and Rtn4b2 are the major forms. ( c ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of cultured primary neurons and astrocytes from the rat hippocampus. ( d ) Enhanced contrast for (c) to visualize the weak signal of Rtn4a, which is presumably present at the neuron plasma membrane.
    Figure Legend Snippet: ( a ) Immunoblotting with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody for lysates of the native COS-7 cells (left lane) and COS-7 cells expressing Rtn4a-GFP (right lane). This showed that although the antibody also detects Rtn4a, the major forms in the native COS-7 cell are Rtn4b and Rtn4b2. ( b ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of untransfected U2OS, A7r5, NIH-3T3, and C2C12 cells, showing that Rtn4b and Rtn4b2 are the major forms. ( c ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of cultured primary neurons and astrocytes from the rat hippocampus. ( d ) Enhanced contrast for (c) to visualize the weak signal of Rtn4a, which is presumably present at the neuron plasma membrane.

    Techniques Used: Western Blot, Expressing, Cell Culture

    Structured Review

    Addgene inc rtn4a gfp
    Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/Addgene inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


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    Addgene inc rtn4a gfp
    Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
    Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/Addgene inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Addgene inc gfp sbp rtn4a
    Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
    Gfp Sbp Rtn4a, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more sbp rtn4a/product/Addgene inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
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    gfp sbp rtn4a - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars
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    Addgene inc n a rtn4a gfp kind gift
    Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
    N A Rtn4a Gfp Kind Gift, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more a rtn4a gfp kind gift/product/Addgene inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    n a rtn4a gfp kind gift - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Addgene inc n a gfp sbp rtn4a farı́as
    Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or <t>V5-AP-RTN4A</t> as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="250" height="auto" />
    N A Gfp Sbp Rtn4a Farı́as, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more a gfp sbp rtn4a farı́as/product/Addgene inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    n a gfp sbp rtn4a farı́as - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars
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    New England Biolabs rtn4a gfp
    ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit <t>anti-Rtn4a/b</t> antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.
    Rtn4a Gfp, supplied by New England Biolabs, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gfp/product/New England Biolabs
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    rtn4a gfp - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars
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    Image Search Results

    Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="100%" height="100%">

    Journal: Developmental Cell

    Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

    doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also Figure S3 and Table S3 .

    Article Snippet: RTN4A-GFP , Kind gift from dr. Voeltz (Howard Hughes Medical Institute & Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado) , Addgene #61807.

    Techniques: Expressing, Negative Control, Construct, MANN-WHITNEY, Control

    Journal: Developmental Cell

    Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

    doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

    Figure Lengend Snippet:

    Article Snippet: RTN4A-GFP , Kind gift from dr. Voeltz (Howard Hughes Medical Institute & Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado) , Addgene #61807.

    Techniques: Recombinant, Magnetic Beads, shRNA, Sequencing, Software

    Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also <xref ref-type=Figure S3 and Table S3 . " width="100%" height="100%">

    Journal: Developmental Cell

    Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

    doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Axonal ER-ribosome interactions are enriched at axon branch points and regulated by extrinsic cues (A–C) Schematic representation of split APEX system used to detect ER-ribosome contacts. When the ER protein Sec61β fused to AP module and the ribosomal protein RpL10A fused to EX module interact with each other, APEX is reconstituted, and contact sites can be visualized as a biotinylation radius around the interactions (A). Representative images of split APEX assay in distal axons from neurons expressing RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β (left) or V5-AP-RTN4A as a negative control (right). Expression of constructs is visualized with V5 and HA antibodies, and biotinylation is detected with conjugated Strep-555 (B). Quantification of Strep signal in distal axons from neurons as in (B) and without H2O2 as a negative control for the biotinylation reaction (C). (D) Representative image of an axon with branches of a DIV7 neuron expressing V5-AP-Sec61β and RpL10A-3xHA-EX DIV7, showing enrichment of split APEX signal at branch points. White arrowheads indicate branch points. Split APEX signal (Strep555) is shown in magenta and a high-low intensity scale as indicated in lower panel. (E) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay as in (D), analyzed in the axon shaft and at axonal branch points. n = 16 per condition re-analyzed from six independent experiments. ∗ p < 0.05 comparing conditions to each other using Mann-Whitney tests. Scale bars represent 5 μm. (F) Quantification of axonal ER-bound ribosomes, using split APEX assay with RpL10A-3xHA-EX and V5-AP-Sec61β, in neurons stimulated for 30 min with BSA (control), BDNF, NT-3, or NGF. Individual data points each represent a neuron in (C), (E), and (F), and each color represents an independent experiment in (F). Data are presented as mean values ± SEM in (C), (E), and (F). ns, not significant; ∗ p < 0.05; ∗∗ p < 0.01; and ∗∗∗ p < 0.001 comparing conditions to control using unpaired t tests (C), Mann-Whitney test (E), or ordinary one-way ANOVA tests (F). Scale bars represent 5 μm (B) and (D). See also Figure S3 and Table S3 .

    Article Snippet: Following vectors were used: pSuper, pGW1-mCherry and pGW1-BFP, RTN4A-GFP (a gift from Dr. Gia Voeltz, Addgene plasmid #61807), pEGFP(A206K)-N1 and pEGFP(A206K)-C1 (a gift from Dr. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz), GFP-Sec61β (a gift from Dr. Tom Rapoport, Addgene # 15108), RpL10A-tagRFP (a gift from dr. Robert Singer, Addgene #74172), TOM20-V5-FKBP-AP (a gift from Alice Ting, Addgene#120914), mCherry myr 5’/3’-Calreticulin (a gift from dr. Jefferey L. Twiss), Lifeact-mCherry (a gift from dr. Moritoshi Sato, Addgene #67302), HA-KifC1-MD-Strep, DP1-GFP, GFP-SBP-RTN4A, P180-ΔCoiled-coil, P180-Δrepeats-GFP, P180-Coiled-coil and P180-Repeats were previously described.

    Techniques: Expressing, Negative Control, Construct, MANN-WHITNEY, Control

    Journal: Developmental Cell

    Article Title: Axonal endoplasmic reticulum tubules control local translation via P180/RRBP1-mediated ribosome interactions

    doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2024.05.005

    Figure Lengend Snippet:

    Article Snippet: Following vectors were used: pSuper, pGW1-mCherry and pGW1-BFP, RTN4A-GFP (a gift from Dr. Gia Voeltz, Addgene plasmid #61807), pEGFP(A206K)-N1 and pEGFP(A206K)-C1 (a gift from Dr. Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz), GFP-Sec61β (a gift from Dr. Tom Rapoport, Addgene # 15108), RpL10A-tagRFP (a gift from dr. Robert Singer, Addgene #74172), TOM20-V5-FKBP-AP (a gift from Alice Ting, Addgene#120914), mCherry myr 5’/3’-Calreticulin (a gift from dr. Jefferey L. Twiss), Lifeact-mCherry (a gift from dr. Moritoshi Sato, Addgene #67302), HA-KifC1-MD-Strep, DP1-GFP, GFP-SBP-RTN4A, P180-ΔCoiled-coil, P180-Δrepeats-GFP, P180-Coiled-coil and P180-Repeats were previously described.

    Techniques: Recombinant, Magnetic Beads, shRNA, Sequencing, Software

    ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: The endoplasmic reticulum adopts two distinct tubule forms

    doi: 10.1101/2021.10.26.465969

    Figure Lengend Snippet: ( a ) Cell immunolabeled with the sheep anti-Rtn4b antibody. ( b ) Cell immunolabeled with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody. The boxed areas in (a,b) correspond to and , respectively.

    Article Snippet: Rtn4b-GFP was generated by inserting two PCR-amplified fragments from the initial part (RTN4 AA1-AA185) and the later part (RTN4 AA1005-AA1192 plus AcGFP1) of Rtn4a-GFP into the pcDNA3.1(+) backbone using Gibson Assembly (New England Biolabs, #E2611S).

    Techniques: Immunolabeling

    ( a ) Immunoblotting with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody for lysates of the native COS-7 cells (left lane) and COS-7 cells expressing Rtn4a-GFP (right lane). This showed that although the antibody also detects Rtn4a, the major forms in the native COS-7 cell are Rtn4b and Rtn4b2. ( b ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of untransfected U2OS, A7r5, NIH-3T3, and C2C12 cells, showing that Rtn4b and Rtn4b2 are the major forms. ( c ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of cultured primary neurons and astrocytes from the rat hippocampus. ( d ) Enhanced contrast for (c) to visualize the weak signal of Rtn4a, which is presumably present at the neuron plasma membrane.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: The endoplasmic reticulum adopts two distinct tubule forms

    doi: 10.1101/2021.10.26.465969

    Figure Lengend Snippet: ( a ) Immunoblotting with the rabbit anti-Rtn4a/b antibody for lysates of the native COS-7 cells (left lane) and COS-7 cells expressing Rtn4a-GFP (right lane). This showed that although the antibody also detects Rtn4a, the major forms in the native COS-7 cell are Rtn4b and Rtn4b2. ( b ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of untransfected U2OS, A7r5, NIH-3T3, and C2C12 cells, showing that Rtn4b and Rtn4b2 are the major forms. ( c ) Immunoblotting with the same antibody, for lysates of cultured primary neurons and astrocytes from the rat hippocampus. ( d ) Enhanced contrast for (c) to visualize the weak signal of Rtn4a, which is presumably present at the neuron plasma membrane.

    Article Snippet: Rtn4b-GFP was generated by inserting two PCR-amplified fragments from the initial part (RTN4 AA1-AA185) and the later part (RTN4 AA1005-AA1192 plus AcGFP1) of Rtn4a-GFP into the pcDNA3.1(+) backbone using Gibson Assembly (New England Biolabs, #E2611S).

    Techniques: Western Blot, Expressing, Cell Culture