
primary human foreskin fibroblasts  (ATCC)

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    ATCC primary human foreskin fibroblasts
    Primary Human Foreskin Fibroblasts, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more human foreskin fibroblasts/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    primary human foreskin fibroblasts - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars


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    ATCC primary human foreskin fibroblasts
    Primary Human Foreskin Fibroblasts, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more human foreskin fibroblasts/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    primary human foreskin fibroblasts - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars
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    ATCC human foreskin fibroblasts hff
    Using keratin as a selectively expressed target for seRNA activation, keratin-negative human foreskin <t>fibroblasts</t> <t>(HFF)</t> and primary neurons, as well as keratin-positive breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (exemplarily shown for SF188) were stained. Scale bar = 50 µm. a Non-selective and selectively expressed RNA constructs with indicated domain architecture were used for expression analysis in non-target and target cells after transfer as DNA-expression plasmid ( b , c ). Flow cytometry-based eGFP positive cells were either given as a percentage of all cells ( b , c )) or as relative value +/− s.d. using transfection efficiencies of non-selectively expressed RNA constructs as reference. P -values of 0.01 based on a one-way ANOVA test are indicated by two stars ( d ). n = at least 3 independent experiments for ( b – d ). Flow-cytometry analyses of primary cortical neurons (top) and U87 glioblastoma cells (bottom) expressing non-selective and seRNA constructs. The threshold (red line) indicates 99% of all cells in an untransfected control ( e ).
    Human Foreskin Fibroblasts Hff, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more foreskin fibroblasts hff/product/ATCC
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    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    human foreskin fibroblasts hff - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars
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    Amaxa human foreskin fibroblasts
    Using keratin as a selectively expressed target for seRNA activation, keratin-negative human foreskin <t>fibroblasts</t> <t>(HFF)</t> and primary neurons, as well as keratin-positive breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (exemplarily shown for SF188) were stained. Scale bar = 50 µm. a Non-selective and selectively expressed RNA constructs with indicated domain architecture were used for expression analysis in non-target and target cells after transfer as DNA-expression plasmid ( b , c ). Flow cytometry-based eGFP positive cells were either given as a percentage of all cells ( b , c )) or as relative value +/− s.d. using transfection efficiencies of non-selectively expressed RNA constructs as reference. P -values of 0.01 based on a one-way ANOVA test are indicated by two stars ( d ). n = at least 3 independent experiments for ( b – d ). Flow-cytometry analyses of primary cortical neurons (top) and U87 glioblastoma cells (bottom) expressing non-selective and seRNA constructs. The threshold (red line) indicates 99% of all cells in an untransfected control ( e ).
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    human foreskin fibroblasts - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
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    Using keratin as a selectively expressed target for seRNA activation, keratin-negative human foreskin <t>fibroblasts</t> <t>(HFF)</t> and primary neurons, as well as keratin-positive breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (exemplarily shown for SF188) were stained. Scale bar = 50 µm. a Non-selective and selectively expressed RNA constructs with indicated domain architecture were used for expression analysis in non-target and target cells after transfer as DNA-expression plasmid ( b , c ). Flow cytometry-based eGFP positive cells were either given as a percentage of all cells ( b , c )) or as relative value +/− s.d. using transfection efficiencies of non-selectively expressed RNA constructs as reference. P -values of 0.01 based on a one-way ANOVA test are indicated by two stars ( d ). n = at least 3 independent experiments for ( b – d ). Flow-cytometry analyses of primary cortical neurons (top) and U87 glioblastoma cells (bottom) expressing non-selective and seRNA constructs. The threshold (red line) indicates 99% of all cells in an untransfected control ( e ).
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    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    human foreskin fibroblasts - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars
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    ATCC human foreskin fibroblast cell line
    Using keratin as a selectively expressed target for seRNA activation, keratin-negative human foreskin <t>fibroblasts</t> <t>(HFF)</t> and primary neurons, as well as keratin-positive breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (exemplarily shown for SF188) were stained. Scale bar = 50 µm. a Non-selective and selectively expressed RNA constructs with indicated domain architecture were used for expression analysis in non-target and target cells after transfer as DNA-expression plasmid ( b , c ). Flow cytometry-based eGFP positive cells were either given as a percentage of all cells ( b , c )) or as relative value +/− s.d. using transfection efficiencies of non-selectively expressed RNA constructs as reference. P -values of 0.01 based on a one-way ANOVA test are indicated by two stars ( d ). n = at least 3 independent experiments for ( b – d ). Flow-cytometry analyses of primary cortical neurons (top) and U87 glioblastoma cells (bottom) expressing non-selective and seRNA constructs. The threshold (red line) indicates 99% of all cells in an untransfected control ( e ).
    Human Foreskin Fibroblast Cell Line, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more foreskin fibroblast cell line/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    human foreskin fibroblast cell line - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars
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    Image Search Results

    Using keratin as a selectively expressed target for seRNA activation, keratin-negative human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) and primary neurons, as well as keratin-positive breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (exemplarily shown for SF188) were stained. Scale bar = 50 µm. a Non-selective and selectively expressed RNA constructs with indicated domain architecture were used for expression analysis in non-target and target cells after transfer as DNA-expression plasmid ( b , c ). Flow cytometry-based eGFP positive cells were either given as a percentage of all cells ( b , c )) or as relative value +/− s.d. using transfection efficiencies of non-selectively expressed RNA constructs as reference. P -values of 0.01 based on a one-way ANOVA test are indicated by two stars ( d ). n = at least 3 independent experiments for ( b – d ). Flow-cytometry analyses of primary cortical neurons (top) and U87 glioblastoma cells (bottom) expressing non-selective and seRNA constructs. The threshold (red line) indicates 99% of all cells in an untransfected control ( e ).

    Journal: Nature Communications

    Article Title: Selectively expressed RNA molecules as a versatile tool for functionalized cell targeting

    doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-55547-6

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Using keratin as a selectively expressed target for seRNA activation, keratin-negative human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) and primary neurons, as well as keratin-positive breast cancer (MCF-7) and glioblastoma cell lines (exemplarily shown for SF188) were stained. Scale bar = 50 µm. a Non-selective and selectively expressed RNA constructs with indicated domain architecture were used for expression analysis in non-target and target cells after transfer as DNA-expression plasmid ( b , c ). Flow cytometry-based eGFP positive cells were either given as a percentage of all cells ( b , c )) or as relative value +/− s.d. using transfection efficiencies of non-selectively expressed RNA constructs as reference. P -values of 0.01 based on a one-way ANOVA test are indicated by two stars ( d ). n = at least 3 independent experiments for ( b – d ). Flow-cytometry analyses of primary cortical neurons (top) and U87 glioblastoma cells (bottom) expressing non-selective and seRNA constructs. The threshold (red line) indicates 99% of all cells in an untransfected control ( e ).

    Article Snippet: Human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) ((SCRC-1041, ATCC), 86HG39 glioblastoma cells (kindly provided by IBG-1, Research Center Juelich, Germany), HeLa cells (CCL-2, ATCC) and HEK293T cells (CRL-3216, ATCC) were cultivated in DMEM Glutamax medium (Gibco) supplemented with 10% FBS (Gibco) + 1x PenStrep (Thermo Fisher).

    Techniques: Activation Assay, Staining, Construct, Expressing, Plasmid Preparation, Flow Cytometry, Transfection, Control

    seRNA Δ3-5 ( a ) and seRNA ( b ) constructs with either eGFP or ca-Caspase3 were expressed in indicated cell types. Target-specific expression of eGFP (green) and cell viability was analyzed by light microscopy and flow cytometry, given in %. For ( a ) and ( b ) n = 3 or more. c Western blot analysis of HFF and U87 cells 24 h after transfection with seRNA-ca-Caspase3. Tubulin was used as an internal marker. n = 3. d Indicated glioblastoma cell lines were transfected with seRNA-ca-Caspase3 and tested for survival after 24 h. Toxicity is indicated in phase contrast. Numbers show relative killing efficiencies based on flow cytometry corrected by cell line-specific transfection efficiencies received with seRNA Δ3-5 −eGFP. n = 10 or more independent experiments. e seRNA-HBx expression plasmids were co-transfected with control and HBx expression plasmids. Maximal killing efficiencies were determined by using a constitutive ca-Caspase3 expression plasmid. 24 h after transfection, killing efficiencies were determined. n = 4 or more independent experiments. A student’s t test based significance level of 0.001 is displayed with three stars. Only positive relative killing efficiencies are illustrated in the figure. f Switch from plasmid-based expression to IVT seRNA. Indicated in vitro transcribed seRNAs were transfected into non-target (primary neurons) and U87 glioblastoma cells and analyzed for GFP expression and cell death. As a control, an IVT GFP-mRNA was used. Absolute GFP-transfection efficiencies and killing efficiencies are indicated based on flow cytometry analysis. n = 3 independent experiments. g Stably red nuclear labeled MCF-7 breast cancer cells and cytoplasmic GFP labeled human fibroblasts (HFF) without seRNA treatment and treatment for indicated times with seRNA-ca-Caspase3. Nuclear shapes are magnified for indicated areas. All scale bars = 200 µm except for ( g ) with 50 µm. n = 3.

    Journal: Nature Communications

    Article Title: Selectively expressed RNA molecules as a versatile tool for functionalized cell targeting

    doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-55547-6

    Figure Lengend Snippet: seRNA Δ3-5 ( a ) and seRNA ( b ) constructs with either eGFP or ca-Caspase3 were expressed in indicated cell types. Target-specific expression of eGFP (green) and cell viability was analyzed by light microscopy and flow cytometry, given in %. For ( a ) and ( b ) n = 3 or more. c Western blot analysis of HFF and U87 cells 24 h after transfection with seRNA-ca-Caspase3. Tubulin was used as an internal marker. n = 3. d Indicated glioblastoma cell lines were transfected with seRNA-ca-Caspase3 and tested for survival after 24 h. Toxicity is indicated in phase contrast. Numbers show relative killing efficiencies based on flow cytometry corrected by cell line-specific transfection efficiencies received with seRNA Δ3-5 −eGFP. n = 10 or more independent experiments. e seRNA-HBx expression plasmids were co-transfected with control and HBx expression plasmids. Maximal killing efficiencies were determined by using a constitutive ca-Caspase3 expression plasmid. 24 h after transfection, killing efficiencies were determined. n = 4 or more independent experiments. A student’s t test based significance level of 0.001 is displayed with three stars. Only positive relative killing efficiencies are illustrated in the figure. f Switch from plasmid-based expression to IVT seRNA. Indicated in vitro transcribed seRNAs were transfected into non-target (primary neurons) and U87 glioblastoma cells and analyzed for GFP expression and cell death. As a control, an IVT GFP-mRNA was used. Absolute GFP-transfection efficiencies and killing efficiencies are indicated based on flow cytometry analysis. n = 3 independent experiments. g Stably red nuclear labeled MCF-7 breast cancer cells and cytoplasmic GFP labeled human fibroblasts (HFF) without seRNA treatment and treatment for indicated times with seRNA-ca-Caspase3. Nuclear shapes are magnified for indicated areas. All scale bars = 200 µm except for ( g ) with 50 µm. n = 3.

    Article Snippet: Human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF) ((SCRC-1041, ATCC), 86HG39 glioblastoma cells (kindly provided by IBG-1, Research Center Juelich, Germany), HeLa cells (CCL-2, ATCC) and HEK293T cells (CRL-3216, ATCC) were cultivated in DMEM Glutamax medium (Gibco) supplemented with 10% FBS (Gibco) + 1x PenStrep (Thermo Fisher).

    Techniques: Construct, Expressing, Light Microscopy, Flow Cytometry, Western Blot, Transfection, Marker, Control, Plasmid Preparation, In Vitro, Stable Transfection, Labeling