Journal: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience
Article Title: Endothelin-1, over-expressed in SOD1 G93A mice, aggravates injury of NSC34-hSOD1G93A cells through complicated molecular mechanism revealed by quantitative proteomics analysis
doi: 10.3389/fncel.2022.1069617
Figure Lengend Snippet: NSC34-hSOD1G93A cells display a series of injured features and ET-A and ET-B receptors are both expressed in the cell model. (A) Immunofluorescence labeling of MAP1B showing different neurites of the three cell groups (NSC34-E, NSC34-hSOD1WT and NSC34-hSOD1G93A). (B) Immunofluorescence staining indicates increased cFOS expression in NSC34-hSOD1G93A cells. (C) Immunofluorescence staining shows hSOD1-positive aggregates in NSC34-hSOD1G93A cells. (D) Quantification of neurite length from multiple fields of view was analyzed by the Sholl analysis. (E , F) Bar graphs showing quantification of cFOS and hSOD1 fluorescence intensities from multiple fields of view. * P < 0.05, a pairwise comparison marked by a horizontal line. Data represent the mean ± SEM, statistical significance was assessed by one-way ANOVA followed by LSD- t test. (G,H) Similar ET-A and ET-B expression are observed in the three cell groups. Bar = 50 μm in (A,B,G,H) . Bar = 20 μm in (C) .
Article Snippet: The sections were then incubated with primary antibodies in blocking buffer overnight at 4 ° C. Primary antibodies include goat anti Iba-1 (Wako, 019-19741, 1:250), mouse anti-GFAP (Millipore, MAB360, 1:400), mouse anti-NeuN (Millipore, MAB377, 1:100), mouse anti-APC (Millipore, OP80, 1:400), rabbit anti-SOD1 (Immunoway, YT4364, 1:100), rabbit anti-cFOS (Abcam, ab222699, 1:100), rabbit anti-MAP1B (Proteintech, 21633-1-AP, 1:100), mouse anti-SMI32 (Biolegend, 801701, 1:100), rabbit anti-GFP (Life tech, G10362, 1:100), rabbit anti-Endothelin-1 (Abbiotec, 250633, 1:100), rabbit anti-ET-A (Bioss, bs-1757R, 1:300) and rabbit anti-ET-B (Abcam, ab117529, 1:500).
Techniques: Immunofluorescence, Labeling, Staining, Expressing, Fluorescence