Journal: Micromachines
Article Title: PET-PZT Dielectric Polarization: Electricity Harvested from Photon Energy
doi: 10.3390/mi15121505
Figure Lengend Snippet: ( A ). Oscilloscope data for the PET-PZT and PET brass disc electrode voltage response to the UV 405 nm light irradiation during the on and off periods. The PET-PZT data are shown in yellow, and the PET brass disc electrode data are shown in violet. The red and blue horizontal lines on the figure depict the UV 405 nm light illumination time periods (on and off). ( B ). The brass disc response to the UV 405 nm light heating on, temperature rising and light off due to air convection cooling, and temperature decreasing.
Article Snippet: The brass disc electrode response to the UV 405 nm light conditions of “on” for heating and “off” for air convection cooling vs. time was measured with a type K thermocouple, a product of Fisher Scientific.
Techniques: Irradiation, Convection