nbp2-42667  (Bio-Techne corporation)

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    Bio-Techne corporation nbp2-42667
    Nbp2 42667, supplied by Bio-Techne corporation, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 90/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/nbp2-42667/product/Bio-Techne corporation
    Average 90 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    nbp2-42667 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
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    cbs 426 67  (ATCC)

    Bioz Verified Symbol ATCC is a verified supplier
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    ATCC cbs 426 67
    Strains used in phylogenetic analysis of Trichocomaceae and other families.
    Cbs 426 67, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 90/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/cbs 426 67/product/ATCC
    Average 90 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    cbs 426 67 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    90/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Phylogeny of Penicillium and the segregation of Trichocomaceae into three families"

    Article Title: Phylogeny of Penicillium and the segregation of Trichocomaceae into three families

    Journal: Studies in Mycology

    doi: 10.3114/sim.2011.70.01

    Figure Legend Snippet: Strains used in phylogenetic analysis of Trichocomaceae and other families.

    Techniques Used: Injection, Infection, Derivative Assay

    sri 42667  (Agilent technologies)

    Bioz Verified Symbol Agilent technologies is a verified supplier
    Bioz Manufacturer Symbol Agilent technologies manufactures this product  
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    Agilent technologies sri 42667
    <t>SRI-42667</t> is a selective Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor. a: Phylogenetic tree of the 306 SH3 domains in 225 genes in the human genome identified in the UniProt database, produced by ClustalOmega. SFKs Fyn (light green), Src (dark green), and Lck (blue) are closely related, while BIN1 (brown) is distantly related. b: Multiple sequence alignment of the SH3 domains examined. c: Percent identity matrix of the SH3 domains. d: Diagram of plasmids expressing FynSH3, SrcSH3, LckSH3, and BIN1SH3. e: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-FynSH3 interaction 37 ​% (n ​= ​16 per group, ∗p ​= ​0.04). f: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-LckSH3 interaction (n ​= ​14–15 per group, ∗∗∗∗p ​< ​0.0001). g: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-BIN1SH3 interaction (n ​= ​18 per group, p ​= ​0.003). h: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-SrcSH3 interaction (n ​= ​15–18 per group, p ​= ​0.11). i: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-tubulin interaction (n ​= ​16–17 per group, p ​= ​0.30). e-i: N ​= ​3 unique passages of HEK-293 ​cells, one-tailed t -test. Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.
    Sri 42667, supplied by Agilent technologies, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/sri 42667/product/Agilent technologies
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    sri 42667 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability"

    Article Title: Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability

    Journal: Neurotherapeutics

    doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2023.10.001

    SRI-42667 is a selective Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor. a: Phylogenetic tree of the 306 SH3 domains in 225 genes in the human genome identified in the UniProt database, produced by ClustalOmega. SFKs Fyn (light green), Src (dark green), and Lck (blue) are closely related, while BIN1 (brown) is distantly related. b: Multiple sequence alignment of the SH3 domains examined. c: Percent identity matrix of the SH3 domains. d: Diagram of plasmids expressing FynSH3, SrcSH3, LckSH3, and BIN1SH3. e: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-FynSH3 interaction 37 ​% (n ​= ​16 per group, ∗p ​= ​0.04). f: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-LckSH3 interaction (n ​= ​14–15 per group, ∗∗∗∗p ​< ​0.0001). g: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-BIN1SH3 interaction (n ​= ​18 per group, p ​= ​0.003). h: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-SrcSH3 interaction (n ​= ​15–18 per group, p ​= ​0.11). i: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-tubulin interaction (n ​= ​16–17 per group, p ​= ​0.30). e-i: N ​= ​3 unique passages of HEK-293 ​cells, one-tailed t -test. Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.
    Figure Legend Snippet: SRI-42667 is a selective Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor. a: Phylogenetic tree of the 306 SH3 domains in 225 genes in the human genome identified in the UniProt database, produced by ClustalOmega. SFKs Fyn (light green), Src (dark green), and Lck (blue) are closely related, while BIN1 (brown) is distantly related. b: Multiple sequence alignment of the SH3 domains examined. c: Percent identity matrix of the SH3 domains. d: Diagram of plasmids expressing FynSH3, SrcSH3, LckSH3, and BIN1SH3. e: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-FynSH3 interaction 37 ​% (n ​= ​16 per group, ∗p ​= ​0.04). f: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-LckSH3 interaction (n ​= ​14–15 per group, ∗∗∗∗p ​< ​0.0001). g: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-BIN1SH3 interaction (n ​= ​18 per group, p ​= ​0.003). h: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-SrcSH3 interaction (n ​= ​15–18 per group, p ​= ​0.11). i: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-tubulin interaction (n ​= ​16–17 per group, p ​= ​0.30). e-i: N ​= ​3 unique passages of HEK-293 ​cells, one-tailed t -test. Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.

    Techniques Used: Produced, Sequencing, Expressing, One-tailed Test

    Development of derivatives of SRI-31627 with improved drug-like properties. a: Structure of SRI-31627 ( 1 ) with modified moieties highlighted. b: Structure and drug-like properties of 28 derivatives of SRI-31627 detailing the medicinal chemistry pipeline resulting in lead SRI-42667.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Development of derivatives of SRI-31627 with improved drug-like properties. a: Structure of SRI-31627 ( 1 ) with modified moieties highlighted. b: Structure and drug-like properties of 28 derivatives of SRI-31627 detailing the medicinal chemistry pipeline resulting in lead SRI-42667.

    Techniques Used: Modification

    Compounds that inhibit Tau-Fyn interaction in cells also ameliorate Aβ toxicity. a: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ toxicity (n ​= ​32–36 wells per group from N ​= ​3 dissections. 2-way ANOVA main effect of Aβ p ​= ​0.0017, F(1, 268) ​= ​10.06, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Sidak posthoc). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. b: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration. (n ​= ​33–42 wells per group from N ​= ​4 dissections. 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.04, F(1,304) ​= ​2.76, ∗p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc), with representative images of MAP2-stained neurites. Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. c: Both 15 ​μM (n ​= ​8–10 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​= ​0.0046) and 3 ​μM (n ​= ​12 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; one-tailed t -test p ​= ​0.034) SRI-42667 reduces endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons. d: Representative images of endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons treated with 15 ​μM SRI-42667. Yellow box is inset on right. Scale bar ​= ​10 ​μm. e: 15 ​μM SRI-42667 does not reduce Tau, Fyn, or GAPDH levels in primary neurons (n ​= ​11 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​> ​0.05). f: Compounds that prevent Aβ toxicity significantly reduce Tau-Fyn PLA while compounds that do not prevent Aβ toxicity do not reduce Tau-Fyn PLA in HEK-293 ​cells (n ​= ​7–11 per group from N ​= ​2–3 passages; ANOVA p ​= ​0.0002, F(8,105) ​= ​4.22, ∗p ​< ​0.05, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Holm-Sidak posthoc). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Compounds that inhibit Tau-Fyn interaction in cells also ameliorate Aβ toxicity. a: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ toxicity (n ​= ​32–36 wells per group from N ​= ​3 dissections. 2-way ANOVA main effect of Aβ p ​= ​0.0017, F(1, 268) ​= ​10.06, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Sidak posthoc). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. b: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration. (n ​= ​33–42 wells per group from N ​= ​4 dissections. 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.04, F(1,304) ​= ​2.76, ∗p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc), with representative images of MAP2-stained neurites. Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. c: Both 15 ​μM (n ​= ​8–10 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​= ​0.0046) and 3 ​μM (n ​= ​12 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; one-tailed t -test p ​= ​0.034) SRI-42667 reduces endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons. d: Representative images of endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons treated with 15 ​μM SRI-42667. Yellow box is inset on right. Scale bar ​= ​10 ​μm. e: 15 ​μM SRI-42667 does not reduce Tau, Fyn, or GAPDH levels in primary neurons (n ​= ​11 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​> ​0.05). f: Compounds that prevent Aβ toxicity significantly reduce Tau-Fyn PLA while compounds that do not prevent Aβ toxicity do not reduce Tau-Fyn PLA in HEK-293 ​cells (n ​= ​7–11 per group from N ​= ​2–3 passages; ANOVA p ​= ​0.0002, F(8,105) ​= ​4.22, ∗p ​< ​0.05, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Holm-Sidak posthoc). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.

    Techniques Used: Staining, One-tailed Test

    Lead compound SRI-42667 binds Tau not FynSH3. a: SRI-42667 is not a kinase inhibitor while positive control SFK inhibitor saracatinib inhibits Src, Fyn, Abl, and EGFR kinase activity. b: Preincubating SRI-42667 with Tau in the Tau-FynSH3 AlphaScreen resulted in more potent inhibition than preincubating SRI-42667 with FynSH3 (n ​= ​3 wells per group in N ​= ​2 runs; 2-way ANOVA main effect of preincubation p ​< ​0.0001, F(1,75) ​= ​80.22). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM. c-e: ITC reaction heat and fitting curves of SRI-42667 with full-length Tau ( c ), FynSH3 ( d ), and Tau-PxxP 5/6 ( e ). For SRI-42667 with full-length Tau, n ​= ​0.9, K d ​= ​11.9 ​μM, ΔG ​= ​−6.7 ​kcal/mol, ΔH ​= ​−1.5 ​kcal/mol. Results were confirmed with three independent experiments.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Lead compound SRI-42667 binds Tau not FynSH3. a: SRI-42667 is not a kinase inhibitor while positive control SFK inhibitor saracatinib inhibits Src, Fyn, Abl, and EGFR kinase activity. b: Preincubating SRI-42667 with Tau in the Tau-FynSH3 AlphaScreen resulted in more potent inhibition than preincubating SRI-42667 with FynSH3 (n ​= ​3 wells per group in N ​= ​2 runs; 2-way ANOVA main effect of preincubation p ​< ​0.0001, F(1,75) ​= ​80.22). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM. c-e: ITC reaction heat and fitting curves of SRI-42667 with full-length Tau ( c ), FynSH3 ( d ), and Tau-PxxP 5/6 ( e ). For SRI-42667 with full-length Tau, n ​= ​0.9, K d ​= ​11.9 ​μM, ΔG ​= ​−6.7 ​kcal/mol, ΔH ​= ​−1.5 ​kcal/mol. Results were confirmed with three independent experiments.

    Techniques Used: Positive Control, Activity Assay, Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogenous Assay, Inhibition

    SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration and network hyperexcitability. a: Timeline of MEA experiments completed on DIV13. TSII, Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor, either Tau-PxxP 5/6 (b–d) or SRI-42667 (e–g). b: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the four conditions (Veh/Veh, Veh/Aβ, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Veh, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Aβ). c: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. d: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. Tau-PxxP 5/6 ameliorated Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​63–115 neurons per group; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.02, ∗ p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. e: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the six conditions. f: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. g: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​257–326 neurons per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​< ​0.0001, F(2,1709) ​= ​13.47, ∗∗∗∗ p ​< ​0.0001 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons.
    Figure Legend Snippet: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration and network hyperexcitability. a: Timeline of MEA experiments completed on DIV13. TSII, Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor, either Tau-PxxP 5/6 (b–d) or SRI-42667 (e–g). b: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the four conditions (Veh/Veh, Veh/Aβ, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Veh, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Aβ). c: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. d: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. Tau-PxxP 5/6 ameliorated Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​63–115 neurons per group; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.02, ∗ p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. e: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the six conditions. f: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. g: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​257–326 neurons per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​< ​0.0001, F(2,1709) ​= ​13.47, ∗∗∗∗ p ​< ​0.0001 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons.

    Techniques Used: Transformation Assay

    sri 42667  (Agilent technologies)

    Bioz Verified Symbol Agilent technologies is a verified supplier
    Bioz Manufacturer Symbol Agilent technologies manufactures this product  
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    Agilent technologies sri 42667
    Sri 42667, supplied by Agilent technologies, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/sri 42667/product/Agilent technologies
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    sri 42667 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Santa Cruz Biotechnology human trpc3 sirna
    Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the <t>TRPC3</t> and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
    Human Trpc3 Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/human trpc3 sirna/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
    Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    human trpc3 sirna - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    93/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells"

    Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells

    Journal: PLoS ONE

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777

    Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Techniques Used: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Western Blot, Expressing

    (A, B) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the TRPC3 siRNA (A) and TRPC6 siRNA (B) decreased the mRNA expression of TRPC3 and TRPC6, respectively (*p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 3), without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3). (C, D) Western blot experiments showed that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (C) and TRPC6 siRNA (D) reduced TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 3), respectively, without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3) compared with transfection with scramble siRNA. Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A, B) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the TRPC3 siRNA (A) and TRPC6 siRNA (B) decreased the mRNA expression of TRPC3 and TRPC6, respectively (*p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 3), without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3). (C, D) Western blot experiments showed that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (C) and TRPC6 siRNA (D) reduced TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 3), respectively, without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3) compared with transfection with scramble siRNA. Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Techniques Used: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Expressing, Western Blot, Transfection

    [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. (A, B) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly inhibit the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (C) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. (D, E) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (D) or TRPC6 siRNA (E) significantly inhibits the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (F) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.
    Figure Legend Snippet: [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. (A, B) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly inhibit the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (C) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. (D, E) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (D) or TRPC6 siRNA (E) significantly inhibits the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (F) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.

    Techniques Used: Fluorescence, Transfection

    [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. Representative traces are shown in A-D. (A, B) Representative traces (A–B) and summary of data (C) showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly reduces the 100 µM OAG-induced Ca 2+ influx (p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 4), respectively, compared with transfection with scrambled siRNA. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. (D, E) The 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (D)- and spermine(E)-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase is significantly enhanced by pretreatment with 100 µM OAG for 20 min (p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 4). The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.
    Figure Legend Snippet: [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. Representative traces are shown in A-D. (A, B) Representative traces (A–B) and summary of data (C) showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly reduces the 100 µM OAG-induced Ca 2+ influx (p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 4), respectively, compared with transfection with scrambled siRNA. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. (D, E) The 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (D)- and spermine(E)-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase is significantly enhanced by pretreatment with 100 µM OAG for 20 min (p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 4). The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.

    Techniques Used: Fluorescence, Transfection

    Cell proliferation was measured by a Cell Proliferation ELISA BrdU kit. After starvation for 24-free medium, cells were incubated in the same medium supplemented with different [Ca 2+ ] o (1–5 mM) in the presence or absence of various inhibitors for 24 h. Untreated cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. (A) Incubation of cells for 24 h with 3 mM and 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o increase proliferation of human MCs, respectively, compared with 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (Ctl) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Pretreatment with 10 µM NPS2390 significantly reduces the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced cell proliferation (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, # p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without NPS2390, n = 3). Incubation with NPS2390 alone do not affect cell proliferation at 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (p>0.05, n = 3). (C) The [Ca 2+ ] o -mediated cell proliferation is significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 50 µM SKF96365 or 100 µM 2-APB (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, #p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without inhibitors, n = 3). (D) Transfection of TRPC3 siRNA and TRPC6 siRNA significantly attenuate the promotion of proliferation by 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (**p<0.01 vs. Scr+1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o , #p<0.05 vs. Scr+5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o ), respectively, compared with scramble siRNA treated with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o . Cells were transfected with TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA followed by treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. Untransfected cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
    Figure Legend Snippet: Cell proliferation was measured by a Cell Proliferation ELISA BrdU kit. After starvation for 24-free medium, cells were incubated in the same medium supplemented with different [Ca 2+ ] o (1–5 mM) in the presence or absence of various inhibitors for 24 h. Untreated cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. (A) Incubation of cells for 24 h with 3 mM and 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o increase proliferation of human MCs, respectively, compared with 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (Ctl) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Pretreatment with 10 µM NPS2390 significantly reduces the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced cell proliferation (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, # p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without NPS2390, n = 3). Incubation with NPS2390 alone do not affect cell proliferation at 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (p>0.05, n = 3). (C) The [Ca 2+ ] o -mediated cell proliferation is significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 50 µM SKF96365 or 100 µM 2-APB (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, #p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without inhibitors, n = 3). (D) Transfection of TRPC3 siRNA and TRPC6 siRNA significantly attenuate the promotion of proliferation by 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (**p<0.01 vs. Scr+1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o , #p<0.05 vs. Scr+5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o ), respectively, compared with scramble siRNA treated with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o . Cells were transfected with TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA followed by treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. Untransfected cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Techniques Used: Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay, Incubation, Cell Culture, Transfection

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    Addgene inc pcdna6a egfr icd
    Pcdna6a Egfr Icd, supplied by Addgene inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 91/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    nbp2-42667  (Bio-Techne corporation)

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    Bio-Techne corporation nbp2-42667
    Nbp2 42667, supplied by Bio-Techne corporation, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 90/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology trpc3 sirna
    Expression level of <t>TRPC3</t> in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)
    Trpc3 Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    1) Product Images from "Transcription Factor 2I Regulates Neuronal Development via TRPC3 in 7q11.23 Disorder Models"

    Article Title: Transcription Factor 2I Regulates Neuronal Development via TRPC3 in 7q11.23 Disorder Models

    Journal: Molecular Neurobiology

    doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1290-7

    Expression level of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)
    Figure Legend Snippet: Expression level of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)

    Techniques Used: Expressing, Mutagenesis, Fluorescence, Western Blot

    Increased TRPC3 membrane expression in Gtf2i +/ Del neurons. The cellular localization of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del cultured cortical neurons was examined using immunofluorescence and confocal imaging. a , b , c Representative confocal images of DIV8 cortical neurons from WT, Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del . TRPC3, green; MAP2, red. d , e , f Quantitative summary of TRPC3/MAP2 ratio of fluorescence intensity ( n = 20 for each group). g Membrane fraction with cadherin as positive control. h Cytosol fraction with GAPDH as control. i TRPC3 expression in Gtf2i +/ Del group is not significantly increased in the membrane fraction comparing with WT and Gtf2i +/ Dup group, respectively (WT, 0.41 ± 0.038; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.51 ± 0.076, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.41 ± 0.07), n = 4. j TRPC3 expression in the cytosol fraction is significantly increased in Gtf2i +/ Dup cortical tissue compared to control (WT, 0.45 ± 0.035; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.46 ± 0.04, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.83 ± 0.054, P < 0.0005; n = 4). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005, indicating the difference to the other groups in the same plot. Scale bar 10 μm
    Figure Legend Snippet: Increased TRPC3 membrane expression in Gtf2i +/ Del neurons. The cellular localization of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del cultured cortical neurons was examined using immunofluorescence and confocal imaging. a , b , c Representative confocal images of DIV8 cortical neurons from WT, Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del . TRPC3, green; MAP2, red. d , e , f Quantitative summary of TRPC3/MAP2 ratio of fluorescence intensity ( n = 20 for each group). g Membrane fraction with cadherin as positive control. h Cytosol fraction with GAPDH as control. i TRPC3 expression in Gtf2i +/ Del group is not significantly increased in the membrane fraction comparing with WT and Gtf2i +/ Dup group, respectively (WT, 0.41 ± 0.038; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.51 ± 0.076, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.41 ± 0.07), n = 4. j TRPC3 expression in the cytosol fraction is significantly increased in Gtf2i +/ Dup cortical tissue compared to control (WT, 0.45 ± 0.035; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.46 ± 0.04, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.83 ± 0.054, P < 0.0005; n = 4). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005, indicating the difference to the other groups in the same plot. Scale bar 10 μm

    Techniques Used: Expressing, Cell Culture, Immunofluorescence, Imaging, Fluorescence, Positive Control

    TRPC3 knockdown suppresses Ca 2+ entry. Cortical neurons were transfected with eGFP-sRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. a Representatives of confocal images of cortical neurons labeled with TRPC3 in red, GFP in green and NeuN in blue, at DIV4. b Quantification of fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images shows 40% knockdown of TRPC3 using TRPC3-siRNA in control neurons was confirmed by measuring fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images ( P < 0.0005). c Western Blot shows reduction of TRPC3 protein level, confirming TRPC3-knockdown. TRPC3 protein, 97 KDa; β-actin, 42 KDa. (* P < 0.0005). Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and fura-2 imaging were carried out to study the current density and calcium signals, respectively, in Gtf2i mutants and WT neurons with Trpc3 knockdown. Cortical neurons were transfected with a scrambled-eGFP-siRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. Representatives of I-V curves of neurons from Gtf2i +/Del mice and their WT littermates designated WT Del ( d ), Gtf2i +/Dup and WT Dup littermates ( e ) and WT neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP (Trpc3-KD) or the control vector ( f ). g Summary of the whole-cell current density showing a significant increase in Gtf2i +/Del neurons (WT De n = 10; Gtf2i +/Del n = 7, P < 0.0005), and smaller in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons ( n = 11) compared to their WT littermates (WT Dup n = 9, P < 0.005). The current density from the neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP was significantly reduced compared to control neurons (eGFP-sRNA n = 9; Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP n = 7, P < 0.0005). This decrease in current density of TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP treated cells is comparable and not significantly different to the current density seen in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons. h , i , j Ratiometric Fura-2 Ca 2+ signals measured in the soma. Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. k Quantification of [Ca 2+ ] i release. WT Del = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102; WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.0005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). l Quantification of Ca 2+ entry: WT Del n = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102 ( P < 0.0005); WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). Gtf2i +/Dup , and Trpc3 -KD are both significantly decreased compared to control. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005
    Figure Legend Snippet: TRPC3 knockdown suppresses Ca 2+ entry. Cortical neurons were transfected with eGFP-sRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. a Representatives of confocal images of cortical neurons labeled with TRPC3 in red, GFP in green and NeuN in blue, at DIV4. b Quantification of fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images shows 40% knockdown of TRPC3 using TRPC3-siRNA in control neurons was confirmed by measuring fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images ( P < 0.0005). c Western Blot shows reduction of TRPC3 protein level, confirming TRPC3-knockdown. TRPC3 protein, 97 KDa; β-actin, 42 KDa. (* P < 0.0005). Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and fura-2 imaging were carried out to study the current density and calcium signals, respectively, in Gtf2i mutants and WT neurons with Trpc3 knockdown. Cortical neurons were transfected with a scrambled-eGFP-siRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. Representatives of I-V curves of neurons from Gtf2i +/Del mice and their WT littermates designated WT Del ( d ), Gtf2i +/Dup and WT Dup littermates ( e ) and WT neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP (Trpc3-KD) or the control vector ( f ). g Summary of the whole-cell current density showing a significant increase in Gtf2i +/Del neurons (WT De n = 10; Gtf2i +/Del n = 7, P < 0.0005), and smaller in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons ( n = 11) compared to their WT littermates (WT Dup n = 9, P < 0.005). The current density from the neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP was significantly reduced compared to control neurons (eGFP-sRNA n = 9; Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP n = 7, P < 0.0005). This decrease in current density of TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP treated cells is comparable and not significantly different to the current density seen in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons. h , i , j Ratiometric Fura-2 Ca 2+ signals measured in the soma. Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. k Quantification of [Ca 2+ ] i release. WT Del = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102; WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.0005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). l Quantification of Ca 2+ entry: WT Del n = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102 ( P < 0.0005); WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). Gtf2i +/Dup , and Trpc3 -KD are both significantly decreased compared to control. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005

    Techniques Used: Transfection, Labeling, Fluorescence, Western Blot, Patch Clamp, Imaging, Plasmid Preparation

    TRPC3 knockdown rescues the phenotype of Gtf2i +/Del neurons. a Representative total neurite traces of neurons at DIV4, 6, 8, and 10. b Total neurite length of Trpc3 -siRNA treated neurons (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 95; DIV8 n = 80; DIV10 n = 86) was significantly shorter than eGFP-sRNA controls (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 90; DIV8 n = 81; DIV10 n = 85, P < 0.05). c Representative confocal images of neurons immunostained with MAP2 and Tau-1. d Quantitative summary of dendritic length in both eGFP-sRNA control group and Trpc3 KD group. eGFP-sRNA n = 75; Trpc3 -targeted siRNA n = 70. Unpaired Student’s t test. e Quantitative summary showed that the axonal length of Trpc3 -siRNA-treated neurons ( n = 70) was significantly decreased compared to eGFP-sRNA treated neurons ( n = 75, P < 0.05), unpaired Student’s t test. f Quantitative summary showed that number of branches in axons was significantly decreased in neurons treated with Trpc3 -targeted siRNA ( n = 80) compared to eGFP-sRNA ( n = 80) treated neurons. ( P < 0.0005, unpaired Student’s t test). g Sholl analysis showing Trpc3-KD reduced the number of branches at all the distance measured, as seen in Gtf2i +/Dup . h Representative images of WT and Gtf2i +/ Del neurons immunostained with Tubulin. Total neurite length of GFP positive neurons was traced using the labeling for Tubulin. i Summary shows that total neurite length of Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP was significantly shorter than control siRNA-eGFP treated Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40, P < 0.005), and similar to control siRNA-eGFP-treated WT neurons. Again, treated with control siRNA-eGFP, the total length of the Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40) was significantly greater than WT ( n = 40; P < 0.0005). j Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. Additional caffeine and thapsigargin, as indicated by open bar. k Ca 2+ release was not significantly different between the 3 groups ( n = 20). Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP calcium entry were rescued to WT levels ( n = 20; P < 0.0005). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005
    Figure Legend Snippet: TRPC3 knockdown rescues the phenotype of Gtf2i +/Del neurons. a Representative total neurite traces of neurons at DIV4, 6, 8, and 10. b Total neurite length of Trpc3 -siRNA treated neurons (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 95; DIV8 n = 80; DIV10 n = 86) was significantly shorter than eGFP-sRNA controls (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 90; DIV8 n = 81; DIV10 n = 85, P < 0.05). c Representative confocal images of neurons immunostained with MAP2 and Tau-1. d Quantitative summary of dendritic length in both eGFP-sRNA control group and Trpc3 KD group. eGFP-sRNA n = 75; Trpc3 -targeted siRNA n = 70. Unpaired Student’s t test. e Quantitative summary showed that the axonal length of Trpc3 -siRNA-treated neurons ( n = 70) was significantly decreased compared to eGFP-sRNA treated neurons ( n = 75, P < 0.05), unpaired Student’s t test. f Quantitative summary showed that number of branches in axons was significantly decreased in neurons treated with Trpc3 -targeted siRNA ( n = 80) compared to eGFP-sRNA ( n = 80) treated neurons. ( P < 0.0005, unpaired Student’s t test). g Sholl analysis showing Trpc3-KD reduced the number of branches at all the distance measured, as seen in Gtf2i +/Dup . h Representative images of WT and Gtf2i +/ Del neurons immunostained with Tubulin. Total neurite length of GFP positive neurons was traced using the labeling for Tubulin. i Summary shows that total neurite length of Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP was significantly shorter than control siRNA-eGFP treated Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40, P < 0.005), and similar to control siRNA-eGFP-treated WT neurons. Again, treated with control siRNA-eGFP, the total length of the Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40) was significantly greater than WT ( n = 40; P < 0.0005). j Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. Additional caffeine and thapsigargin, as indicated by open bar. k Ca 2+ release was not significantly different between the 3 groups ( n = 20). Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP calcium entry were rescued to WT levels ( n = 20; P < 0.0005). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005

    Techniques Used: Labeling

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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology trpc3 targeting sirna
    Trpc3 Targeting Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology control sirna
    Control Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology trpc3 sirna
    Trpc3 Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    cbs 426 67  (ATCC)

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    ATCC cbs 426 67
    Strains used in phylogenetic analysis of Trichocomaceae and other families.
    Cbs 426 67, supplied by ATCC, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 90/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    1) Product Images from "Phylogeny of Penicillium and the segregation of Trichocomaceae into three families"

    Article Title: Phylogeny of Penicillium and the segregation of Trichocomaceae into three families

    Journal: Studies in Mycology

    doi: 10.3114/sim.2011.70.01

    Figure Legend Snippet: Strains used in phylogenetic analysis of Trichocomaceae and other families.

    Techniques Used: Injection, Infection, Derivative Assay

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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology human trpc3 sirna
    Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the <t>TRPC3</t> and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
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    Addgene inc pcdna6a egfr icd
    Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the <t>TRPC3</t> and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology trpc3 sirna
    Expression level of <t>TRPC3</t> in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)
    Trpc3 Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/trpc3 sirna/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
    Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    trpc3 sirna - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    93/100 stars
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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology trpc3 targeting sirna
    Expression level of <t>TRPC3</t> in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)
    Trpc3 Targeting Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/trpc3 targeting sirna/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
    Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    trpc3 targeting sirna - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    93/100 stars
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    Santa Cruz Biotechnology control sirna
    Expression level of <t>TRPC3</t> in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)
    Control Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/control sirna/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
    Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    control sirna - by Bioz Stars, 2024-10
    93/100 stars
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    Image Search Results

    Journal: Studies in Mycology

    Article Title: Phylogeny of Penicillium and the segregation of Trichocomaceae into three families

    doi: 10.3114/sim.2011.70.01

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Strains used in phylogenetic analysis of Trichocomaceae and other families.

    Article Snippet: CBS 426.67 , Sagenomella griseoviridis , ATCC 18505 = IMI 113160 , Unknown source , JN121677 , JF417438 , JF417404 , JF417538.

    Techniques: Injection, Infection, Derivative Assay

    SRI-42667 is a selective Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor. a: Phylogenetic tree of the 306 SH3 domains in 225 genes in the human genome identified in the UniProt database, produced by ClustalOmega. SFKs Fyn (light green), Src (dark green), and Lck (blue) are closely related, while BIN1 (brown) is distantly related. b: Multiple sequence alignment of the SH3 domains examined. c: Percent identity matrix of the SH3 domains. d: Diagram of plasmids expressing FynSH3, SrcSH3, LckSH3, and BIN1SH3. e: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-FynSH3 interaction 37 ​% (n ​= ​16 per group, ∗p ​= ​0.04). f: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-LckSH3 interaction (n ​= ​14–15 per group, ∗∗∗∗p ​< ​0.0001). g: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-BIN1SH3 interaction (n ​= ​18 per group, p ​= ​0.003). h: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-SrcSH3 interaction (n ​= ​15–18 per group, p ​= ​0.11). i: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-tubulin interaction (n ​= ​16–17 per group, p ​= ​0.30). e-i: N ​= ​3 unique passages of HEK-293 ​cells, one-tailed t -test. Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.

    Journal: Neurotherapeutics

    Article Title: Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability

    doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2023.10.001

    Figure Lengend Snippet: SRI-42667 is a selective Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor. a: Phylogenetic tree of the 306 SH3 domains in 225 genes in the human genome identified in the UniProt database, produced by ClustalOmega. SFKs Fyn (light green), Src (dark green), and Lck (blue) are closely related, while BIN1 (brown) is distantly related. b: Multiple sequence alignment of the SH3 domains examined. c: Percent identity matrix of the SH3 domains. d: Diagram of plasmids expressing FynSH3, SrcSH3, LckSH3, and BIN1SH3. e: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-FynSH3 interaction 37 ​% (n ​= ​16 per group, ∗p ​= ​0.04). f: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-LckSH3 interaction (n ​= ​14–15 per group, ∗∗∗∗p ​< ​0.0001). g: SRI-42667 inhibits Tau-BIN1SH3 interaction (n ​= ​18 per group, p ​= ​0.003). h: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-SrcSH3 interaction (n ​= ​15–18 per group, p ​= ​0.11). i: SRI-42667 does not inhibit Tau-tubulin interaction (n ​= ​16–17 per group, p ​= ​0.30). e-i: N ​= ​3 unique passages of HEK-293 ​cells, one-tailed t -test. Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.

    Article Snippet: Cells were grown for 48 h before applying 15 μM SRI-42667 for 24 h. Cells were fixed and PLA was run as above except with Dako Tau (1:1000) and α-tubulin (1:2000) primary antibodies.

    Techniques: Produced, Sequencing, Expressing, One-tailed Test

    Development of derivatives of SRI-31627 with improved drug-like properties. a: Structure of SRI-31627 ( 1 ) with modified moieties highlighted. b: Structure and drug-like properties of 28 derivatives of SRI-31627 detailing the medicinal chemistry pipeline resulting in lead SRI-42667.

    Journal: Neurotherapeutics

    Article Title: Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability

    doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2023.10.001

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Development of derivatives of SRI-31627 with improved drug-like properties. a: Structure of SRI-31627 ( 1 ) with modified moieties highlighted. b: Structure and drug-like properties of 28 derivatives of SRI-31627 detailing the medicinal chemistry pipeline resulting in lead SRI-42667.

    Article Snippet: Cells were grown for 48 h before applying 15 μM SRI-42667 for 24 h. Cells were fixed and PLA was run as above except with Dako Tau (1:1000) and α-tubulin (1:2000) primary antibodies.

    Techniques: Modification

    Compounds that inhibit Tau-Fyn interaction in cells also ameliorate Aβ toxicity. a: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ toxicity (n ​= ​32–36 wells per group from N ​= ​3 dissections. 2-way ANOVA main effect of Aβ p ​= ​0.0017, F(1, 268) ​= ​10.06, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Sidak posthoc). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. b: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration. (n ​= ​33–42 wells per group from N ​= ​4 dissections. 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.04, F(1,304) ​= ​2.76, ∗p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc), with representative images of MAP2-stained neurites. Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. c: Both 15 ​μM (n ​= ​8–10 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​= ​0.0046) and 3 ​μM (n ​= ​12 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; one-tailed t -test p ​= ​0.034) SRI-42667 reduces endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons. d: Representative images of endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons treated with 15 ​μM SRI-42667. Yellow box is inset on right. Scale bar ​= ​10 ​μm. e: 15 ​μM SRI-42667 does not reduce Tau, Fyn, or GAPDH levels in primary neurons (n ​= ​11 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​> ​0.05). f: Compounds that prevent Aβ toxicity significantly reduce Tau-Fyn PLA while compounds that do not prevent Aβ toxicity do not reduce Tau-Fyn PLA in HEK-293 ​cells (n ​= ​7–11 per group from N ​= ​2–3 passages; ANOVA p ​= ​0.0002, F(8,105) ​= ​4.22, ∗p ​< ​0.05, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Holm-Sidak posthoc). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.

    Journal: Neurotherapeutics

    Article Title: Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability

    doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2023.10.001

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Compounds that inhibit Tau-Fyn interaction in cells also ameliorate Aβ toxicity. a: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ toxicity (n ​= ​32–36 wells per group from N ​= ​3 dissections. 2-way ANOVA main effect of Aβ p ​= ​0.0017, F(1, 268) ​= ​10.06, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Sidak posthoc). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. b: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration. (n ​= ​33–42 wells per group from N ​= ​4 dissections. 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.04, F(1,304) ​= ​2.76, ∗p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc), with representative images of MAP2-stained neurites. Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. c: Both 15 ​μM (n ​= ​8–10 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​= ​0.0046) and 3 ​μM (n ​= ​12 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; one-tailed t -test p ​= ​0.034) SRI-42667 reduces endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons. d: Representative images of endogenous Tau-Fyn PLA in primary neurons treated with 15 ​μM SRI-42667. Yellow box is inset on right. Scale bar ​= ​10 ​μm. e: 15 ​μM SRI-42667 does not reduce Tau, Fyn, or GAPDH levels in primary neurons (n ​= ​11 per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; t -test p ​> ​0.05). f: Compounds that prevent Aβ toxicity significantly reduce Tau-Fyn PLA while compounds that do not prevent Aβ toxicity do not reduce Tau-Fyn PLA in HEK-293 ​cells (n ​= ​7–11 per group from N ​= ​2–3 passages; ANOVA p ​= ​0.0002, F(8,105) ​= ​4.22, ∗p ​< ​0.05, ∗∗p ​< ​0.01 by Holm-Sidak posthoc). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM.

    Article Snippet: Cells were grown for 48 h before applying 15 μM SRI-42667 for 24 h. Cells were fixed and PLA was run as above except with Dako Tau (1:1000) and α-tubulin (1:2000) primary antibodies.

    Techniques: Staining, One-tailed Test

    Lead compound SRI-42667 binds Tau not FynSH3. a: SRI-42667 is not a kinase inhibitor while positive control SFK inhibitor saracatinib inhibits Src, Fyn, Abl, and EGFR kinase activity. b: Preincubating SRI-42667 with Tau in the Tau-FynSH3 AlphaScreen resulted in more potent inhibition than preincubating SRI-42667 with FynSH3 (n ​= ​3 wells per group in N ​= ​2 runs; 2-way ANOVA main effect of preincubation p ​< ​0.0001, F(1,75) ​= ​80.22). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM. c-e: ITC reaction heat and fitting curves of SRI-42667 with full-length Tau ( c ), FynSH3 ( d ), and Tau-PxxP 5/6 ( e ). For SRI-42667 with full-length Tau, n ​= ​0.9, K d ​= ​11.9 ​μM, ΔG ​= ​−6.7 ​kcal/mol, ΔH ​= ​−1.5 ​kcal/mol. Results were confirmed with three independent experiments.

    Journal: Neurotherapeutics

    Article Title: Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability

    doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2023.10.001

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Lead compound SRI-42667 binds Tau not FynSH3. a: SRI-42667 is not a kinase inhibitor while positive control SFK inhibitor saracatinib inhibits Src, Fyn, Abl, and EGFR kinase activity. b: Preincubating SRI-42667 with Tau in the Tau-FynSH3 AlphaScreen resulted in more potent inhibition than preincubating SRI-42667 with FynSH3 (n ​= ​3 wells per group in N ​= ​2 runs; 2-way ANOVA main effect of preincubation p ​< ​0.0001, F(1,75) ​= ​80.22). Data displayed as mean ​± ​SEM. c-e: ITC reaction heat and fitting curves of SRI-42667 with full-length Tau ( c ), FynSH3 ( d ), and Tau-PxxP 5/6 ( e ). For SRI-42667 with full-length Tau, n ​= ​0.9, K d ​= ​11.9 ​μM, ΔG ​= ​−6.7 ​kcal/mol, ΔH ​= ​−1.5 ​kcal/mol. Results were confirmed with three independent experiments.

    Article Snippet: Cells were grown for 48 h before applying 15 μM SRI-42667 for 24 h. Cells were fixed and PLA was run as above except with Dako Tau (1:1000) and α-tubulin (1:2000) primary antibodies.

    Techniques: Positive Control, Activity Assay, Amplified Luminescent Proximity Homogenous Assay, Inhibition

    SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration and network hyperexcitability. a: Timeline of MEA experiments completed on DIV13. TSII, Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor, either Tau-PxxP 5/6 (b–d) or SRI-42667 (e–g). b: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the four conditions (Veh/Veh, Veh/Aβ, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Veh, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Aβ). c: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. d: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. Tau-PxxP 5/6 ameliorated Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​63–115 neurons per group; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.02, ∗ p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. e: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the six conditions. f: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. g: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​257–326 neurons per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​< ​0.0001, F(2,1709) ​= ​13.47, ∗∗∗∗ p ​< ​0.0001 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons.

    Journal: Neurotherapeutics

    Article Title: Development of small-molecule Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitors that prevent amyloid-β toxicity and network hyperexcitability

    doi: 10.1016/j.neurot.2023.10.001

    Figure Lengend Snippet: SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced neurite degeneration and network hyperexcitability. a: Timeline of MEA experiments completed on DIV13. TSII, Tau-SH3 interaction inhibitor, either Tau-PxxP 5/6 (b–d) or SRI-42667 (e–g). b: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the four conditions (Veh/Veh, Veh/Aβ, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Veh, Tau-PxxP 5/6 /Aβ). c: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. d: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. Tau-PxxP 5/6 ameliorated Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​63–115 neurons per group; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​= ​0.02, ∗ p ​< ​0.05 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons. e: Representative 1-s traces from post-treatment recordings in each of the six conditions. f: Representative raster plots from five neurons per group firing over the 20-min post-treatment recording. g: Quantification of neuronal firing, expressed as log-transformed ratio of post-treatment firing frequency relative to baseline. SRI-42667 ameliorates Aβ-induced network hyperexcitability (n ​= ​257–326 neurons per group from N ​= ​2 dissections; 2-way ANOVA interaction p ​< ​0.0001, F(2,1709) ​= ​13.47, ∗∗∗∗ p ​< ​0.0001 by Sidak posthoc, no other significant differences on posthoc testing). Gray bars are vehicle control and red bars are Aβ-treated neurons.

    Article Snippet: Cells were grown for 48 h before applying 15 μM SRI-42667 for 24 h. Cells were fixed and PLA was run as above except with Dako Tau (1:1000) and α-tubulin (1:2000) primary antibodies.

    Techniques: Transformation Assay

    Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Journal: PLoS ONE

    Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Article Snippet: Human MCs were transiently transfected with human TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA (Santa Cruz, USA) using the Xtreme GENE siRNA transfection reagent (Roche, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Techniques: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Western Blot, Expressing

    (A, B) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the TRPC3 siRNA (A) and TRPC6 siRNA (B) decreased the mRNA expression of TRPC3 and TRPC6, respectively (*p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 3), without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3). (C, D) Western blot experiments showed that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (C) and TRPC6 siRNA (D) reduced TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 3), respectively, without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3) compared with transfection with scramble siRNA. Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Journal: PLoS ONE

    Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777

    Figure Lengend Snippet: (A, B) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the TRPC3 siRNA (A) and TRPC6 siRNA (B) decreased the mRNA expression of TRPC3 and TRPC6, respectively (*p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 3), without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3). (C, D) Western blot experiments showed that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (C) and TRPC6 siRNA (D) reduced TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 3), respectively, without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3) compared with transfection with scramble siRNA. Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Article Snippet: Human MCs were transiently transfected with human TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA (Santa Cruz, USA) using the Xtreme GENE siRNA transfection reagent (Roche, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Techniques: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Expressing, Western Blot, Transfection

    [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. (A, B) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly inhibit the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (C) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. (D, E) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (D) or TRPC6 siRNA (E) significantly inhibits the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (F) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.

    Journal: PLoS ONE

    Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777

    Figure Lengend Snippet: [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. (A, B) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly inhibit the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (C) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. (D, E) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (D) or TRPC6 siRNA (E) significantly inhibits the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (F) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.

    Article Snippet: Human MCs were transiently transfected with human TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA (Santa Cruz, USA) using the Xtreme GENE siRNA transfection reagent (Roche, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Techniques: Fluorescence, Transfection

    [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. Representative traces are shown in A-D. (A, B) Representative traces (A–B) and summary of data (C) showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly reduces the 100 µM OAG-induced Ca 2+ influx (p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 4), respectively, compared with transfection with scrambled siRNA. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. (D, E) The 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (D)- and spermine(E)-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase is significantly enhanced by pretreatment with 100 µM OAG for 20 min (p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 4). The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.

    Journal: PLoS ONE

    Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777

    Figure Lengend Snippet: [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. Representative traces are shown in A-D. (A, B) Representative traces (A–B) and summary of data (C) showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly reduces the 100 µM OAG-induced Ca 2+ influx (p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 4), respectively, compared with transfection with scrambled siRNA. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. (D, E) The 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (D)- and spermine(E)-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase is significantly enhanced by pretreatment with 100 µM OAG for 20 min (p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 4). The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.

    Article Snippet: Human MCs were transiently transfected with human TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA (Santa Cruz, USA) using the Xtreme GENE siRNA transfection reagent (Roche, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Techniques: Fluorescence, Transfection

    Cell proliferation was measured by a Cell Proliferation ELISA BrdU kit. After starvation for 24-free medium, cells were incubated in the same medium supplemented with different [Ca 2+ ] o (1–5 mM) in the presence or absence of various inhibitors for 24 h. Untreated cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. (A) Incubation of cells for 24 h with 3 mM and 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o increase proliferation of human MCs, respectively, compared with 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (Ctl) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Pretreatment with 10 µM NPS2390 significantly reduces the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced cell proliferation (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, # p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without NPS2390, n = 3). Incubation with NPS2390 alone do not affect cell proliferation at 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (p>0.05, n = 3). (C) The [Ca 2+ ] o -mediated cell proliferation is significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 50 µM SKF96365 or 100 µM 2-APB (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, #p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without inhibitors, n = 3). (D) Transfection of TRPC3 siRNA and TRPC6 siRNA significantly attenuate the promotion of proliferation by 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (**p<0.01 vs. Scr+1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o , #p<0.05 vs. Scr+5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o ), respectively, compared with scramble siRNA treated with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o . Cells were transfected with TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA followed by treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. Untransfected cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Journal: PLoS ONE

    Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells

    doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Cell proliferation was measured by a Cell Proliferation ELISA BrdU kit. After starvation for 24-free medium, cells were incubated in the same medium supplemented with different [Ca 2+ ] o (1–5 mM) in the presence or absence of various inhibitors for 24 h. Untreated cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. (A) Incubation of cells for 24 h with 3 mM and 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o increase proliferation of human MCs, respectively, compared with 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (Ctl) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Pretreatment with 10 µM NPS2390 significantly reduces the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced cell proliferation (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, # p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without NPS2390, n = 3). Incubation with NPS2390 alone do not affect cell proliferation at 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (p>0.05, n = 3). (C) The [Ca 2+ ] o -mediated cell proliferation is significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 50 µM SKF96365 or 100 µM 2-APB (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, #p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without inhibitors, n = 3). (D) Transfection of TRPC3 siRNA and TRPC6 siRNA significantly attenuate the promotion of proliferation by 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (**p<0.01 vs. Scr+1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o , #p<0.05 vs. Scr+5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o ), respectively, compared with scramble siRNA treated with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o . Cells were transfected with TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA followed by treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. Untransfected cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.

    Article Snippet: Human MCs were transiently transfected with human TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA (Santa Cruz, USA) using the Xtreme GENE siRNA transfection reagent (Roche, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    Techniques: Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay, Incubation, Cell Culture, Transfection

    Expression level of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)

    Journal: Molecular Neurobiology

    Article Title: Transcription Factor 2I Regulates Neuronal Development via TRPC3 in 7q11.23 Disorder Models

    doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1290-7

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Expression level of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/Del tissue and neurons. a Representative confocal images from Div8 neuronal culture of Gtf2i mutant mice. TRPC3, green and actin-phalloidin, cyan. Fluorescence intensity was measured using TRPC3/actin ratio and measured in the same area of the cytosol for every cell. b Fluorescence intensity summary showed that TRPC3/actin phalliodin intensity did not significantly change between the 3 genotypes. n = 40 cells per group from 12 slices from 3 different mice. c , d Western blot analysis using cortical brain tissue from 7-day-old Gtf2i mutant mice; n = 6 samples per group.TRPC3 expression level is not significantly different between the WT and samples from their mutant littermates ( P < 0.005)

    Article Snippet: Cultured cortical neurons were transfected 4 h after plating with Trpc3-siRNA (20 nM, sc-42667, Santa Cruz) or no siRNA as negative control.

    Techniques: Expressing, Mutagenesis, Fluorescence, Western Blot

    Increased TRPC3 membrane expression in Gtf2i +/ Del neurons. The cellular localization of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del cultured cortical neurons was examined using immunofluorescence and confocal imaging. a , b , c Representative confocal images of DIV8 cortical neurons from WT, Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del . TRPC3, green; MAP2, red. d , e , f Quantitative summary of TRPC3/MAP2 ratio of fluorescence intensity ( n = 20 for each group). g Membrane fraction with cadherin as positive control. h Cytosol fraction with GAPDH as control. i TRPC3 expression in Gtf2i +/ Del group is not significantly increased in the membrane fraction comparing with WT and Gtf2i +/ Dup group, respectively (WT, 0.41 ± 0.038; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.51 ± 0.076, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.41 ± 0.07), n = 4. j TRPC3 expression in the cytosol fraction is significantly increased in Gtf2i +/ Dup cortical tissue compared to control (WT, 0.45 ± 0.035; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.46 ± 0.04, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.83 ± 0.054, P < 0.0005; n = 4). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005, indicating the difference to the other groups in the same plot. Scale bar 10 μm

    Journal: Molecular Neurobiology

    Article Title: Transcription Factor 2I Regulates Neuronal Development via TRPC3 in 7q11.23 Disorder Models

    doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1290-7

    Figure Lengend Snippet: Increased TRPC3 membrane expression in Gtf2i +/ Del neurons. The cellular localization of TRPC3 in Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del cultured cortical neurons was examined using immunofluorescence and confocal imaging. a , b , c Representative confocal images of DIV8 cortical neurons from WT, Gtf2i +/ Dup and Gtf2i +/ Del . TRPC3, green; MAP2, red. d , e , f Quantitative summary of TRPC3/MAP2 ratio of fluorescence intensity ( n = 20 for each group). g Membrane fraction with cadherin as positive control. h Cytosol fraction with GAPDH as control. i TRPC3 expression in Gtf2i +/ Del group is not significantly increased in the membrane fraction comparing with WT and Gtf2i +/ Dup group, respectively (WT, 0.41 ± 0.038; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.51 ± 0.076, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.41 ± 0.07), n = 4. j TRPC3 expression in the cytosol fraction is significantly increased in Gtf2i +/ Dup cortical tissue compared to control (WT, 0.45 ± 0.035; Gtf2i +/ Del , 0.46 ± 0.04, Gtf2i +/ Dup , 0.83 ± 0.054, P < 0.0005; n = 4). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005, indicating the difference to the other groups in the same plot. Scale bar 10 μm

    Article Snippet: Cultured cortical neurons were transfected 4 h after plating with Trpc3-siRNA (20 nM, sc-42667, Santa Cruz) or no siRNA as negative control.

    Techniques: Expressing, Cell Culture, Immunofluorescence, Imaging, Fluorescence, Positive Control

    TRPC3 knockdown suppresses Ca 2+ entry. Cortical neurons were transfected with eGFP-sRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. a Representatives of confocal images of cortical neurons labeled with TRPC3 in red, GFP in green and NeuN in blue, at DIV4. b Quantification of fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images shows 40% knockdown of TRPC3 using TRPC3-siRNA in control neurons was confirmed by measuring fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images ( P < 0.0005). c Western Blot shows reduction of TRPC3 protein level, confirming TRPC3-knockdown. TRPC3 protein, 97 KDa; β-actin, 42 KDa. (* P < 0.0005). Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and fura-2 imaging were carried out to study the current density and calcium signals, respectively, in Gtf2i mutants and WT neurons with Trpc3 knockdown. Cortical neurons were transfected with a scrambled-eGFP-siRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. Representatives of I-V curves of neurons from Gtf2i +/Del mice and their WT littermates designated WT Del ( d ), Gtf2i +/Dup and WT Dup littermates ( e ) and WT neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP (Trpc3-KD) or the control vector ( f ). g Summary of the whole-cell current density showing a significant increase in Gtf2i +/Del neurons (WT De n = 10; Gtf2i +/Del n = 7, P < 0.0005), and smaller in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons ( n = 11) compared to their WT littermates (WT Dup n = 9, P < 0.005). The current density from the neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP was significantly reduced compared to control neurons (eGFP-sRNA n = 9; Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP n = 7, P < 0.0005). This decrease in current density of TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP treated cells is comparable and not significantly different to the current density seen in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons. h , i , j Ratiometric Fura-2 Ca 2+ signals measured in the soma. Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. k Quantification of [Ca 2+ ] i release. WT Del = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102; WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.0005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). l Quantification of Ca 2+ entry: WT Del n = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102 ( P < 0.0005); WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). Gtf2i +/Dup , and Trpc3 -KD are both significantly decreased compared to control. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005

    Journal: Molecular Neurobiology

    Article Title: Transcription Factor 2I Regulates Neuronal Development via TRPC3 in 7q11.23 Disorder Models

    doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1290-7

    Figure Lengend Snippet: TRPC3 knockdown suppresses Ca 2+ entry. Cortical neurons were transfected with eGFP-sRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. a Representatives of confocal images of cortical neurons labeled with TRPC3 in red, GFP in green and NeuN in blue, at DIV4. b Quantification of fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images shows 40% knockdown of TRPC3 using TRPC3-siRNA in control neurons was confirmed by measuring fluorescence intensity of TRPC3 in confocal images ( P < 0.0005). c Western Blot shows reduction of TRPC3 protein level, confirming TRPC3-knockdown. TRPC3 protein, 97 KDa; β-actin, 42 KDa. (* P < 0.0005). Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and fura-2 imaging were carried out to study the current density and calcium signals, respectively, in Gtf2i mutants and WT neurons with Trpc3 knockdown. Cortical neurons were transfected with a scrambled-eGFP-siRNA and Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP 4 h after plating. Representatives of I-V curves of neurons from Gtf2i +/Del mice and their WT littermates designated WT Del ( d ), Gtf2i +/Dup and WT Dup littermates ( e ) and WT neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP (Trpc3-KD) or the control vector ( f ). g Summary of the whole-cell current density showing a significant increase in Gtf2i +/Del neurons (WT De n = 10; Gtf2i +/Del n = 7, P < 0.0005), and smaller in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons ( n = 11) compared to their WT littermates (WT Dup n = 9, P < 0.005). The current density from the neurons treated with TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP was significantly reduced compared to control neurons (eGFP-sRNA n = 9; Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP n = 7, P < 0.0005). This decrease in current density of TRPC3-siRNA-eGFP treated cells is comparable and not significantly different to the current density seen in Gtf2i +/Dup neurons. h , i , j Ratiometric Fura-2 Ca 2+ signals measured in the soma. Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. k Quantification of [Ca 2+ ] i release. WT Del = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102; WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.0005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). l Quantification of Ca 2+ entry: WT Del n = 86; Gtf2i +/Del n = 102 ( P < 0.0005); WT Dup n = 88; Gtf2i +/Dup n = 88 ( P < 0.005); eGFP-sRNA n = 80; Trpc3 -siRNA n = 88 ( P < 0.0005). Gtf2i +/Dup , and Trpc3 -KD are both significantly decreased compared to control. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005

    Article Snippet: Cultured cortical neurons were transfected 4 h after plating with Trpc3-siRNA (20 nM, sc-42667, Santa Cruz) or no siRNA as negative control.

    Techniques: Transfection, Labeling, Fluorescence, Western Blot, Patch Clamp, Imaging, Plasmid Preparation

    TRPC3 knockdown rescues the phenotype of Gtf2i +/Del neurons. a Representative total neurite traces of neurons at DIV4, 6, 8, and 10. b Total neurite length of Trpc3 -siRNA treated neurons (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 95; DIV8 n = 80; DIV10 n = 86) was significantly shorter than eGFP-sRNA controls (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 90; DIV8 n = 81; DIV10 n = 85, P < 0.05). c Representative confocal images of neurons immunostained with MAP2 and Tau-1. d Quantitative summary of dendritic length in both eGFP-sRNA control group and Trpc3 KD group. eGFP-sRNA n = 75; Trpc3 -targeted siRNA n = 70. Unpaired Student’s t test. e Quantitative summary showed that the axonal length of Trpc3 -siRNA-treated neurons ( n = 70) was significantly decreased compared to eGFP-sRNA treated neurons ( n = 75, P < 0.05), unpaired Student’s t test. f Quantitative summary showed that number of branches in axons was significantly decreased in neurons treated with Trpc3 -targeted siRNA ( n = 80) compared to eGFP-sRNA ( n = 80) treated neurons. ( P < 0.0005, unpaired Student’s t test). g Sholl analysis showing Trpc3-KD reduced the number of branches at all the distance measured, as seen in Gtf2i +/Dup . h Representative images of WT and Gtf2i +/ Del neurons immunostained with Tubulin. Total neurite length of GFP positive neurons was traced using the labeling for Tubulin. i Summary shows that total neurite length of Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP was significantly shorter than control siRNA-eGFP treated Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40, P < 0.005), and similar to control siRNA-eGFP-treated WT neurons. Again, treated with control siRNA-eGFP, the total length of the Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40) was significantly greater than WT ( n = 40; P < 0.0005). j Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. Additional caffeine and thapsigargin, as indicated by open bar. k Ca 2+ release was not significantly different between the 3 groups ( n = 20). Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP calcium entry were rescued to WT levels ( n = 20; P < 0.0005). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005

    Journal: Molecular Neurobiology

    Article Title: Transcription Factor 2I Regulates Neuronal Development via TRPC3 in 7q11.23 Disorder Models

    doi: 10.1007/s12035-018-1290-7

    Figure Lengend Snippet: TRPC3 knockdown rescues the phenotype of Gtf2i +/Del neurons. a Representative total neurite traces of neurons at DIV4, 6, 8, and 10. b Total neurite length of Trpc3 -siRNA treated neurons (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 95; DIV8 n = 80; DIV10 n = 86) was significantly shorter than eGFP-sRNA controls (DIV4 n = 125; DIV6 n = 90; DIV8 n = 81; DIV10 n = 85, P < 0.05). c Representative confocal images of neurons immunostained with MAP2 and Tau-1. d Quantitative summary of dendritic length in both eGFP-sRNA control group and Trpc3 KD group. eGFP-sRNA n = 75; Trpc3 -targeted siRNA n = 70. Unpaired Student’s t test. e Quantitative summary showed that the axonal length of Trpc3 -siRNA-treated neurons ( n = 70) was significantly decreased compared to eGFP-sRNA treated neurons ( n = 75, P < 0.05), unpaired Student’s t test. f Quantitative summary showed that number of branches in axons was significantly decreased in neurons treated with Trpc3 -targeted siRNA ( n = 80) compared to eGFP-sRNA ( n = 80) treated neurons. ( P < 0.0005, unpaired Student’s t test). g Sholl analysis showing Trpc3-KD reduced the number of branches at all the distance measured, as seen in Gtf2i +/Dup . h Representative images of WT and Gtf2i +/ Del neurons immunostained with Tubulin. Total neurite length of GFP positive neurons was traced using the labeling for Tubulin. i Summary shows that total neurite length of Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP was significantly shorter than control siRNA-eGFP treated Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40, P < 0.005), and similar to control siRNA-eGFP-treated WT neurons. Again, treated with control siRNA-eGFP, the total length of the Gtf2i +/ Del neurons ( n = 40) was significantly greater than WT ( n = 40; P < 0.0005). j Representative Ca 2+ traces show carbachol (CCh)-induced Ca 2+ signal in the absence (showing Ca 2+ release from internal store) or presence (showing extracellular Ca 2+ entry) of Ca 2+ in bath solution. Additional caffeine and thapsigargin, as indicated by open bar. k Ca 2+ release was not significantly different between the 3 groups ( n = 20). Gtf2i +/ Del neurons treated with Trpc3 -siRNA-eGFP calcium entry were rescued to WT levels ( n = 20; P < 0.0005). * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.005, *** P < 0.0005

    Article Snippet: Cultured cortical neurons were transfected 4 h after plating with Trpc3-siRNA (20 nM, sc-42667, Santa Cruz) or no siRNA as negative control.

    Techniques: Labeling