c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells  (ATCC)

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    ATCC c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells
    Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant <t>C2C12</t> and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.
    C2c12 Atcccrl 1772 Mouse Muscle Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 99/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells/product/ATCC
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    c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    1) Product Images from "Antihyperglycemic Activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Insulin-Resistant Cells and a Nutritional Model of Diabetic Mice"

    Article Title: Antihyperglycemic Activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Insulin-Resistant Cells and a Nutritional Model of Diabetic Mice

    Journal: Advances in Pharmacological Sciences

    doi: 10.1155/2015/418673

    Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant C2C12 and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant C2C12 and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.

    Techniques Used: Cell Culture, Positive Control, Concentration Assay

    Effect of the fraction 2-4-25 enriched in compound 1 on glucose uptake in C2C12 cells. (a) Thin-layer chromatography. Fraction F2-4 was separated again on a silica gel column. Subfraction 22 shows a large amount of triterpenes; pure compound 1 obtained from subfractions 25 and 26 after TLC. (b) 2-4-25 fraction rich in compound 1 increases glucose uptake. n = 3. ∗ p < 0.05 versus control, Student t -test. (c) Structure of compound 1 : 3 β -hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 β -olide.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Effect of the fraction 2-4-25 enriched in compound 1 on glucose uptake in C2C12 cells. (a) Thin-layer chromatography. Fraction F2-4 was separated again on a silica gel column. Subfraction 22 shows a large amount of triterpenes; pure compound 1 obtained from subfractions 25 and 26 after TLC. (b) 2-4-25 fraction rich in compound 1 increases glucose uptake. n = 3. ∗ p < 0.05 versus control, Student t -test. (c) Structure of compound 1 : 3 β -hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 β -olide.

    Techniques Used: Thin Layer Chromatography

    promonocytic u937 atcccrl 1593 cell lines  (ATCC)

    Bioz Verified Symbol ATCC is a verified supplier
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    ATCC promonocytic u937 atcccrl 1593 cell lines
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Promonocytic U937 Atcccrl 1593 Cell Lines, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/promonocytic u937 atcccrl 1593 cell lines/product/ATCC
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    1) Product Images from "Janus kinase inhibitors modify the fatty acid profile of extracellular vesicles and modulate the immune response"

    Article Title: Janus kinase inhibitors modify the fatty acid profile of extracellular vesicles and modulate the immune response

    Journal: Heliyon

    doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24710

    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and U937 cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and U937 cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.

    Techniques Used: Derivative Assay, Isolation, Cell Culture, Staining

    Peripheral blood leukocytes internalize extracellular vesicles derived from lymphoid and monocytic cell lines. Whole blood samples (187.500 cells approximately) from healthy volunteers were stained with CD45-PeCy7 and incubated with different concentrations of CFSE-labeled EVs released from Jurkat and U937 cells exposed to 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib o 25 μM itacitinib for 24 h. Leukocyte (CD45 + cells) were further discriminated by granularity (SSC–H) to calculate the percentage of CFSE-EV + -neutrophils, -lymphocytes, and -monocytes after quenching the CFSE fluorescence on the cell surface with trypan blue. A. Representative dot plots of DMSO-U-EVs and ITA-U-EVs uptake by neutrophils. Internalization of J-EVs (B, C) and U-EVs (D, E) by neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes following exposure to baricitinib (B, D) or itacitinib (C, D). Wilcoxon text for paired groups; n = 3 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, U: U937. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
    Figure Legend Snippet: Peripheral blood leukocytes internalize extracellular vesicles derived from lymphoid and monocytic cell lines. Whole blood samples (187.500 cells approximately) from healthy volunteers were stained with CD45-PeCy7 and incubated with different concentrations of CFSE-labeled EVs released from Jurkat and U937 cells exposed to 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib o 25 μM itacitinib for 24 h. Leukocyte (CD45 + cells) were further discriminated by granularity (SSC–H) to calculate the percentage of CFSE-EV + -neutrophils, -lymphocytes, and -monocytes after quenching the CFSE fluorescence on the cell surface with trypan blue. A. Representative dot plots of DMSO-U-EVs and ITA-U-EVs uptake by neutrophils. Internalization of J-EVs (B, C) and U-EVs (D, E) by neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes following exposure to baricitinib (B, D) or itacitinib (C, D). Wilcoxon text for paired groups; n = 3 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, U: U937. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

    Techniques Used: Derivative Assay, Staining, Incubation, Labeling, Fluorescence

    Effect of extracellular vesicles derived from lymphocytes and monocytes treated with jakinibs on platelet aggregation . Platelet rich plasma samples were exposed to A . J-EVs, B. L-EVs, C. M-EVs and D. U-EVs released in the presence of 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib, and 25 μM itacitinib (100 cells: 1250 EVs). After 8 m, percentages of light transmission were measured. Lines represent median ± IQR. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; Kruskal Wallis and post-hoc Dunn's tests; n = 5 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, L: Lymphocytes, M: Monocytes, U: U937.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Effect of extracellular vesicles derived from lymphocytes and monocytes treated with jakinibs on platelet aggregation . Platelet rich plasma samples were exposed to A . J-EVs, B. L-EVs, C. M-EVs and D. U-EVs released in the presence of 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib, and 25 μM itacitinib (100 cells: 1250 EVs). After 8 m, percentages of light transmission were measured. Lines represent median ± IQR. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; Kruskal Wallis and post-hoc Dunn's tests; n = 5 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, L: Lymphocytes, M: Monocytes, U: U937.

    Techniques Used: Derivative Assay, Transmission Assay

    vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells  (ATCC)

    Bioz Verified Symbol ATCC is a verified supplier
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    ATCC vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells  (Thermo Fisher)

    Bioz Verified Symbol Thermo Fisher is a verified supplier
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    Thermo Fisher vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Atlanta Biologicals vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by Atlanta Biologicals, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells  (ATCC)

    Bioz Verified Symbol ATCC is a verified supplier
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    ATCC vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells/product/ATCC
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    htr8 svneo atcccrl 3271 cells  (Thermo Fisher)

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    Thermo Fisher htr8 svneo atcccrl 3271 cells
    Htr8 Svneo Atcccrl 3271 Cells, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    nih 3t3 atcccrl 1658 fibroblasts  (Thermo Fisher)

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    Thermo Fisher nih 3t3 atcccrl 1658 fibroblasts
    Nih 3t3 Atcccrl 1658 Fibroblasts, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    atcccrl 1973  (ATCC)

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    ATCC atcccrl 1973
    Atcccrl 1973, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    african green monkey kidney epithelial vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells  (ATCC)

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    ATCC african green monkey kidney epithelial vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    African Green Monkey Kidney Epithelial Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells  (ATCC)

    Bioz Verified Symbol ATCC is a verified supplier
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    ATCC c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells
    Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant <t>C2C12</t> and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.
    C2c12 Atcccrl 1772 Mouse Muscle Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 99/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells/product/ATCC
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    c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    1) Product Images from "Antihyperglycemic Activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Insulin-Resistant Cells and a Nutritional Model of Diabetic Mice"

    Article Title: Antihyperglycemic Activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Insulin-Resistant Cells and a Nutritional Model of Diabetic Mice

    Journal: Advances in Pharmacological Sciences

    doi: 10.1155/2015/418673

    Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant C2C12 and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant C2C12 and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.

    Techniques Used: Cell Culture, Positive Control, Concentration Assay

    Effect of the fraction 2-4-25 enriched in compound 1 on glucose uptake in C2C12 cells. (a) Thin-layer chromatography. Fraction F2-4 was separated again on a silica gel column. Subfraction 22 shows a large amount of triterpenes; pure compound 1 obtained from subfractions 25 and 26 after TLC. (b) 2-4-25 fraction rich in compound 1 increases glucose uptake. n = 3. ∗ p < 0.05 versus control, Student t -test. (c) Structure of compound 1 : 3 β -hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 β -olide.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Effect of the fraction 2-4-25 enriched in compound 1 on glucose uptake in C2C12 cells. (a) Thin-layer chromatography. Fraction F2-4 was separated again on a silica gel column. Subfraction 22 shows a large amount of triterpenes; pure compound 1 obtained from subfractions 25 and 26 after TLC. (b) 2-4-25 fraction rich in compound 1 increases glucose uptake. n = 3. ∗ p < 0.05 versus control, Student t -test. (c) Structure of compound 1 : 3 β -hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 β -olide.

    Techniques Used: Thin Layer Chromatography

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    ATCC c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells
    Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant <t>C2C12</t> and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.
    C2c12 Atcccrl 1772 Mouse Muscle Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 99/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/c2c12 atcccrl 1772 mouse muscle cells/product/ATCC
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    ATCC promonocytic u937 atcccrl 1593 cell lines
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Promonocytic U937 Atcccrl 1593 Cell Lines, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/promonocytic u937 atcccrl 1593 cell lines/product/ATCC
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    promonocytic u937 atcccrl 1593 cell lines - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    ATCC vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells/product/ATCC
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    vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Thermo Fisher vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells/product/Thermo Fisher
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    Atlanta Biologicals vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by Atlanta Biologicals, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells/product/Atlanta Biologicals
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    Thermo Fisher htr8 svneo atcccrl 3271 cells
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Htr8 Svneo Atcccrl 3271 Cells, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/htr8 svneo atcccrl 3271 cells/product/Thermo Fisher
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    htr8 svneo atcccrl 3271 cells - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars
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    Thermo Fisher nih 3t3 atcccrl 1658 fibroblasts
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Nih 3t3 Atcccrl 1658 Fibroblasts, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/nih 3t3 atcccrl 1658 fibroblasts/product/Thermo Fisher
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    nih 3t3 atcccrl 1658 fibroblasts - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    ATCC atcccrl 1973
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    Atcccrl 1973, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/atcccrl 1973/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    atcccrl 1973 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    ATCC african green monkey kidney epithelial vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells
    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and <t>U937</t> cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.
    African Green Monkey Kidney Epithelial Vero E6 Atcccrl 1586 Cells, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/african green monkey kidney epithelial vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    african green monkey kidney epithelial vero e6 atcccrl 1586 cells - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Image Search Results

    Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant C2C12 and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.

    Journal: Advances in Pharmacological Sciences

    Article Title: Antihyperglycemic Activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Insulin-Resistant Cells and a Nutritional Model of Diabetic Mice

    doi: 10.1155/2015/418673

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Effect of raw extract and fractions from E. tereticornis on insulin-resistant C2C12 and HepG2 cells. Glucose uptake in insulin-resistant C2C12 cells (a) and glucose production in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells (b). Cells were treated with different concentrations of the fractions or raw extract and glucose was measured in cultured supernatant after 4 h of treatment by the glucose oxidase technique. Eu, crude methanol extract; Ins (100 nM insulin); Control R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes as controls; Ins 100 R, insulin-resistant C2C12 myotubes treated with 100 nM insulin; Metf, metformin 1 mM positive control. Bar values correspond to the arithmetic mean of glucose concentration for each treatment/control glucose concentration, n = 6 (C2C12) and n = 3 (HepG2). ∗ Ins 100 nM versus control. ∗ Treatment versus control R. p < 0.05, Student t -test. Error bars represent SEM.

    Article Snippet: The C2C12 (ATCCCRL-1772) mouse muscle cells and HepG2 (ATCC HB-8065) human liver carcinoma cells were purchased from ATCC (Manassas, VA, USA).

    Techniques: Cell Culture, Positive Control, Concentration Assay

    Effect of the fraction 2-4-25 enriched in compound 1 on glucose uptake in C2C12 cells. (a) Thin-layer chromatography. Fraction F2-4 was separated again on a silica gel column. Subfraction 22 shows a large amount of triterpenes; pure compound 1 obtained from subfractions 25 and 26 after TLC. (b) 2-4-25 fraction rich in compound 1 increases glucose uptake. n = 3. ∗ p < 0.05 versus control, Student t -test. (c) Structure of compound 1 : 3 β -hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 β -olide.

    Journal: Advances in Pharmacological Sciences

    Article Title: Antihyperglycemic Activity of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Insulin-Resistant Cells and a Nutritional Model of Diabetic Mice

    doi: 10.1155/2015/418673

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Effect of the fraction 2-4-25 enriched in compound 1 on glucose uptake in C2C12 cells. (a) Thin-layer chromatography. Fraction F2-4 was separated again on a silica gel column. Subfraction 22 shows a large amount of triterpenes; pure compound 1 obtained from subfractions 25 and 26 after TLC. (b) 2-4-25 fraction rich in compound 1 increases glucose uptake. n = 3. ∗ p < 0.05 versus control, Student t -test. (c) Structure of compound 1 : 3 β -hydroxy-urs-11-en-28,13 β -olide.

    Article Snippet: The C2C12 (ATCCCRL-1772) mouse muscle cells and HepG2 (ATCC HB-8065) human liver carcinoma cells were purchased from ATCC (Manassas, VA, USA).

    Techniques: Thin Layer Chromatography

    Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and U937 cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.

    Journal: Heliyon

    Article Title: Janus kinase inhibitors modify the fatty acid profile of extracellular vesicles and modulate the immune response

    doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24710

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Size of extracellular vesicles derived from Jurkat and U937 cells treated with jakinibs . Extracellular vesicles were isolated from Jurkat (A) and U937 (B) cells cultured in the presence of 200 nM baricitinib (BARI), 25 μM itacitinib (ITA), or 0.5 % DMSO (vehicle control) for 24 h. The absolute sizes of EVs were determined by dynamic light scattering. C . EVs were negatively stained and analyzed under TEM. Images captured by UltraScan ®1000XP camera. Particle diameters are shown; n = 1 independent experiment.

    Article Snippet: Extracellular vesicles were isolated from sorted lymphocytes, sorted monocytes, as well as from lymphoblastoid Jurkat (ATCC TIB-152) and promonocytic U937 (ATCCCRL-1593) cell lines exposed to jakinibs as follows.

    Techniques: Derivative Assay, Isolation, Cell Culture, Staining

    Peripheral blood leukocytes internalize extracellular vesicles derived from lymphoid and monocytic cell lines. Whole blood samples (187.500 cells approximately) from healthy volunteers were stained with CD45-PeCy7 and incubated with different concentrations of CFSE-labeled EVs released from Jurkat and U937 cells exposed to 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib o 25 μM itacitinib for 24 h. Leukocyte (CD45 + cells) were further discriminated by granularity (SSC–H) to calculate the percentage of CFSE-EV + -neutrophils, -lymphocytes, and -monocytes after quenching the CFSE fluorescence on the cell surface with trypan blue. A. Representative dot plots of DMSO-U-EVs and ITA-U-EVs uptake by neutrophils. Internalization of J-EVs (B, C) and U-EVs (D, E) by neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes following exposure to baricitinib (B, D) or itacitinib (C, D). Wilcoxon text for paired groups; n = 3 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, U: U937. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

    Journal: Heliyon

    Article Title: Janus kinase inhibitors modify the fatty acid profile of extracellular vesicles and modulate the immune response

    doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24710

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Peripheral blood leukocytes internalize extracellular vesicles derived from lymphoid and monocytic cell lines. Whole blood samples (187.500 cells approximately) from healthy volunteers were stained with CD45-PeCy7 and incubated with different concentrations of CFSE-labeled EVs released from Jurkat and U937 cells exposed to 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib o 25 μM itacitinib for 24 h. Leukocyte (CD45 + cells) were further discriminated by granularity (SSC–H) to calculate the percentage of CFSE-EV + -neutrophils, -lymphocytes, and -monocytes after quenching the CFSE fluorescence on the cell surface with trypan blue. A. Representative dot plots of DMSO-U-EVs and ITA-U-EVs uptake by neutrophils. Internalization of J-EVs (B, C) and U-EVs (D, E) by neutrophils, lymphocytes, and monocytes following exposure to baricitinib (B, D) or itacitinib (C, D). Wilcoxon text for paired groups; n = 3 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, U: U937. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

    Article Snippet: Extracellular vesicles were isolated from sorted lymphocytes, sorted monocytes, as well as from lymphoblastoid Jurkat (ATCC TIB-152) and promonocytic U937 (ATCCCRL-1593) cell lines exposed to jakinibs as follows.

    Techniques: Derivative Assay, Staining, Incubation, Labeling, Fluorescence

    Effect of extracellular vesicles derived from lymphocytes and monocytes treated with jakinibs on platelet aggregation . Platelet rich plasma samples were exposed to A . J-EVs, B. L-EVs, C. M-EVs and D. U-EVs released in the presence of 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib, and 25 μM itacitinib (100 cells: 1250 EVs). After 8 m, percentages of light transmission were measured. Lines represent median ± IQR. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; Kruskal Wallis and post-hoc Dunn's tests; n = 5 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, L: Lymphocytes, M: Monocytes, U: U937.

    Journal: Heliyon

    Article Title: Janus kinase inhibitors modify the fatty acid profile of extracellular vesicles and modulate the immune response

    doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e24710

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Effect of extracellular vesicles derived from lymphocytes and monocytes treated with jakinibs on platelet aggregation . Platelet rich plasma samples were exposed to A . J-EVs, B. L-EVs, C. M-EVs and D. U-EVs released in the presence of 0.5 % DMSO, 200 nM bariticinib, and 25 μM itacitinib (100 cells: 1250 EVs). After 8 m, percentages of light transmission were measured. Lines represent median ± IQR. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; Kruskal Wallis and post-hoc Dunn's tests; n = 5 independent experiments. J: Jurkat, L: Lymphocytes, M: Monocytes, U: U937.

    Article Snippet: Extracellular vesicles were isolated from sorted lymphocytes, sorted monocytes, as well as from lymphoblastoid Jurkat (ATCC TIB-152) and promonocytic U937 (ATCCCRL-1593) cell lines exposed to jakinibs as follows.

    Techniques: Derivative Assay, Transmission Assay