Journal: Science Advances
Article Title: Structure of a fungal 1,3-β-glucan synthase
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adh7820
Figure Lengend Snippet: ( A ) Structural comparison between the central catalytic region of Fks1 (green) and BcsA (Protein Data Bank ID: 5EJZ, magenta) in complex with cellulose (orange), UDP (red), and Mg 2+ (lemon) by aligning their respective TMs. The cyan and red rhomboids mark the positions for cut-in views shown in (C) and (D). ( B ) A close-up view of the cytosolic region in (A). Substrates in cyan are modeled onto Fks1’s active site basing on structural alignment of GT domains of Fks1 and BcsA in . Movements of the GT domain and substrates are highlighted by yellow and red arrows, respectively. The glucan shifts downward by ~3 Å. ( C and D ) Cut-in views from the cytosolic side of the superposition of Fks1 and BcsA in (A). TM8 and IF1 of Fks1 form part of the putative glucan transport path. Movements of the TM8 and IF1 are highlighted by red and yellow arrows, respectively. Compared with BcsA, TM8 of Fks1 is shifted inward by ~9 Å and occupy the glucan transporting path, resulting in a closed channel. Corresponding sequences of IF2 and IF3 and gating loop are disordered in Fks1. ( E ) Mapping of the echinocandins resistance mutant hotspots (HS1 to HS3) onto the structure of Fks1. ( F ) Growth complementation of fks1 Δ cells with empty plasmid ( fks1 Δ) or plasmid carrying either WT Fks1 (FKS1) or mutants (S643P and S643Y in HS2). Cells were serially diluted, spotted onto SD-His plates and SD-His plates with FK506 (0.1 μg/ml), and incubated at 30°C for 2 days.
Article Snippet: During preparation of this manuscript, another group reported the cryo-EM structures of S. cerevisiae FKS1 and the echinocandin-resistant mutant FKS1 (S643P) (fig. S12) ( ).
Techniques: Comparison, Mutagenesis, Plasmid Preparation, Incubation