Journal: iScience
Article Title: Blockage of lamin-A/C loss diminishes the pro-inflammatory macrophage response
doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.105528
Figure Lengend Snippet: Pro-inflammatory macrophage activation induces Lamin-A/C phosphorylation and degradation (A) Immunoblot shows total levels of Lamin-A and Lamin-C in Untreated (UT), and LPS-treated BMDMs. α-tubulin served as a loading control. (B) Time course quantifications of Lamin-A and Lamin-C normalized with α-tubulin over three independent immunoblotting experiments. Calculated values were further normalized to the UT BMDM condition to find the fold change. Data are presented as Mean ± S.E. (C) Longer exposure of immunoblots against Lamin-A/C in UT, and LPS-treated BMDMs to detect lower fragmented Lamin-A/C bands (50kDa and 40kDa). α-tubulin served as a loading control. (D) Box plots show degraded Lamin-A/C fragments (50kDa and 40kDa) normalized to α-tubulin between UT and LPS-treated BMDMs. Calculated values were further normalized to the UT BMDM condition to find the fold change. (E) Immunoblots against Lamin-A/C in UT, LPS-treated, LPS Wash-out BMDMs to detect fragmented Lamin-A/C bands (∼50kDa and ∼40kDa). α-tubulin served as a loading control. (F) Immunoblot shows total levels of p-(Ser22)-Lamin-A and p-(Ser22)-Lamin-C along with a phosphorylated fragmented band of Lamin-A/C (∼28kDa) in UT, and LPS-treated BMDMs. α-tubulin served as a loading control. (G) Time course quantification of total p-(Ser22)-Lamin-A+C normalized to the total Lamin-A/C over three independent immunoblotting experiments. Calculated values were further normalized to the UT BMDM condition to find the fold change. (H) (Top) Schematic shows the direct or indirect CDK1-mediated Lamin-A/C phosphorylation, which is known from other cells to be blocked by PP2A during the cell cycle. Also shown are the drugs used in this study to selectively inhibit the activity of the respective enzymes. (Bottom) Schematic shows Caspase-6 mediated Lamin-A/C degradation as inhibited by Z-VEID-FMK. (I) Box plots show the lowering of pro-inflammatory gene expression (qPCR) (Left) and secreted cytokine levels (ELISA) (Right) in LPS-treated BMDMs, also treated with RO-3306 or Z-VEID-FMK to inhibit Lamin-A/C phosphorylation and degradation, respectively. Levels were normalized to the 6 h LPS-treated BMDM condition to find the fold change. (J) Box plots show an increase in the pro-inflammatory gene expression (qPCR) (Left) and secreted cytokine levels (ELISA) (Right) in LPS-treated BMDMs, also treated with LB-100, a PP2A inhibitor, as compared to BMDMs treated with only LPS for 24 h. Levels were normalized to the 24 h LPS-treated BMDM condition to find the fold change. For all the plots p-values were obtained with the two-sided Student’s t -test. In all the box plots, the boxes show 25th and 75th percentiles, the middle horizontal lines show the median, small open squares show the mean, and whiskers indicate S.D. All the experiments were independently repeated three or more times.
Article Snippet: Rabbit polyclonal anti-phospho-CDK1 (Thr161) antibody , Abcam , Cat#ab194874.
Techniques: Activation Assay, Western Blot, Activity Assay, Expressing, Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay