Journal: bioRxiv
Article Title: Heterotypic Assembly Mechanism Regulates CHIP E3 Ligase Activity
doi: 10.1101/2021.08.20.457118
Figure Lengend Snippet: A) Endogenous levels of AHCY-1 in N2 (wild-type), chn-1(by155), ufd-2(tm1380) , and chn-1(by155); ufd-2(tm1380) mutant worms reported as Z-scores from LC-MS/MS analysis. B) Schematic diagram representing the core function of AHCY. AHCY catalyzes the reversible hydrolysis of SAH (S-adenosylhomocysteine) to HCy (Homocysteine). Accumulation of SAH inhibits PC (Phosphatidylcholines) synthesis from PE (Phosphatidylethanolamines). C) Ubiquitylation of recombinant AHCY-1 was performed as indicated using recombinant CHN-1 and UFD-2, UBE2D1 E2, Ub WT , or Ub K48 and Ub K63 only Ub variants. Protein samples were resolved via SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with anti-AHCY-1 antibodies. Bands labeled as unmodified AHCY-1, mono-Ub AHCY-1, di-Ub AHCY-1, poly-Ub AHCY-1 (left panel). Quantification of the changes (%) in (un)modified AHCY-1 levels (right panel). D) Endogenous levels of AHCY-1 in N2 (wild-type), chn-1(by155) , CHN-1::FLAG (OE), and ufd-2(tm1380) young adult worms treated with a proteasome inhibitor (MG132, 10μM) or DUB inhibitor (NEM, 100mM). Protein samples were resolved via SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted with anti-AHCY-1 antibodies. Tubulin served as a loading control. Immunoblots representative of n = 3 experiments are shown. E) Total lipid content in N2 (wild-type), chn-1(by155), ufd-2(tm1380), chn-1(by155), ufd-2(tm1380) , and CHN-1::FLAG (OE) young adult worms grown on control and ahcy-1 RNAi feeding plates. Data are means ± SEM, p ≤ 0.001 (***). Higher fluorescence intensity indicates increased lipid levels. F) Ratio of phosphatidylcholine (PC) to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) in N2 (wild-type), chn-1(by155) , and ufd-2(tm1380) young adult worms.
Article Snippet: For the in vitro ubiquitylation reactions, we first generated a pTYB21-UFD-2 expression vector and purified tagless UFD-2 fraction using the intein cleavage site as per the manufacturer protocol (NEB Cat#E6901S).
Techniques: Mutagenesis, Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectroscopy, Recombinant, SDS Page, Labeling, Modification, Western Blot, Fluorescence