Journal: PLoS ONE
Article Title: TFPI1 Mediates Resistance to Doxorubicin in Breast Cancer Cells by Inducing a Hypoxic-Like Response
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084611
Figure Lengend Snippet: ( A ) Parental MCF7 cells were transfected with an empty vector construct, or a construct overexpressing TFPI1. After 24 hours, the cells were harvested and prepared for protein analyses using the antibodies shown. ( B ) Cells were transfected with a TFPI1 expressing vector or the empty vector, and left for 24 hours. Next, the cells were treated with 1 µM DOX for an additional 24 hours. MTT was performed to determine cell killing. The MTT assay was done in triplicate with the standard error of the mean indicated. ( C ) The lysates used above were used to assess levels of the proteins shown. ( D ) A schematic representation of a possible model for how DOX exposure leads to DOX resistance. Increased TFPI1 protein could be p53-dependent (see ), while elevated HIF1α protein could be through HIF1α stabilization.
Article Snippet: For TFPI1 RNA silencing, siRNA duplex solutions (fluorescein-conjugated, scrambled siRNA control and TFPI1 siRNAs) were prepared by adding 50 nM of TFPI1 siRNA to the transfection reagent LipofectamineRNAiMax (Invitrogen).
Techniques: Transfection, Plasmid Preparation, Construct, Expressing, MTT Assay