rabbit anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Rabbit Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/rabbit anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "An optimized and robust workflow for quantifying the canonical histone ubiquitination marks H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub by LC-MS/MS"
Article Title: An optimized and robust workflow for quantifying the canonical histone ubiquitination marks H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub by LC-MS/MS
Journal: bioRxiv
doi: 10.1101/2024.06.11.596744
Figure Legend Snippet: A) Sequence alignment of the C-terminal regions, beginning with the most C-terminal arginine residue, of selected variants of human histone H2A (top) and H2B (bottom). Canonical ubiquitination sites H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub are indicated. B) Schematic of spike-in experiment. Synthetic, isotope-labeled peptides were spiked into histone extracts before or after trypsin digestion and then analyzed by LC-MS/MS. *, heavy amino acid; [gg], diglycine remnant from ubiquitin; /, observed tryptic cleavage site. C) Extracted ion chromatograms of labeled synthetic peptides (blue lines) bearing H2AK118ub (bottom) or H2AK119ub (top) and their unlabeled endogenous forms (red lines) with spike-in occurring before or after digestion. The synthetic H2AK118ub and H2AK119ub peptides are distinguished by the presence of one (*) or two (**) isotopically labeled amino acids while the endogenous light forms of these sequences are isobaric (#). D) Extracted ion chromatograms of two synthetic peptides (blue lines) bearing H2BK120ub and their endogenous forms (red lines) with spike-in occurring before or after digestion.
Techniques Used: Sequencing, Residue, Labeling, Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectroscopy
Figure Legend Snippet: A, B) Mixtures containing the H2AK119ub (A) and H2BK120ub (B) synthetic peptides were subjected to trypsin digestion with or without subsequent propionylation and then analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Extracted ion chromatograms are presented below each expected product sequence for the digestion with or without propionylation. *, heavy amino acid; [gg], diglycine remnant from ubiquitin; pr, propionyl group.
Techniques Used: Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectroscopy, Sequencing
Figure Legend Snippet: A) Histone extracts were digested with or without subsequent propionylation. Extracted ion chromatograms are shown for the derivatized H2AK119ub peptide from the derivatized and underivatized conditions. The HCD IT MS/MS fragmentation spectrum is shown at right using the IPSA tool . [gg], diglycine remnant from ubiquitin; pr, propionyl group. B) As in A except for the derivatized and underivatized H2BK120ub peptide.
Techniques Used: Tandem Mass Spectroscopy
Figure Legend Snippet: A) Schematic of workflow for relative quantification of H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub by encoding samples and reference pools with either heavy (Pr-D5) or light (Pr-D0) propionic anhydride. Hypothetical mass spectra representing the precursor ion pairs of the H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub peptides (lower left) and the unmodified peptides from H2A and H2B (lower right) used for normalization are also shown. In this example, the sample appears in the light channel while the reference pool appears in the heavy channel. Based on the sample/pool ratio of the unmodified peptide, the normalized abundance of the ub-modified peptide is 0.5. B, C) Histone digests derivatized with either heavy or light propionic anhydride were combined in a 1:1 mixture and analyzed by PRM-based LC-MS/MS. Extracted ion chromatograms (left) and intact mass spectra (center) for the precursor ion pairs (light in red, heavy in blue) representing H2AK119ub (B) and H2BK120ub (C) are shown. Extracted ion chromatograms for selected fragments from the heavy and light precursors are also presented (right).
Techniques Used: Modification, Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectroscopy
Figure Legend Snippet: A) Schematic of experiment in which the H2BK120ub synthetic peptide was mixed with the total H2B synthetic peptide at two-fold serially increasing molar ratios from 0.01 to 0.32 as indicated. Oppositely labeled samples and reference pools were combined for each of the two reciprocal labeling schemes and analyzed by PRM-based LC-MS/MS. B) The theoretical log2 change in the relative level of H2BK120ub, normalized to the 0.01 molar ratio, is plotted against the log2 of the observed sample/reference pool ratio for both the H2BK120ub peptide and the total H2B peptide. The color indicates whether the sample was labeled with heavy (H, red) or light (L, blue) propionic anhydride with the reference pool receiving the opposite isotopic label. C) The theoretical log2 change in the relative level of H2BK120ub is plotted against the observed log2 of the relative change after normalization to the total H2B peptide. As in B, the color indicates the isotope used for sample labeling. The line of best fit (solid, y = 1.134x + 0.089, R 2 = 0.994) after linear regression analysis is drawn against the expected trend (dashed, y = x).
Techniques Used: Labeling, Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectroscopy
Figure Legend Snippet: A) Histone extracts from parental (two left panels) and sgRING1A/B 10T1/2 cells (two right panels) were digested and derivatized for relative quantification of H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub. Extracted ion chromatograms, in which the light channel (L, red) encodes the reference pool and the heavy channel (H, blue) encodes individual samples, are shown for the paired precursor ions for the total H2A peptide and the H2AK119ub peptide. B) Relative quantification of H2AK119ub and H2BK120ub in RING1A/B-deficient cells and in response to inhibitors, including actinomycin D, panobinostat, Ei1, mitomycin C, and etoposide. 293T cells were treated with the indicated doses of inhibitors for 24 hrs.
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anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "RNF20 is required for male fertility through regulation of H2B ubiquitination in the Sertoli cells"
Article Title: RNF20 is required for male fertility through regulation of H2B ubiquitination in the Sertoli cells
Journal: Cell & Bioscience
doi: 10.1186/s13578-023-01018-2
Figure Legend Snippet: H2BK120ub is deficient in the Sertoli cells in the Amh-Rnf20 −/− mice. a Mass spectrometry detection of the ubiquitination of the H2B at K120 with the peptide HAVSEGTK(120)AVTK in the Rnf20 Flox/Flox . The MQ software was used to analyze the data from mass spectrometry. X axis, m/z; Y axis, the intensity of ions; y, the C-terminal fragment ion (Y series). b Ubiquitinated peptide information at the position of the K120 in the Rnf20 Flox/Flox . The ubiquitination modification site was not detected in the Amh-Rnf20 −/− . c Immunofluorescent analysis of SOX9, H2BK120ub, and DMRT1 on serial paraffin-sections in the Rnf20 Flox/Flox and the Amh-Rnf20 −/− testes at 7 days after birth and adult mice. The nuclei were stained with DAPI. TRITC signals represent the localization of H2BK120ub, while FITC signals showed the localization of SOX9 or DMRT1. The white squares in the panels correspond to the enlarged panels. Sn, Sertoli cells; Sg, spermatogonia. Scale bar, 10 μm
Techniques Used: Mass Spectrometry, Software, Modification, Staining
Figure Legend Snippet: RNF20 deficiency in Sertoli cells impairs the Cldn11 transcription. a Scatterplots of differentially expressed genes. Red scatter, genes with significant up-regulated; blue scatter, genes with significant down-regulated; gray scatter, genes with no significant difference. X axis, Lg (WT FPKM) in the Rnf20 Flox/Flox ; Y axis, Lg (KO FPKM) in the Amh-Rnf20 −/− . b Gene ontology (GO) terms analysis of down-regulated genes in the Sertoli cells of the Amh-Rnf20 −/− testes. c, d Heatmaps showing the expression levels of down-regulated genes in the terms spermatogenesis ( c ) and cell adhesion ( d ) in the Sertoli cells of the Rnf20 Flox/Flox and the Amh-Rnf20 −/− . Color bar, Log 2 (FPKM). e Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of the genes Rnf20 and Cldn11 . The expression levels of the genes were related to Hprt expression. Relative levels, 2 −ΔCt ; T-tests were performed. *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01. f Western blot analysis of the expression levels of RNF20, CLDN11, and H2BK120ub proteins in adult mice. β-ACTIN was used as an internal control. g ChIP-PCR assays. The antibody specific for H2BK120ub was used in the ChIP analysis and primers were designed in the regions of promoter and exons of Cldn11 in the testes of the Rnf20 Flox/Flox and the Amh-Rnf20 −/− . The black graphs indicated the enriched levels in the Rnf20 Flox/Flox mice, while the white graphs indicated the levels in the Amh-Rnf20 −/− mice
Techniques Used: Expressing, Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Western Blot
rabbit mab against h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Rabbit Mab Against H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/rabbit mab against h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Design of genetically encoded sensors to detect nucleosome ubiquitination in live cells"
Article Title: Design of genetically encoded sensors to detect nucleosome ubiquitination in live cells
Journal: The Journal of Cell Biology
doi: 10.1083/jcb.201911130
Figure Legend Snippet: In vitro characterization of sensors binding to Ub–nucleosomes. (A–H) Histone octamers containing nonhydrolyzable Ub-histone mimics were combined with 147-mer Widom 601 DNA to reconstitute mononucleosomes, whose quality were monitored by (A) native PAGE and (C) SDS-PAGE. Similarly, tri-nucleosome arrays containing H2AK15Ub, H2AK119Ub, and H2BK120Ub were reconstituted with non-linker-ended tri-nucleosomes (NLE-tri) DNA ( ; ), digested with EcoRI, and analyzed by (B) native PAGE and (D) SDS-PAGE. (E) Alexa Fluor 488–labeled Reader1.0 (molecular weight = 14.3 kD) and IE1-tSR (pan-Ub–nucleosome sensor; molecular weight = 18.1 kD) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and detected by fluorescence or Coomassie staining as indicated. (F) IE1-tSR affinities for mono- or tri-nucleosomes containing H2AK119Ub and mononucleosomes containing H2AK129Ub were determined by measuring fluorescence changes in Alexa Fluor 488–labeled IE1-tSR upon titration with increasing concentrations of the indicated Ub–nucleosomes. Affinities of (G) Reader1.0 and (H) Reader2.1 for mono- and tri-nucleosome arrays containing H2AK15Ub, H2AK119Ub, and H2BK120Ub. Tables in G and H show the results from fitting the data with a single-site binding model. K i values were determined from half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC 50 ) using the equation.
Techniques Used: In Vitro, Binding Assay, Clear Native PAGE, SDS Page, Labeling, Molecular Weight, Fluorescence, Staining, Titration
Figure Legend Snippet: MD simulations of Ub–nucleosomes guided design of sensors for H2BK120Ub. (A) Starting structures for all-atom MD simulations of H2AK15Ub– and H2BK120Ub–nucleosomes included one H2A/H2B dimer, the surrounding DNA double helix, and Ub linked through an isopeptide bond to either H2AK15 or H2BK120. DNA is shown as a gray molecular surface; the histone octamer is dark gray, except for the H2A/H2B dimer used for simulations (H2A, light orange; H2B, pale green). Ub is shown as an orange (H2AK15Ub) or green (H2BK120Ub) surface. (B) Percentage of MD conformations accessible with the indicated anchors and UBDs after alignment to a reference nucleosome, docking, and filtering to remove steric clashes. (C) Positions of Ub residue I44 in all allowable conformers of H2AK15Ub (orange) or H2BK120Ub (green) when both the IE1 anchor and UBQ1 UBA UBD are docked. (D) For the MD conformers in C, distributions of distances between the nucleosome acidic patch (H2AE61, δ carbon) and the Ub hydrophobic patch (I44, β carbon) revealed a cluster of conformers unique to H2BK120Ub. (E) Reader2.0/2.1 were generated by connecting the IE1 anchor to a UBD (UBQ1 UBA-WT or UBQ1 UBA-A556E ) without a linker. (F) Schematic of the competition assays used to measure affinities between Reader2.0/2.1 and Ub–nucleosomes in vitro. (G) Reader2.0/2.1 binding was measured with the indicated Ub–nucleosomes; the affinities are shown in H as K i (nM) values. conf., conformations; R2.0, Reader2.0; R2.1, Reader2.1.
Techniques Used: Generated, In Vitro, Binding Assay
Figure Legend Snippet: U-2 OS cells expressing Reader2.0 and Reader2.1 at high levels showed an increase in H2BK120Ub. (A) U-2 OS cells transfected with Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP were stained with an antibody to H2BK120Ub. Cell nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar, 5 µm. (B) MFI of H2BK120Ub and Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP signals were measured using the ZEN 2.3 imaging software. Cells were clustered into three groups according to sensors’ expression levels: Reader-eGFP (-) or nontransfected controls (MFI < 1,000); Reader-eGFP low (MFI between 1,000 and 10,000); and Reader-eGFP high (MFI > 10,000). Between 30 and 63 cells were analyzed per condition. Bars show mean ± SD. Statistical analyses are as described in Materials and methods. (C–E) Correlation between H2BK120Ub levels and Reader expression levels in cells expressing the indicated sensor at high levels (MFI > 10,000). (F) MFI of Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP in cells analyzed by FRAP . (G) Nuclear mobilities of Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP and their mutant variants were assessed by FRAP (ROI-1, gray circle). Fluorescence recoveries were monitored at 0.5-s intervals, background-corrected (ROI-2, yellow square), and normalized to pre-bleach fluorescence intensities. ROI-3 (blue square) and ROI-4 (green rectangle) were used for monitoring unintentional bleaching and for image acquisition, respectively. Scale bar, 5 µm. R1.0, Reader1.0; R2.0, Reader2.0; R2.1, Reader2.1; t, time.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Transfection, Staining, Imaging, Software, Mutagenesis, Fluorescence
Figure Legend Snippet: Reader2.0 and Reader2.1 detect H2BK120Ub in the nucleus. (A) Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP and constructs mutated to eliminate interactions with Ub (Anchor), nucleosome acidic patch (UBD), or both (NB) are listed. Images show nuclear localization of the proteins expressed in U-2 OS cells. Scale bar, 5 µm. (B) FVP or C1 was used to deplete, respectively, H2BK120Ub or all histone Ub conjugation. U-2 OS cells treated with 5 µM FVP or 10 µM C1 for the indicated times were analyzed by Western blotting. (C and D) Live-cell FRAP measurements of Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP variants expressed in U-2 OS cells with or without 5 µM FVP or 10 µM C1 pretreatment for 1 h. FRAP kinetics were fit best by a single fast recovery rate for R1.0/2.1-NB and R1.0/2.1-UBD (C), or two exponential components for all other constructs (D). Note that Reader2.0/2.1 have the same anchor, which is referred to as R2.1-Anchor. (E) Fractions (%) of the fast and slow components of FRAP recoveries were determined from fits to the data in C and D; calculated recovery t 1/2 values are in . (F) Models depicting the origins of fast and slow components of the FRAP recoveries. R1.0, Reader1.0; R1.1, Reader1.1; R2.0, Reader2.0; R2.1, Reader2.1.
Techniques Used: Construct, Conjugation Assay, Western Blot
anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Design of genetically encoded sensors to detect nucleosome ubiquitination in live cells"
Article Title: Design of genetically encoded sensors to detect nucleosome ubiquitination in live cells
Journal: The Journal of Cell Biology
doi: 10.1083/jcb.201911130
Figure Legend Snippet: In vitro characterization of sensors binding to Ub–nucleosomes. (A–H) Histone octamers containing nonhydrolyzable Ub-histone mimics were combined with 147-mer Widom 601 DNA to reconstitute mononucleosomes, whose quality were monitored by (A) native PAGE and (C) SDS-PAGE. Similarly, tri-nucleosome arrays containing H2AK15Ub, H2AK119Ub, and H2BK120Ub were reconstituted with non-linker-ended tri-nucleosomes (NLE-tri) DNA ( ; ), digested with EcoRI, and analyzed by (B) native PAGE and (D) SDS-PAGE. (E) Alexa Fluor 488–labeled Reader1.0 (molecular weight = 14.3 kD) and IE1-tSR (pan-Ub–nucleosome sensor; molecular weight = 18.1 kD) were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and detected by fluorescence or Coomassie staining as indicated. (F) IE1-tSR affinities for mono- or tri-nucleosomes containing H2AK119Ub and mononucleosomes containing H2AK129Ub were determined by measuring fluorescence changes in Alexa Fluor 488–labeled IE1-tSR upon titration with increasing concentrations of the indicated Ub–nucleosomes. Affinities of (G) Reader1.0 and (H) Reader2.1 for mono- and tri-nucleosome arrays containing H2AK15Ub, H2AK119Ub, and H2BK120Ub. Tables in G and H show the results from fitting the data with a single-site binding model. K i values were determined from half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC 50 ) using the equation.
Techniques Used: In Vitro, Binding Assay, Clear Native PAGE, SDS Page, Labeling, Molecular Weight, Fluorescence, Staining, Titration
Figure Legend Snippet: MD simulations of Ub–nucleosomes guided design of sensors for H2BK120Ub. (A) Starting structures for all-atom MD simulations of H2AK15Ub– and H2BK120Ub–nucleosomes included one H2A/H2B dimer, the surrounding DNA double helix, and Ub linked through an isopeptide bond to either H2AK15 or H2BK120. DNA is shown as a gray molecular surface; the histone octamer is dark gray, except for the H2A/H2B dimer used for simulations (H2A, light orange; H2B, pale green). Ub is shown as an orange (H2AK15Ub) or green (H2BK120Ub) surface. (B) Percentage of MD conformations accessible with the indicated anchors and UBDs after alignment to a reference nucleosome, docking, and filtering to remove steric clashes. (C) Positions of Ub residue I44 in all allowable conformers of H2AK15Ub (orange) or H2BK120Ub (green) when both the IE1 anchor and UBQ1 UBA UBD are docked. (D) For the MD conformers in C, distributions of distances between the nucleosome acidic patch (H2AE61, δ carbon) and the Ub hydrophobic patch (I44, β carbon) revealed a cluster of conformers unique to H2BK120Ub. (E) Reader2.0/2.1 were generated by connecting the IE1 anchor to a UBD (UBQ1 UBA-WT or UBQ1 UBA-A556E ) without a linker. (F) Schematic of the competition assays used to measure affinities between Reader2.0/2.1 and Ub–nucleosomes in vitro. (G) Reader2.0/2.1 binding was measured with the indicated Ub–nucleosomes; the affinities are shown in H as K i (nM) values. conf., conformations; R2.0, Reader2.0; R2.1, Reader2.1.
Techniques Used: Generated, In Vitro, Binding Assay
Figure Legend Snippet: U-2 OS cells expressing Reader2.0 and Reader2.1 at high levels showed an increase in H2BK120Ub. (A) U-2 OS cells transfected with Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP were stained with an antibody to H2BK120Ub. Cell nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Scale bar, 5 µm. (B) MFI of H2BK120Ub and Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP signals were measured using the ZEN 2.3 imaging software. Cells were clustered into three groups according to sensors’ expression levels: Reader-eGFP (-) or nontransfected controls (MFI < 1,000); Reader-eGFP low (MFI between 1,000 and 10,000); and Reader-eGFP high (MFI > 10,000). Between 30 and 63 cells were analyzed per condition. Bars show mean ± SD. Statistical analyses are as described in Materials and methods. (C–E) Correlation between H2BK120Ub levels and Reader expression levels in cells expressing the indicated sensor at high levels (MFI > 10,000). (F) MFI of Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP in cells analyzed by FRAP . (G) Nuclear mobilities of Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP and their mutant variants were assessed by FRAP (ROI-1, gray circle). Fluorescence recoveries were monitored at 0.5-s intervals, background-corrected (ROI-2, yellow square), and normalized to pre-bleach fluorescence intensities. ROI-3 (blue square) and ROI-4 (green rectangle) were used for monitoring unintentional bleaching and for image acquisition, respectively. Scale bar, 5 µm. R1.0, Reader1.0; R2.0, Reader2.0; R2.1, Reader2.1; t, time.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Transfection, Staining, Imaging, Software, Mutagenesis, Fluorescence
Figure Legend Snippet: Reader2.0 and Reader2.1 detect H2BK120Ub in the nucleus. (A) Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP and constructs mutated to eliminate interactions with Ub (Anchor), nucleosome acidic patch (UBD), or both (NB) are listed. Images show nuclear localization of the proteins expressed in U-2 OS cells. Scale bar, 5 µm. (B) FVP or C1 was used to deplete, respectively, H2BK120Ub or all histone Ub conjugation. U-2 OS cells treated with 5 µM FVP or 10 µM C1 for the indicated times were analyzed by Western blotting. (C and D) Live-cell FRAP measurements of Reader1.0/2.0/2.1-eGFP variants expressed in U-2 OS cells with or without 5 µM FVP or 10 µM C1 pretreatment for 1 h. FRAP kinetics were fit best by a single fast recovery rate for R1.0/2.1-NB and R1.0/2.1-UBD (C), or two exponential components for all other constructs (D). Note that Reader2.0/2.1 have the same anchor, which is referred to as R2.1-Anchor. (E) Fractions (%) of the fast and slow components of FRAP recoveries were determined from fits to the data in C and D; calculated recovery t 1/2 values are in . (F) Models depicting the origins of fast and slow components of the FRAP recoveries. R1.0, Reader1.0; R1.1, Reader1.1; R2.0, Reader2.0; R2.1, Reader2.1.
Techniques Used: Construct, Conjugation Assay, Western Blot
rabbit anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Rabbit Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/rabbit anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
rabbit anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Rabbit Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/rabbit anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "USP11 acts as a histone deubiquitinase functioning in chromatin reorganization during DNA repair"
Article Title: USP11 acts as a histone deubiquitinase functioning in chromatin reorganization during DNA repair
Journal: Nucleic Acids Research
doi: 10.1093/nar/gkz726
Figure Legend Snippet: USP11 Acts as a Histone Deubiquitinase to Catalyze H2AK119 and H2BK120 Deubiquitination. ( A ) HeLa cells were transfected with siRNA pools against each of the 81 corresponding DUBs and followed by immunofluorescent staining with antibodies against H2BK120ub (green). DAPI staining was included to visualize the nucleus (blue). The representative images in each group are shown. Bar, 50 μm. High-content automated image-processing system was applied to determine the mean immunofluorescent intensity per cell. More than 500 cells were analyzed in each group. Error bars represent mean ± SD for triplicate experiments (* P < 0.05). ( B ) siDUBs-treated HeLa cells were exposed to X-ray-generated IR (10 Gy), collected at 8 h after irradiation and immunofluorescently stained with antibodies against 53BP1 (green). DAPI staining was included to visualize the nucleus (blue). The representative images in each group are shown. Bar, 10 μm. The number of 53BP1 IRIF per cell was counted by high content image-processing system. More than 500 cells were analyzed in each group. Error bars represent mean ± SD for triplicate experiments (* P < 0.05). Underlined DUBs in Venn diagram represent these that are previously reported to be linked to H2BK120 deubiquitination (blue) or 53BP1 IRIF (red). ( C ) Western blotting analysis of USP11 expression in multiple cell lines with antibodies against USP11. ( D ) Western blotting analysis of the level of the indicated histone marks or proteins in HeLa cells treated with control or USP11 siRNAs. ( E ) Western blotting analysis of the level of the indicated histone marks or proteins in HEK293T cells transfected with vector or FLAG-USP11 expression construct. ( F ) FLAG-tagged histone plasmids were transfected into HEK293T cells. Mononucleosomes were then purified using anti-FLAG antibody and incubated with bacterially expressed GST-USP11 followed by western blotting analysis with anti-FLAG antibody. ( G ) Western blotting analysis of the level of the indicated histone marks or proteins in HEK293T cells transfected with vector, FLAG-USP11/WT or FLAG-USP11/C318S expression construct. ( H ) In vitro deubiquitination assays with bacterially expressed GST-fused USP11 or USP11/C318S protein and calf thymus histones. Coomassie brilliant blue staining of the GST or GST-fused proteins was shown with arrows (left). The reaction was analyzed by western blotting with antibodies against the indicated histone marks or proteins (right).
Techniques Used: Transfection, Staining, Generated, Irradiation, Western Blot, Expressing, Plasmid Preparation, Construct, Purification, Incubation, In Vitro
h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
anti h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Anti H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/anti h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
h2bk120ub (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
Cell Signaling Technology Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
H2bk120ub, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
https://www.bioz.com/result/h2bk120ub/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99