Journal: bioRxiv
Article Title: Palmitoylated Importin α Regulates Mitotic Spindle Orientation Through Interaction with NuMA
doi: 10.1101/2024.10.25.620315
Figure Lengend Snippet: A) Bright field images of stage 42 X. laevis grown in the presence of DMSO, 100μM Wnt-C59 or 1mM palmostatin. Scale bar=500μm B) Measurements of drug treated stage 42 X. laevis head shape by 3 metrics: distance between eyes, snout length, and overall head area. Mean +/- SEM n>55 *=p<0.05 ***=p<0.001 ****=p<0.0001. All 3 metrics of head shape were significantly altered from DMSO control in both Wnt-C59 and palmostatin treatments. C) Immunofluorescence images of DMSO treated stage 46 X. laevis immunostained for the neuroprogenitor marker nestin and stained with Hoechst to visualize DNA. Scale bar=250μm. D) Quantification of total cell count in forebrains and percentage of forebrain cells positive for nestin signal in stage 46 X. laevis grown in the presence of DMSO, 100μM Wnt-C59 or 1mM palmostatin. Quantifications were performed on maximum projection images from z-stack images of X. laevis brains with a parent-child analysis to determine the number of total cells as determined by Hoechst signal that also were positive for nestin signal. Mean +/- SEM n=12 ***=p<0.001. All Wnt-C59 treated X. laevis died before reaching stage 46 while all palmostatin treated X. laevis display a significantly reduced neuroprogenitor population by nestin positive cell count.
Article Snippet: Stage 46 X. laevis embryos were whole mount fixed and stained for DNA (Hoechst) and nestin (Rb α-nestin Sino Biological 100244-T08).
Techniques: Control, Immunofluorescence, Marker, Staining, Cell Counting