actinomyces naeslundii dsm 43013 (ATCC)
ATCC is a verified supplier
ATCC manufactures this product
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii Dsm 43013, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 92/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii dsm 43013/product/ATCC
Average 92 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii dsm 43013 (ATCC)
ATCC is a verified supplier
ATCC manufactures this product
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii Dsm 43013, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii dsm 43013/product/ATCC
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii dsm 43013 (Sedecal USA Inc)
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii Dsm 43013, supplied by Sedecal USA Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii dsm 43013/product/Sedecal USA Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii (DSMZ)
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii, supplied by DSMZ, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii/product/DSMZ
Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Bacterial Viability and Physical Properties of Antibacterially Modified Experimental Dental Resin Composites"
Article Title: Bacterial Viability and Physical Properties of Antibacterially Modified Experimental Dental Resin Composites
Journal: PLoS ONE
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079119
Figure Legend Snippet: Means and (standard deviations) of total, vital bacterial and non-vital bacterial pixel-count after 8 h and 24 h observation time.
Techniques Used:
mncn 43013 (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)
Structured Review
Mncn 43013, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more 43013/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii dsmz 43013 (DSMZ)
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii Dsmz 43013, supplied by DSMZ, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii dsmz 43013/product/DSMZ
Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii dsm 43013 (ATCC)
ATCC is a verified supplier
ATCC manufactures this product
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii Dsm 43013, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 92/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii dsm 43013/product/ATCC
Average 92 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii (DSMZ)
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii, supplied by DSMZ, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii/product/DSMZ
Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "The effect of cranberry juice and a cranberry functional beverage on the growth and metabolic activity of selected oral bacteria"
Article Title: The effect of cranberry juice and a cranberry functional beverage on the growth and metabolic activity of selected oral bacteria
Journal: BMC Oral Health
doi: 10.1186/s12903-021-02025-w
Figure Legend Snippet: Number of cfu per 1 mL of reference and test cultures at 48 h
Techniques Used: Concentration Assay, Functional Assay
Figure Legend Snippet: Changes in the number of cfu/mL between 0 and 48 h time points. a , b A. naeslundii , c, d S. mutans , e , f L. paracasei subsp. paracasei . Results are expressed as means ± SDs. *, **, ***: Significantly lower than reference culture (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001). #, ##, ### : Significantly higher than reference culture ( # p < 0.05, ## p < 0.01, ### p < 0.001). NS: not significantly different from reference culture. CJ, cranberry juice; CFB, cranberry functional beverage
Techniques Used: Functional Assay
Figure Legend Snippet: Impedance detection time of A. naeslundii in cultures with CJ ( a ) or CFB ( b ). Results are expressed as means ± SDs. *, **, ***: Significantly different from reference culture (* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001). CJ: cranberry juice; CFB: cranberry functional beverage
Techniques Used: Functional Assay
actinomyces naeslundii (ATCC)
ATCC is a verified supplier
ATCC manufactures this product
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 92/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii/product/ATCC
Average 92 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
bacillus cereus mtcc 430 (ATCC)
ATCC is a verified supplier
ATCC manufactures this product
Structured Review
Bacillus Cereus Mtcc 430, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 92/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more cereus mtcc 430/product/ATCC
Average 92 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
actinomyces naeslundii an (DSMZ)
Structured Review
Actinomyces Naeslundii An, supplied by DSMZ, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more naeslundii an/product/DSMZ
Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Root Caries Preventive Effect of Varnishes Containing Fluoride or Fluoride + Chlorhexidine/Cetylpyridinium Chloride In Vitro"
Article Title: Root Caries Preventive Effect of Varnishes Containing Fluoride or Fluoride + Chlorhexidine/Cetylpyridinium Chloride In Vitro
Journal: Microorganisms
doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9040737
Figure Legend Snippet: Artificial mouth model setting for the cariogenic biofilm challenge. Time for provision of the different media within a 24 h cycle is presented. Abbreviations: SM: S. mutans , LR: L. rhamnosus , AN: A. naeslundii , BHI: brain heart infusion, DMM: defined mucin medium.
Techniques Used:
Figure Legend Snippet: Bacterial counts (CFU/mL) at 10 5 dilution of the different bacteria strains. Medians, quartiles and extreme values are given. Box plots denoted with the same letter (SM: lower case letters, LR: upper case letters, AN: underlined letters) do not differ significantly (ANOVA/Tukey HSD); Abbreviations: SM: S. mutans , LR: L. rhamnosus , AN: A. naeslundii , F: Fluoride varnish, F-P: Placebo varnish for F, CF: Fluoride + CHX varnish, CF-P: Placebo varnish for CF, C: Control group.
Techniques Used:
Figure Legend Snippet: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of control biofilms. FISH demonstrated the presence of relatively thick (>200 µm) biofilms comprising all three employed bacterial strains. Control biofilms were dominated by large clusters of S. mutans (SM) (green/turquoise) and L. rhamnosus (LR) (blue), with smaller colonies of A. naeslundii (AN) (red) ( A , B ). Both LR ( B ) and SM ( B , C ), but not AN penetrated dentinal tubules, with a penetration depth of up to 100 µm in some areas ( B , C ). Bars = 20 µm.
Techniques Used: Fluorescence, In Situ Hybridization
Figure Legend Snippet: Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of biofilms treated with F ( A ) or CF ( B ). For both treatment groups, thick biofilms containing all employed strains were observed. Biofilms were dominated by L. rhamnosus (LR) (blue) and S. mutans (SM) (green/turquoise), with small, interspersed clusters of A. naeslundii (AN) (red). Interestingly, the basal layer of the biofilm on specimens treated with fluoride + CHX varnish contained only LR ( B ). The biofilms were firmly attached to the underlying dentin, but the layer of varnish prevented any bacterial penetration of dentinal tubules.
Techniques Used: Fluorescence, In Situ Hybridization