CCL-126 Search Results

ATCC aedes albopictus cells
In vitro sfRNA production and viral growth kinetics of ZIKV X1 compared to WT ZIKV clone. ( A ) A549 cells were infected with either X1 or WT clone at a MOI of 1. At 48 h post infection (HPI), cellular RNA was collected and the presence of ZIKV sfRNAs was detected in two biological replicates per infection via Northern blot using a ZIKV 3′ UTR-specific probe. To analyze viral growth kinetics, human A549 cells ( B ), ( C ) or Aedes <t>albopictus</t> U4.4 cells ( D ), ( E ) were infected with X1 or WT at an MOI of 0.1. At 0, 24, 48, and 72 HPI, supernatant was collected and used to measure either extracellular viral RNA via RT-qPCR ( B – D ) or infectious virus via FFU assay ( C – E ). ( B – E ) Dashed lines represent the limit of detection (LOD). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean for six replicates across two independent experiments. ( n = 6, NS by two-way ANOVA).
Aedes Albopictus Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 96/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more albopictus cells/product/ATCC
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aedes albopictus cells - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
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In vitro sfRNA production and viral growth kinetics of ZIKV X1 compared to WT ZIKV clone. ( A ) A549 cells were infected with either X1 or WT clone at a MOI of 1. At 48 h post infection (HPI), cellular RNA was collected and the presence of ZIKV sfRNAs was detected in two biological replicates per infection via Northern blot using a ZIKV 3′ UTR-specific probe. To analyze viral growth kinetics, human A549 cells ( B ), ( C ) or Aedes albopictus U4.4 cells ( D ), ( E ) were infected with X1 or WT at an MOI of 0.1. At 0, 24, 48, and 72 HPI, supernatant was collected and used to measure either extracellular viral RNA via RT-qPCR ( B – D ) or infectious virus via FFU assay ( C – E ). ( B – E ) Dashed lines represent the limit of detection (LOD). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean for six replicates across two independent experiments. ( n = 6, NS by two-way ANOVA).

Journal: Viruses

Article Title: Disruption of Zika Virus xrRNA1-Dependent sfRNA1 Production Results in Tissue-Specific Attenuated Viral Replication

doi: 10.3390/v12101177

Figure Lengend Snippet: In vitro sfRNA production and viral growth kinetics of ZIKV X1 compared to WT ZIKV clone. ( A ) A549 cells were infected with either X1 or WT clone at a MOI of 1. At 48 h post infection (HPI), cellular RNA was collected and the presence of ZIKV sfRNAs was detected in two biological replicates per infection via Northern blot using a ZIKV 3′ UTR-specific probe. To analyze viral growth kinetics, human A549 cells ( B ), ( C ) or Aedes albopictus U4.4 cells ( D ), ( E ) were infected with X1 or WT at an MOI of 0.1. At 0, 24, 48, and 72 HPI, supernatant was collected and used to measure either extracellular viral RNA via RT-qPCR ( B – D ) or infectious virus via FFU assay ( C – E ). ( B – E ) Dashed lines represent the limit of detection (LOD). Error bars indicate standard error of the mean for six replicates across two independent experiments. ( n = 6, NS by two-way ANOVA).

Article Snippet: African green monkey kidney epithelial cells (Vero E6), human lung epithelial cells (A549), and Aedes albopictus cells (C6/36) were sourced from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC).

Techniques: In Vitro, Infection, Northern Blot, Quantitative RT-PCR