
aer 28  (ATCC)

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    ATCC aer 28
    Aeromonas reference strains used in this study
    Aer 28, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more 28/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    aer 28 - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Diverse Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Patterns of the PCR-Amplified 16S rRNA Genes in Aeromonas veronii Strains and Possible Misidentification of Aeromonas Species"

    Article Title: Diverse Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Patterns of the PCR-Amplified 16S rRNA Genes in Aeromonas veronii Strains and Possible Misidentification of Aeromonas Species



    Figure Legend Snippet: Aeromonas reference strains used in this study

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    aer 28  (ATCC)
    ATCC aer 28
    Aeromonas reference strains used in this study
    Aer 28, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more 28/product/ATCC
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    aer 28 - by Bioz Stars, 2025-01
    86/100 stars
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    Image Search Results

    Phototaxis in E. coli. (A) Schematic of the chemotaxis network. Five types of chemoreceptors (Tar, Tsr, Aer, Trg, and Tap), sensitive to different extracellular and intracellular cues, modulate the activity of the kinase CheA, which phosphorylates the signaling molecule CheY. Phosphorylated CheY binds to flagellar motors, causing them to switch to CW rotation. Chemotactic adaptation is mediated by the methyltransferase CheR and the methylesterase CheB. Methylation of receptor sites (black circles) by CheR increases kinase activity. CheB, when phosphorylated by active CheA, demethylates receptors (white circles) and decreases kinase activity. (B) Experimental and data analysis framework for studying phototaxis in E. coli. An inverted light microscope with a 20× objective (O) and a wide-range halogen (HAL) lamp (yellow light path) images swimming cells, and a blue LED (blue light path) stimulates cells. Movies of swimming bacteria are captured by a CCD camera. Bacteria are detected in each movie frame and their coordinates are linked into trajectories, which are filtered and analyzed to assign runs and tumbles. (C, left and center) Response of the wild-type strain RP437 (schematic indicates that all receptor types are present) to a turn on and turn off of blue light with an intensity of 551 ± 55 mW/cm2. Light exposure is indicated by shading and by the light intensity profiles above the plots. Each point on the time trace is the average of the tumble biases of ∼6,000 to 7,000 trajectories. The shading around the time trace represents the standard error of the mean tumble bias. (C, right) Amplitude of the responses to turn on (top) and turn off (bottom) as a function of light intensity.

    Journal: Journal of Bacteriology

    Article Title: Blue Light Is a Universal Signal for Escherichia coli Chemoreceptors

    doi: 10.1128/JB.00762-18

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Phototaxis in E. coli. (A) Schematic of the chemotaxis network. Five types of chemoreceptors (Tar, Tsr, Aer, Trg, and Tap), sensitive to different extracellular and intracellular cues, modulate the activity of the kinase CheA, which phosphorylates the signaling molecule CheY. Phosphorylated CheY binds to flagellar motors, causing them to switch to CW rotation. Chemotactic adaptation is mediated by the methyltransferase CheR and the methylesterase CheB. Methylation of receptor sites (black circles) by CheR increases kinase activity. CheB, when phosphorylated by active CheA, demethylates receptors (white circles) and decreases kinase activity. (B) Experimental and data analysis framework for studying phototaxis in E. coli. An inverted light microscope with a 20× objective (O) and a wide-range halogen (HAL) lamp (yellow light path) images swimming cells, and a blue LED (blue light path) stimulates cells. Movies of swimming bacteria are captured by a CCD camera. Bacteria are detected in each movie frame and their coordinates are linked into trajectories, which are filtered and analyzed to assign runs and tumbles. (C, left and center) Response of the wild-type strain RP437 (schematic indicates that all receptor types are present) to a turn on and turn off of blue light with an intensity of 551 ± 55 mW/cm2. Light exposure is indicated by shading and by the light intensity profiles above the plots. Each point on the time trace is the average of the tumble biases of ∼6,000 to 7,000 trajectories. The shading around the time trace represents the standard error of the mean tumble bias. (C, right) Amplitude of the responses to turn on (top) and turn off (bottom) as a function of light intensity.

    Article Snippet: Synthesis and subcloning were performed by GenScript. table ft1 table-wrap mode="anchored" t5 TABLE 2 caption a7 Plasmid Genotype a Comments Reference or source pSB20 Aer Amp r IPTG-inducible wild-type Aer 7 pPA705 Trg Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Trg 28 pKG117 Aer Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Aer 7 pTP1 Tap Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Tap This work pMS164 CheYD13K Cm r IPTG-inducible CheYD13K 52 Open in a separate window a Amp r , ampicillin resistance; Cm r , chloramphenicol resistance.

    Techniques: Chemotaxis Assay, Activity Assay, Methylation, Light Microscopy

    Effects of receptor composition on the blue light responses in multireceptor strains. (A) Tumble bias traces for ΔTsr ΔTrg (red), and ΔTsr ΔTrg ΔTap (green) strains. (B) Tumble bias traces for ΔTrg (dark blue) and ΔAer (cyan) strains. Schematics show responses observed for individual receptors present in these multireceptor strains. All responses were measured at a blue light intensity of 551 ± 55 mW/cm2, as indicated by the light intensity profile. Approximately 900 to 4,000 trajectories were used to calculate the average tumble bias at each time point. (C) Pie chart of the relative abundances of different receptor types in the wild-type strain, based on data from reference 21.

    Journal: Journal of Bacteriology

    Article Title: Blue Light Is a Universal Signal for Escherichia coli Chemoreceptors

    doi: 10.1128/JB.00762-18

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Effects of receptor composition on the blue light responses in multireceptor strains. (A) Tumble bias traces for ΔTsr ΔTrg (red), and ΔTsr ΔTrg ΔTap (green) strains. (B) Tumble bias traces for ΔTrg (dark blue) and ΔAer (cyan) strains. Schematics show responses observed for individual receptors present in these multireceptor strains. All responses were measured at a blue light intensity of 551 ± 55 mW/cm2, as indicated by the light intensity profile. Approximately 900 to 4,000 trajectories were used to calculate the average tumble bias at each time point. (C) Pie chart of the relative abundances of different receptor types in the wild-type strain, based on data from reference 21.

    Article Snippet: Synthesis and subcloning were performed by GenScript. table ft1 table-wrap mode="anchored" t5 TABLE 2 caption a7 Plasmid Genotype a Comments Reference or source pSB20 Aer Amp r IPTG-inducible wild-type Aer 7 pPA705 Trg Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Trg 28 pKG117 Aer Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Aer 7 pTP1 Tap Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Tap This work pMS164 CheYD13K Cm r IPTG-inducible CheYD13K 52 Open in a separate window a Amp r , ampicillin resistance; Cm r , chloramphenicol resistance.


    Plasmids used in this work

    Journal: Journal of Bacteriology

    Article Title: Blue Light Is a Universal Signal for Escherichia coli Chemoreceptors

    doi: 10.1128/JB.00762-18

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Plasmids used in this work

    Article Snippet: Synthesis and subcloning were performed by GenScript. table ft1 table-wrap mode="anchored" t5 TABLE 2 caption a7 Plasmid Genotype a Comments Reference or source pSB20 Aer Amp r IPTG-inducible wild-type Aer 7 pPA705 Trg Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Trg 28 pKG117 Aer Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Aer 7 pTP1 Tap Cm r NaSal-inducible wild-type Tap This work pMS164 CheYD13K Cm r IPTG-inducible CheYD13K 52 Open in a separate window a Amp r , ampicillin resistance; Cm r , chloramphenicol resistance.



    Article Title: Diverse Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism Patterns of the PCR-Amplified 16S rRNA Genes in Aeromonas veronii Strains and Possible Misidentification of Aeromonas Species


    Figure Lengend Snippet: Aeromonas reference strains used in this study

    Article Snippet: The Aeromonas strains were grown on sheep blood agar at 30°C ( 11 ). table ft1 table-wrap mode="anchored" t5 TABLE 1 caption a7 Species Strain a A. hydrophila A 82, A 162, AER 4, AER 19, ATCC 7966 T A. bestiarum A 307, A 310, ATCC 14715, NCMB 1134 A. salmonicida A 8, A 14, A 63, A 99, A 132, CDC0434-84 A. caviae A 12, A 26, AER 5, AER 51, ATCC 15468 T A. media A 6, A 81, A 117, A 225, A 284, A 912, CDC0862-83 (5a), CDC0435-84 (5b) A. eucrenophila A 1651, A 1653, ATCC 23309 T A. sobria A 915, CIP 7433 T A. veronii biovar sobria A 64, A 132, A 155, A 916, AER 28, AER 39, CDC0437-84, LMG 13694 (A 27), LMG 13695 (A 28) A. jandaei A 950, AER 14, ATCC 49568 T , NMR1-6 A. veronii biovar veronii AER 397, ATCC 35624 T , LMG 16334 (ATCC 35625) A. encheleia ATCC 35941, ATCC 43946, LMG 13076, LMG 16328, LMG 16329, LMG 16330 T A. schubertii ATCC 43700 T , LMG 12655, LMG 12668 A. trota AER 66, AER 370, ATCC 49657 T A. allosaccharophila LMG 14021, LMG 14059 T Open in a separate window a Strains were identified by DNA-DNA hybridization by other investigators.
