Journal: Engineering Microbiology
Article Title: Impact of Paenibacillus elgii supernatant on screening bacterial strains with potential for biotechnological applications
doi: 10.1016/j.engmic.2024.100163
Figure Lengend Snippet: Peptide distribution and functional prediction in the genomes of Methylobacterium sp. K003 and Methylobacterium radiotolerans JCM 2831. (A) Total number of peptides with fewer than 100 residues and their predicted biological function in each strain (BAP). (B) Predicted biological functions of biologically active peptides (BAP) in each strain, with a focus on anti-inflammatory (AntiAngioPred), anticancer (AntiCP), and antifungal (AntiFP) activities.
Article Snippet: Genomic sequencing of Methylobacterium sp. K003 was conducted using a dual approach, which consisted of (i) short-read paired-end technology on the Illumina NextSeq 500 platform (Macrogen, South Korea) and (ii) long-read sequencing technology on the Oxford Nanopore Technologies platform (Oxford Nanopore Technologies, United Kingdom).
Techniques: Functional Assay