gtp rhoa Search Results

ProSci Incorporated 183 h12 5c
183 H12 5c, supplied by ProSci Incorporated, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 90/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more h12 5c/product/ProSci Incorporated
Average 90 stars, based on 1 article reviews
183 h12 5c - by Bioz Stars, 2025-02
90/100 stars
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NewEast Biosciences gtp rhoa
A Primary cortical microglia expressing the <t>Raichu-RhoA</t> biosensor exposed to 1 µg/ml LPS ( n = 6 cells pooled across 3 independent cultures). Panels represent time-lapse FRET/CFP images coded according to the pseudocolor ramp. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes normalized at 0 min. * p < 0.05 (One-way ANOVA). B Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor were exposed to different concentrations of LPS for 20 min ( n = 10 cells pooled across 5 independent cultures). Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. The blue line shows untreated cells’ mean FRET/Donor ratio changes. The dashed line indicates the IC 50 . C , Primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 10 independent cultures) and immunostained for <t>GTP-RhoA.</t> Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). **** p < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney test). D RhoA pull-down on lysates from primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * *p < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney test). E HMC3 microglia expressing Raichu-RhoA biosensor treated and non-treated (CT) with 1 µg/ml LPS for 1 h ( n = 100 cells per group from 10 independent experiments). Pseudocolor ramp represents min/max FRET/CFP ratios. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. **** p < 0.0001 (unpaired t-test). F RhoA pull-down on lysates from HCM3 microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test). G Immunofluorescence images of GTP-RhoA and Iba-1 on cortical tissue sections from brain cortex of adult mice injected with saline or LPS (4 mg/Kg; 24 h). Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA in Iba-1+ cells ( n = 3 mice per group). * p < 0.001 (paired t-test). Scale bars: 10 µm ( A, C , and G ); 20 µm ( E ).
Gtp Rhoa, supplied by NewEast Biosciences, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more rhoa/product/NewEast Biosciences
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
gtp rhoa - by Bioz Stars, 2025-02
86/100 stars
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Cell Signaling Technology Inc rhoa gtp
A Primary cortical microglia expressing the <t>Raichu-RhoA</t> biosensor exposed to 1 µg/ml LPS ( n = 6 cells pooled across 3 independent cultures). Panels represent time-lapse FRET/CFP images coded according to the pseudocolor ramp. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes normalized at 0 min. * p < 0.05 (One-way ANOVA). B Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor were exposed to different concentrations of LPS for 20 min ( n = 10 cells pooled across 5 independent cultures). Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. The blue line shows untreated cells’ mean FRET/Donor ratio changes. The dashed line indicates the IC 50 . C , Primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 10 independent cultures) and immunostained for <t>GTP-RhoA.</t> Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). **** p < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney test). D RhoA pull-down on lysates from primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * *p < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney test). E HMC3 microglia expressing Raichu-RhoA biosensor treated and non-treated (CT) with 1 µg/ml LPS for 1 h ( n = 100 cells per group from 10 independent experiments). Pseudocolor ramp represents min/max FRET/CFP ratios. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. **** p < 0.0001 (unpaired t-test). F RhoA pull-down on lysates from HCM3 microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test). G Immunofluorescence images of GTP-RhoA and Iba-1 on cortical tissue sections from brain cortex of adult mice injected with saline or LPS (4 mg/Kg; 24 h). Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA in Iba-1+ cells ( n = 3 mice per group). * p < 0.001 (paired t-test). Scale bars: 10 µm ( A, C , and G ); 20 µm ( E ).
Rhoa Gtp, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gtp/product/Cell Signaling Technology Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
rhoa gtp - by Bioz Stars, 2025-02
86/100 stars
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Upstate Biotechnology Inc rhoa gtp
A Primary cortical microglia expressing the <t>Raichu-RhoA</t> biosensor exposed to 1 µg/ml LPS ( n = 6 cells pooled across 3 independent cultures). Panels represent time-lapse FRET/CFP images coded according to the pseudocolor ramp. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes normalized at 0 min. * p < 0.05 (One-way ANOVA). B Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor were exposed to different concentrations of LPS for 20 min ( n = 10 cells pooled across 5 independent cultures). Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. The blue line shows untreated cells’ mean FRET/Donor ratio changes. The dashed line indicates the IC 50 . C , Primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 10 independent cultures) and immunostained for <t>GTP-RhoA.</t> Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). **** p < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney test). D RhoA pull-down on lysates from primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * *p < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney test). E HMC3 microglia expressing Raichu-RhoA biosensor treated and non-treated (CT) with 1 µg/ml LPS for 1 h ( n = 100 cells per group from 10 independent experiments). Pseudocolor ramp represents min/max FRET/CFP ratios. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. **** p < 0.0001 (unpaired t-test). F RhoA pull-down on lysates from HCM3 microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test). G Immunofluorescence images of GTP-RhoA and Iba-1 on cortical tissue sections from brain cortex of adult mice injected with saline or LPS (4 mg/Kg; 24 h). Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA in Iba-1+ cells ( n = 3 mice per group). * p < 0.001 (paired t-test). Scale bars: 10 µm ( A, C , and G ); 20 µm ( E ).
Rhoa Gtp, supplied by Upstate Biotechnology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more gtp/product/Upstate Biotechnology Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
rhoa gtp - by Bioz Stars, 2025-02
86/100 stars
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Thermo Fisher gtp rhoa
P -Tyr216 GSK-3β stimulates β-catenin in early period and then p -Ser9 GSK-3β attenuates β-catenin through Src phosphorylation in late period of Wnt3A stimulation. (A) HEK293T cells were stimulated by Wnt3A in time-dependent manner and indicated proteins were determined. (B) <t>RhoA-GTP</t> levels were determined using RBD-beads pull-down assay. (C) HEK293T cells were transfected with si-GSK3β and reconstituted with GSK-3β WT, S9A, S9D, Y216E and Y216F. Cells were stimulated by Wnt3A (30 ng/ml) for 2 h and indicated proteins were determined. (D) Recombinant GST-GSK-3β WT, S9A, S9D, Y216E and Y216F proteins were incubated with Src protein in the presence of ATP (20 μM) and MgCl 2 (25 mM) for 60 min and p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src were detected with western blotting. (E) HEK293T cells were stimulated with Wnt3A (30 ng/ml) for 2 h and Src was immunoprecipitated and then indicated proteins were detected. (F) Amino acids sequences of N - (NTD) and C -terminal domains (CTD) of Src, β-catenin and glycogen synthase (GS) were compared. Identical amino acids were indicated in blue and similar ones were noted in cyan blue. Specific Ser candidate residues to be phosphorylated were noted in red. Particularly identical proline residues were noted in green. (G) GST-GSK-3β S9D and Src proteins were incubated with ATP/MgCl 2 , the SDS-PAGE was performed, and Src protein was analyzed to identify phosphorylation site by using MALDI-TOF. Ser51 was identified to be phosphorylation site. (H) Domains of Src including SH4, Unique domain (UD), SH3, SH2, and SH1 was presented. P -Ser51 and p -Ser43 were localized in UD and p -Ser493 was localized in SH1 domain. (I) Cells were transfected with Src S493A, S51A, S43A mutants and WT (wild type), then Src was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1, and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (J) Cells were transfected with Src S493D, S51D, S43D mutants, and WT (wild type), then Src was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (K) Cells were transfected with Src A3 (S493A/S51A/S43A), D3 (S493D/S51D/S43D), A2 (AA: S493A/S51A), D2 (DD: S493D/S51D), AD (S493A/S51D) and DA (S493A/S51A), and WT (wild type) and Sc was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (L) si-GSK-3β, GSK-3β WT and GSK-3β S9A were transfected and treated with Wnt3A for 2 h. Src was immunoprecipitated and p -Ser was immunoblotted. (M) Tentative model for p -Ser9 GSK-3β to phosphorylate Ser493, Ser51, and Ser43 residues of Src was presented. p -Ser493 and p -Ser51 Src are inactive forms, but p -Ser43 Src is an active form. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Gtp Rhoa, supplied by Thermo Fisher, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more rhoa/product/Thermo Fisher
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
gtp rhoa - by Bioz Stars, 2025-02
86/100 stars
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Image Search Results

A Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor exposed to 1 µg/ml LPS ( n = 6 cells pooled across 3 independent cultures). Panels represent time-lapse FRET/CFP images coded according to the pseudocolor ramp. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes normalized at 0 min. * p < 0.05 (One-way ANOVA). B Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor were exposed to different concentrations of LPS for 20 min ( n = 10 cells pooled across 5 independent cultures). Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. The blue line shows untreated cells’ mean FRET/Donor ratio changes. The dashed line indicates the IC 50 . C , Primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 10 independent cultures) and immunostained for GTP-RhoA. Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). **** p < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney test). D RhoA pull-down on lysates from primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * *p < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney test). E HMC3 microglia expressing Raichu-RhoA biosensor treated and non-treated (CT) with 1 µg/ml LPS for 1 h ( n = 100 cells per group from 10 independent experiments). Pseudocolor ramp represents min/max FRET/CFP ratios. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. **** p < 0.0001 (unpaired t-test). F RhoA pull-down on lysates from HCM3 microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test). G Immunofluorescence images of GTP-RhoA and Iba-1 on cortical tissue sections from brain cortex of adult mice injected with saline or LPS (4 mg/Kg; 24 h). Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA in Iba-1+ cells ( n = 3 mice per group). * p < 0.001 (paired t-test). Scale bars: 10 µm ( A, C , and G ); 20 µm ( E ).

Journal: Cell Death & Disease

Article Title: RhoA balances microglial reactivity and survival during neuroinflammation

doi: 10.1038/s41419-023-06217-w

Figure Lengend Snippet: A Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor exposed to 1 µg/ml LPS ( n = 6 cells pooled across 3 independent cultures). Panels represent time-lapse FRET/CFP images coded according to the pseudocolor ramp. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes normalized at 0 min. * p < 0.05 (One-way ANOVA). B Primary cortical microglia expressing the Raichu-RhoA biosensor were exposed to different concentrations of LPS for 20 min ( n = 10 cells pooled across 5 independent cultures). Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. The blue line shows untreated cells’ mean FRET/Donor ratio changes. The dashed line indicates the IC 50 . C , Primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 10 independent cultures) and immunostained for GTP-RhoA. Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA as mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). **** p < 0.0001 (Mann-Whitney test). D RhoA pull-down on lysates from primary cortical microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * *p < 0.01 (Mann-Whitney test). E HMC3 microglia expressing Raichu-RhoA biosensor treated and non-treated (CT) with 1 µg/ml LPS for 1 h ( n = 100 cells per group from 10 independent experiments). Pseudocolor ramp represents min/max FRET/CFP ratios. Graph (mean and SD) displays FRET/CFP ratio changes. **** p < 0.0001 (unpaired t-test). F RhoA pull-down on lysates from HCM3 microglia treated and non-treated (CT) with LPS (1 µg/ml) for 1 h ( n = 3 independent cultures). Graph displays mean with SD. * p < 0.05 (Mann-Whitney test). G Immunofluorescence images of GTP-RhoA and Iba-1 on cortical tissue sections from brain cortex of adult mice injected with saline or LPS (4 mg/Kg; 24 h). Graph (mean and SD) shows amounts of GTP-RhoA in Iba-1+ cells ( n = 3 mice per group). * p < 0.001 (paired t-test). Scale bars: 10 µm ( A, C , and G ); 20 µm ( E ).

Article Snippet: GTP-RhoA (NewEast Biosciences Cat# 26904, RRID:AB_1961799), RhoA (Abcam Cat# ab68826, RRID:AB_1142593), RhoA (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 2117, RRID:AB_10693922), Iba-1 (FUJIFILM Wako Shibayagi Cat# 27030, RRID:AB_2314667), phosphorylated Src family (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 6943, RRID:AB_10013641), Src (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 2102, RRID:AB_331358), phosphorylated ERK 1/2 (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9101, RRID:AB_331646), ERK 1/2 (Cell Signaling Technology Cat# 9102, RRID:AB_330744).

Techniques: Expressing, MANN-WHITNEY, Immunofluorescence, Injection, Saline

P -Tyr216 GSK-3β stimulates β-catenin in early period and then p -Ser9 GSK-3β attenuates β-catenin through Src phosphorylation in late period of Wnt3A stimulation. (A) HEK293T cells were stimulated by Wnt3A in time-dependent manner and indicated proteins were determined. (B) RhoA-GTP levels were determined using RBD-beads pull-down assay. (C) HEK293T cells were transfected with si-GSK3β and reconstituted with GSK-3β WT, S9A, S9D, Y216E and Y216F. Cells were stimulated by Wnt3A (30 ng/ml) for 2 h and indicated proteins were determined. (D) Recombinant GST-GSK-3β WT, S9A, S9D, Y216E and Y216F proteins were incubated with Src protein in the presence of ATP (20 μM) and MgCl 2 (25 mM) for 60 min and p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src were detected with western blotting. (E) HEK293T cells were stimulated with Wnt3A (30 ng/ml) for 2 h and Src was immunoprecipitated and then indicated proteins were detected. (F) Amino acids sequences of N - (NTD) and C -terminal domains (CTD) of Src, β-catenin and glycogen synthase (GS) were compared. Identical amino acids were indicated in blue and similar ones were noted in cyan blue. Specific Ser candidate residues to be phosphorylated were noted in red. Particularly identical proline residues were noted in green. (G) GST-GSK-3β S9D and Src proteins were incubated with ATP/MgCl 2 , the SDS-PAGE was performed, and Src protein was analyzed to identify phosphorylation site by using MALDI-TOF. Ser51 was identified to be phosphorylation site. (H) Domains of Src including SH4, Unique domain (UD), SH3, SH2, and SH1 was presented. P -Ser51 and p -Ser43 were localized in UD and p -Ser493 was localized in SH1 domain. (I) Cells were transfected with Src S493A, S51A, S43A mutants and WT (wild type), then Src was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1, and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (J) Cells were transfected with Src S493D, S51D, S43D mutants, and WT (wild type), then Src was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (K) Cells were transfected with Src A3 (S493A/S51A/S43A), D3 (S493D/S51D/S43D), A2 (AA: S493A/S51A), D2 (DD: S493D/S51D), AD (S493A/S51D) and DA (S493A/S51A), and WT (wild type) and Sc was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (L) si-GSK-3β, GSK-3β WT and GSK-3β S9A were transfected and treated with Wnt3A for 2 h. Src was immunoprecipitated and p -Ser was immunoblotted. (M) Tentative model for p -Ser9 GSK-3β to phosphorylate Ser493, Ser51, and Ser43 residues of Src was presented. p -Ser493 and p -Ser51 Src are inactive forms, but p -Ser43 Src is an active form. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Journal: Redox Biology

Article Title: RhoA GTPase phosphorylated at tyrosine 42 by src kinase binds to β-catenin and contributes transcriptional regulation of vimentin upon Wnt3A

doi: 10.1016/j.redox.2020.101842

Figure Lengend Snippet: P -Tyr216 GSK-3β stimulates β-catenin in early period and then p -Ser9 GSK-3β attenuates β-catenin through Src phosphorylation in late period of Wnt3A stimulation. (A) HEK293T cells were stimulated by Wnt3A in time-dependent manner and indicated proteins were determined. (B) RhoA-GTP levels were determined using RBD-beads pull-down assay. (C) HEK293T cells were transfected with si-GSK3β and reconstituted with GSK-3β WT, S9A, S9D, Y216E and Y216F. Cells were stimulated by Wnt3A (30 ng/ml) for 2 h and indicated proteins were determined. (D) Recombinant GST-GSK-3β WT, S9A, S9D, Y216E and Y216F proteins were incubated with Src protein in the presence of ATP (20 μM) and MgCl 2 (25 mM) for 60 min and p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src were detected with western blotting. (E) HEK293T cells were stimulated with Wnt3A (30 ng/ml) for 2 h and Src was immunoprecipitated and then indicated proteins were detected. (F) Amino acids sequences of N - (NTD) and C -terminal domains (CTD) of Src, β-catenin and glycogen synthase (GS) were compared. Identical amino acids were indicated in blue and similar ones were noted in cyan blue. Specific Ser candidate residues to be phosphorylated were noted in red. Particularly identical proline residues were noted in green. (G) GST-GSK-3β S9D and Src proteins were incubated with ATP/MgCl 2 , the SDS-PAGE was performed, and Src protein was analyzed to identify phosphorylation site by using MALDI-TOF. Ser51 was identified to be phosphorylation site. (H) Domains of Src including SH4, Unique domain (UD), SH3, SH2, and SH1 was presented. P -Ser51 and p -Ser43 were localized in UD and p -Ser493 was localized in SH1 domain. (I) Cells were transfected with Src S493A, S51A, S43A mutants and WT (wild type), then Src was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1, and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (J) Cells were transfected with Src S493D, S51D, S43D mutants, and WT (wild type), then Src was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (K) Cells were transfected with Src A3 (S493A/S51A/S43A), D3 (S493D/S51D/S43D), A2 (AA: S493A/S51A), D2 (DD: S493D/S51D), AD (S493A/S51D) and DA (S493A/S51A), and WT (wild type) and Sc was immunoprecipitated and then p -Ser and p -Tyr416 Src, p-S9 GSK-3β, p -Tyr216 GSK-3β, p -Tyr42 RhoA, ROCK1 and ROCK2 were immunoblotted. (L) si-GSK-3β, GSK-3β WT and GSK-3β S9A were transfected and treated with Wnt3A for 2 h. Src was immunoprecipitated and p -Ser was immunoblotted. (M) Tentative model for p -Ser9 GSK-3β to phosphorylate Ser493, Ser51, and Ser43 residues of Src was presented. p -Ser493 and p -Ser51 Src are inactive forms, but p -Ser43 Src is an active form. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Article Snippet: Equivalent amounts of protein from the supernatants were then incubated with GST-Rhotekin-RBD for GTP-RhoA (Pierce).

Techniques: Pull Down Assay, Transfection, Recombinant, Incubation, Western Blot, Immunoprecipitation, SDS Page