Journal: Communications Biology
Article Title: The structural and functional analysis of mycobacteria cysteine desulfurase-loaded encapsulin
doi: 10.1038/s42003-024-07299-8
Figure Lengend Snippet: a The cryo-EM map of holo-Mmp1. The 5, 3, and 2-fold axis are identified by the red pentagon, triangle and oval, respectively. b The cargo densities (gold) within the holo-Mmp1 cavity with the threshold 0.1. c Apo-Mmp1 icosahedral shell ( T = 1) formed from 60 protomers (purple). d The cymbals-like structures from the decameric assembly (red). e The superimposed structures of Mmp1 protomers from the large and small assemblies, with the same coloring scheme as in ( b , c ). f The superimposed structures of the protomers from M. smegmatis Ms CFP-29 ( T = 1), Ms Mmp1 ( T = 1) and M. xanthus Mx EncA ( T = 3). M. smegmatis Ms CFP-29 (PDB 7BOJ), the Ms Mmp1 and M. xanthus Mx EncA (PDB 4PT2) are shown in pink, purple and orange, respectively. g Arrangement of the neighboring protomers as viewed from the 2-fold axis. The interactions networks involved in the 2-fold symmetric interfaces are highlighted in pink, purple and orange, respectively. The CFP-29 forms E-loop interactions networks whereas the Mmp1 ( T = 1) and EncA ( T = 3) does not form connections between E-loops. Mmp1 ( T = 1) uses a chainmail-like topology.
Article Snippet: The genes were amplified from the genomic DNA of M. smegmatis mc 2 155 (ATCC 700084) and inserted in the frame between ATG start codon and SalI site of the shuttle vector pMV-261 with C-terminal Flag tag fusions to Enc-CD (pMV-261-Enc-CD) or N-terminal Flag tag fusions to Mmp1 (pMV-261-Mmp1-Enc-CD, pMV-261-Mmp1, pMV-261-Mmp1-1-21-CTD, pMV-261-Mmp1-35-55-CTD, pMV-261-Mmp1-107-121-CTD, pMV-261-Mmp1-1-50-CTD, pMV-261-Mmp1-51-155-CTD, and pMV-261-Mmp1-∆1-155-CTD).
Techniques: Cryo-EM Sample Prep