ehec o157 h7 edl933 strain atcc 700927 (ATCC)
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Ehec O157 H7 Edl933 Strain Atcc 700927, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more o157 h7 edl933 strain atcc 700927/product/ATCC
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
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1) Product Images from "SspA up-regulates gene expression of the LEE pathogenicity island by decreasing H-NS levels in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli"
Article Title: SspA up-regulates gene expression of the LEE pathogenicity island by decreasing H-NS levels in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli
Journal: BMC Microbiology
doi: 10.1186/1471-2180-12-231
Figure Legend Snippet: SspA positively affects LEE expression in stationary phase cells. Primer extension analyses on total RNA extracted from wild type EHEC EDL933 (lane 1), the sspA mutant (lane 2) and the sspA mutant complemented with wild type sspA (lane 3) or mutant sspA84-86 (lane 4) as indicated, grown in LB at 37°C to stationary phase (OD 600 ~ 3.0). The Labeled DNA oligos specific to the transcripts of LEE1/ler ( A and I ) , LEE2/espZ ( B ) , LEE3/mpc ( C ) , LEE4/sepL ( D ), LEE5/tir ( E ), map ( F ), grlRA ( G ) and stcE ( H ) were used. The ompA transcripts, detected with a labeled ompA -specific DNA oligo, served as internal control for the primer extension reaction. Wild type and mutant SspA were expressed from pQE sspA and pQE sspA84-86 respectively in the absence of induction at similar levels. The transcripts LEE1-5, map, grlRA, stcE and the control transcript ompA are indicated. The relative transcript levels of target genes normalized to that of ompA are indicated by the numbers in parenthesis.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Mutagenesis, Labeling
Figure Legend Snippet: Increased ler expression overcomes repression of LEE in an sspA mutant. The expressions of virulence genes in wild type EHEC EDL933 (lane 1), the sspA mutant harboring the empty vector pACYC184 (pVector) (lane 2) and pACYC ler (p ler ) expressing ler from its native promoters (lane 3) were determined by primer extension analyses using labeled DNA oligos specific to LEE1/ler ( A ) , LEE2/espZ ( B ), LEE4/sepL ( C ), grlRA ( D ) and stcE ( E ) along with the ompA- specific oligo as a control. Samples were prepared and analyzed as described in the legend of Figure . The relative transcript levels of target genes normalized to that of ompA are indicated by the numbers in parenthesis.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Mutagenesis, Plasmid Preparation, Labeling
Figure Legend Snippet: SspA negatively affects H-NS levels in EHEC. The levels of H-NS were determined in wild type (lane 1) and sspA mutant (lane 2) derivatives of EHEC EDL933 grown to stationary phase cells by western blot. Equal amounts of total protein were resolved on a 10% Bis-Tris SDS-PAGE gel and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane. Levels of H-NS and Fis were detected using polyclonal antibodies against the respective proteins. Fis served as an internal control for total protein levels. The relative amounts of H-NS normalized to that of Fis are indicated by the numbers in parenthesis.
Techniques Used: Mutagenesis, Western Blot, SDS Page
Figure Legend Snippet: SspA is upstream of H-NS in the regulatory network of virulence gene expression in EHEC. The expression of virulence genes in wild type EHEC EDL933 (lane 1), sspA (lane 2) , hns (lane 3) and hns sspA (lane 4) mutant derivatives was determined by primer extension analyses using labeled DNA oligos specific to the transcripts of LEE1/ler ( A ) , LEE2/espZ ( B ) , LEE3/mpc ( C ) , LEE4/sepL ( D ), LEE5/tir ( E ), map ( F ), grlRA ( G ) and stcE ( H ). In each reaction, the ompA transcript served as an internal control. Samples were prepared and analyzed as described in the legend of Figure . The relative transcript levels of target genes normalized to that of ompA are indicated by the numbers in parenthesis.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Mutagenesis, Labeling
Figure Legend Snippet: SspA is required for cell adherence and A/E lesion formation. HEp-2 cells were infected by wild type EHEC EDL933 ( A ) and its mutant derivatives of sspA ( B ), sspA pQE sspA ( C ), sspA pQE sspA84-86 ( D ), hns ( E ) and hns sspA ( F ). Bacterial adherence was examined by phase-contrast images (left panels) and the actin cytoskeleton of infected HEp-2 cells by fluorescent microscopic images (right panels). Representative images are shown. Black and white arrowheads indicate bacteria and A/E lesions, respectively.
Techniques Used: Infection, Mutagenesis