ly310762 hydrochloride ![]() Ly310762 Hydrochloride, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 92/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more hydrochloride/product/Tocris Average 92 stars, based on 1 article reviews
ly310762 hydrochloride - by Bioz Stars,
92/100 stars
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Cell Signaling Technology Inc
phospho ros1 ![]() Phospho Ros1, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 94/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more ros1/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc Average 94 stars, based on 1 article reviews
phospho ros1 - by Bioz Stars,
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Santa Cruz Biotechnology
anti dkk1 ![]() Anti Dkk1, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 90/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more dkk1/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology Average 90 stars, based on 1 article reviews
anti dkk1 - by Bioz Stars,
90/100 stars
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Thermo Fisher
pri mirna mmu mir 3078 mm03307218 pri ![]() Pri Mirna Mmu Mir 3078 Mm03307218 Pri, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 85/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more mirna mmu mir 3078 mm03307218 pri/product/Thermo Fisher Average 85 stars, based on 1 article reviews
pri mirna mmu mir 3078 mm03307218 pri - by Bioz Stars,
85/100 stars
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DuPont de Nemours
hytrel 3078 ![]() Hytrel 3078, supplied by DuPont de Nemours, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more 3078/product/DuPont de Nemours Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
hytrel 3078 - by Bioz Stars,
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Image Search Results

Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Article Title: Renal Sympathetic Hyperactivity in Diabetes Is Modulated by 5-HT 1D Receptor Activation via NO Pathway
doi: 10.3390/ijms24021378
Figure Lengend Snippet: Effect of i.v. pretreatment of serotonergic receptor subtype antagonists on the 5-CT inhibitory effect of the renal sympathetic-induced vasopressor responses in diabetic rats. Effect of i.a. bolus of saline (10 µL) or 5-CT (0.4 μg/kg) in the absence or the presence of i.v. pretreatment with saline (1 mL/kg), SB 699551, or LY310762 (1 mg/kg each) on the vasopressor responses elicited by electrical stimulation of renal sympathetic nerves in diabetic rats. * p < 0.05 vs. saline i.a.; # p < 0.05 vs. 5-CT.
Article Snippet: The compounds and suppliers used in the experiments described throughout the manuscript were: sodium pentobarbital (Dolethal ® ; Vetoquinol, Madrid, Spain); heparin sodium from Rovi (Madrid, Spain); atropine sulphate (Scharlau, Barcelona, Spain); indomethacin (Acofarma, Barcelona, Spain); alloxan monohydrate, 1-PBG, BRL-54443 maleate salt, glibenclamide, NA bitartrate, and 5-HT hydrochloride (Merck Life Sciences S.L.U., Madrid, Spain); 5-CT, 8-OH-DPAT, α-methyl-5-HT, AS-19, cisapride, CGS-12066B, L-694,247,
Techniques: Saline

Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: R-Spondin 1/Dickkopf-1/Beta-Catenin Machinery Is Involved in Testicular Embryonic Angiogenesis
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124213
Figure Lengend Snippet: Left panel: Western blot analysis of DKK1 in 13.5 dpc embryonic male gonad, mesonephros, and tongue. As DKK1 western blot negative control SKOV3 cell lysates are also reported. One band, at 35 KDa molecular weight was detected. Right panel: Confocal microscopy analysis of DKK1 distribution, observed by whole mount immunofluorescence (FITC signal) in 11.5 (A), 12.5 (C and D), 13.5 (E and F), 15.5 (G and H), and 18.5 dpc (I and L) male UGRs at different magnifications. In B the corresponding bright field of 11.5 dpc male genital ridge is reported. In M the DKK1 signal in the tongue of 13.5 dpc embryos is reported as positive control. In N the corresponding bright field has been shown. gr: genital ridge; ms: mesonephros; tc: testicular cords; ts: testis.
Article Snippet: After quenching, membranes were incubated with anti-RSPO1 (1:1000 dilution, goat polyclonal, AF3474, R&D System, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA),
Techniques: Western Blot, Negative Control, Molecular Weight, Confocal Microscopy, Immunofluorescence, Positive Control

Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: R-Spondin 1/Dickkopf-1/Beta-Catenin Machinery Is Involved in Testicular Embryonic Angiogenesis
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124213
Figure Lengend Snippet: Confocal microscopy analysis of PECAM1 localization, observed by whole mount immunofluorescence in 12.5 dpc male gonads cultured for 48 hours in medium alone (A), in the presence of DKK1 at concentration of 1 μg/ml (C), 2 μg/ml (E) and 4 μg/ml (G) and in the presence of DKK1/RSPO1 at concentration of 2 and 3 μg/ml respectively (I). The corresponding TO-PRO3 staining (nuclei) are reported in B,D,F,H, and L. White arrowheads indicate the coelomic vessel. ms: mesonephros; ts: testis.
Article Snippet: After quenching, membranes were incubated with anti-RSPO1 (1:1000 dilution, goat polyclonal, AF3474, R&D System, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA),
Techniques: Confocal Microscopy, Immunofluorescence, Cell Culture, Concentration Assay, Staining

Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: R-Spondin 1/Dickkopf-1/Beta-Catenin Machinery Is Involved in Testicular Embryonic Angiogenesis
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124213
Figure Lengend Snippet: In the panel A, a graph indicating the number of pHistone H3 positive cells/μm 3 observed in testes cultured for 48 hours in medium alone (control) and in presence of 2 μg/ml DKK1 is reported. Statistical analysis, evaluated by Student's T test, was not significant. A representative merging optical section of pHistone H3 signal (FITC) and TO-PRO3 staining (nuclei) is reported in the right part of the panel. In the panel B, a graph indicating the quantitative analysis of Ki67 fluorescence intensity observed in testes cultured for 48 hours in medium alone (control) and in presence of 4 μg/ml DKK1 is reported in (I). Statistical analysis, evaluated by Student's T test, was not significant. A representative merging optical section of Ki67 signal (TRITC) and TO-PRO3 staining (nuclei) is reported in the right part of the panel. In (II) a graph indicating the number of Ki67 positive germ cells per testis is reported (Ki67/PECAM1 double positive cells inside the testicular cords). In (III) a graph indicating the number of Ki67 positive endothelial cells per testis is reported (Ki67/PECAM1 double positive cells in the interstitial compartment). A representative merging optical section of Ki67 signal (TRITC) and PECAM1 staining (FITC) is reported in the right part of the panels II e III. The white arrowhead indicates endothelial cells and the white arrow indicates germ cells. In the panel C the graph indicates the number of Caspase-3 positive cells/μm 3 observed in testes cultured for 48 hours in medium alone (control) and in presence of 4 μg/ml DKK1. Statistical analysis, evaluated by Student's T test, was not significant. In the right part of the panel a representative optical section merging Caspase-3 (TRITC) and TO-PRO3 (nuclei) staining is reported.
Article Snippet: After quenching, membranes were incubated with anti-RSPO1 (1:1000 dilution, goat polyclonal, AF3474, R&D System, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA),
Techniques: Cell Culture, Staining, Fluorescence

Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: R-Spondin 1/Dickkopf-1/Beta-Catenin Machinery Is Involved in Testicular Embryonic Angiogenesis
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0124213
Figure Lengend Snippet: Real-time PCR analysis of Pecam1 (A), Fgf9 (B), Pdgf-b (C), and Vegfa (D) in control (light gray columns) and DKK1 treated samples (dark gray columns); the number depicted above the graphs (when reported) means the fold change of transcript expression in treated samples vs. control samples. Error bars indicate s.e.m. (*P < 0.05; ** P < 0.01).
Article Snippet: After quenching, membranes were incubated with anti-RSPO1 (1:1000 dilution, goat polyclonal, AF3474, R&D System, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA),
Techniques: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Expressing

Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: IL-4/IL-13-Dependent and Independent Expression of miR-124 and Its Contribution to M2 Phenotype of Monocytic Cells in Normal Conditions and during Allergic Inflammation
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081774
Figure Lengend Snippet: Analysis of kinetics of expression of the miRNA-124 precursor transcripts pri-miRNA-124.1, pri-miRNA-124.2 and pri-miRNA-124.3 in RAW264.7 cells treated with IL-4
Article Snippet: Pri-miR124.1, pri-miR-124.2 and pri-miR-124.3 were analyzed using the
Techniques: Expressing

Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: IL-4/IL-13-Dependent and Independent Expression of miR-124 and Its Contribution to M2 Phenotype of Monocytic Cells in Normal Conditions and during Allergic Inflammation
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0081774
Figure Lengend Snippet: − ), intermediate (CD14 + CD16 + ) and non-classical (CD14 low CD16 + ) human monocytes. ( A ) Mononuclear cells were isolated from the peripheral blood of healthy individuals and stained for CD14, CD16 and CD4. The populations of CD14 ++ CD16 − , CD14 + CD16 + , and CD14 low CD16 + monocytes and CD14-CD16-CD4+ CD4 subsets were sorted by FACS and the expression of miR-124, miR-155, and miR-424 was analyzed as described in Materials and Methods . The mean MFI ± S.E. of three separate experiments with three healthy individuals is shown. Expression of miR-124 ( B ), miR-155 ( C ) and miR-424 ( D ) was analyzed in three sorted monocyte populations and compared to CD4 T cells. The level of expression of indicated miRNAs in CD4 T cells was used as a reference value.
Article Snippet: Pri-miR124.1, pri-miR-124.2 and pri-miR-124.3 were analyzed using the
Techniques: Isolation, Staining, Expressing