Journal: Autophagy
Article Title: Ubiquitination of ERMES components by the E3 ligase Rsp5 is involved in mitophagy
doi: 10.1080/15548627.2016.1252889
Figure Lengend Snippet: Mutation of the PY motif of MDM34 affects mitophagy but not nonselective bulk autophagy. (A and B). The MDM34-MYC OM45-GFP and mdm34[3PA]-MYC OM45-GFP strains were grown to early exponential growth phase in YNB with glycerol as the carbon source and supplemented with the appropriate amino acids. After one d in glycerol-containing medium, the cultures were split in 2: one half of the culture was left untreated for 3 d (A left part) and the other was washed 3 times with water and resuspended in SD-N medium and incubated for 2, 4 and 6 h (A, right panel and B). Protein extracts from atg1Δ, pep4Δ and a wild-type (WT) strain cultured to exponential growth phase in YPG were also prepared (B). Total protein extracts were prepared and analyzed by western immunobloting with antibodies against GFP (to detect full-length OM45-GFP and free GFP), MYC, Ape1 and Pgk1, as a loading control. MDM34-MYC and mdm34[3PA]-MYC strains, transformed with p GFP-ATG8 , were grown as in (B) and protein extracts were analyzed by western immunoblotting with anti-GFP and anti-Pgk1 antibodies. The percentage of Free GFP corresponds to the ratio free GFP: (free GFP + Om45-GFP) (A) or free GFP: (free GFP + GFP-Atg8) (C). The percentage of prApe1 corresponds to the ratio prApe1: prApe1+Ape1. *, nonspecific band.
Article Snippet: 504 , pGFP-ATG8 (416)/GFP-AUT7 (416) , GFP-ATG8, URA3 , CEN , Adgene/ .
Techniques: Mutagenesis, Incubation, Cell Culture, Western Blot, Transformation Assay