Journal: Pathogens
Article Title: Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci Clones Are Widely Distributed in the Hospital and Community
doi: 10.3390/pathogens10070792
Figure Lengend Snippet: Dendrogram generated by Dice/UPGMA analysis ( Bionumerics Applied Maths ), from PFGE- SmaI profiles of S. capitis isolated from nasal swabs ( A ), wounds ( B ), and blood cultures ( C ). Square brackets highlight the clusters (>80% similarity). Roman numerals represent the SCC mec type.
Article Snippet: The following reference strains were used for comparison of the results: S. epidermidis (ATCC 12228), S. haemolyticus (ATCC 29970), S. capitis subsp. capitis (ATCC 27843), S. capitis subsp. ureolyticus (ATCC 49325), S. warneri (ATCC 10209), S. hominis (ATCC 27844), S. hominis subsp. novobiosepticus (ATCC 700237), S. lugdunensis (ATCC 700328), S. saprophyticus (ATCC 15305), S. schleiferi subsp. schleiferi (ATCC 43808), S. sciuri subsp. sciuri (ATCC 29062), S. simulans (ATCC 27851), S. xylosus (ATCC 29979), and S. caprae (ATCC 35538).
Techniques: Generated, Isolation