Journal: BMC Plant Biology
Article Title: Optimization of in vitro propagation and virus eradication using meristem culture and thermotherapy in two geranium species Pelargonium X hortorum (‘Zonal’) and Pelargonium × domesticum (‘Regal’)
doi: 10.1186/s12870-024-06027-y
Figure Lengend Snippet: Detection and confirmation of Tombusviridae and PFBV virus elimination using heat treatment and meristem tip culture in five geranium plantlets. Left: Tombusviridae virus detection in geranium samples before (P19, P21, P108, P111, P112) and after (MTCP19, MTCP21, MTCP108, MTCP111, MTCP112) heat treatment and meristem tip culture. Right: PFBV virus detection in geranium samples before (P19, P21, P108, P111, P112) and after (MTCP19, MTCP21, MTCP108, MTCP111, MTCP112) heat treatment and meristem tip culture. M: 1 kb size marker (GenRuler™ 1 kb DNA ladder, Fermentas)
Article Snippet: M: GenRuler™ 1 kb DNA ladder (Fermentas); Lanes 1–3: Pelargonium samples; Lane 4: Negative control (plantlet derived from meristem tip culture of Pelargonium ), Lane 5: water, 6–8: PFBV specific primer on Pelargonium samples; Lane 9: negative control, Lane 10: water According to the results, bud sprouting of explants was significantly affected ( P ≤ 0.01) by species, medium, sampling time, and their interaction (Table ).
Techniques: Virus, Marker