rabbit anti sumo1 (Cell Signaling Technology Inc)
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Rabbit Anti Sumo1, supplied by Cell Signaling Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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1) Product Images from "Morphogen-induced kinase condensates transduce Hh signal by allosterically activating Gli"
Article Title: Morphogen-induced kinase condensates transduce Hh signal by allosterically activating Gli
Journal: Science Advances
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adq1790
Figure Legend Snippet: ( A ) Top, immunostaining of HA-Fu in Fu-depleted Cl8 cells stably expressing RNAi-insensitive HA-Fu and treated with Hh-conditioned medium for the indicated time. Bottom, quantification of HA-Fu condensates in (A) from n = 10 cells for each time point. Data are means ± SD. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 ( t test). ( B ) Immunostaining of Ci and HA-Fu proteins in Fu-depleted Cl8 cells stably expressing the indicated RNAi-insensitive HA-Fu constructs and treated with Hh-conditioned or control medium for 16 hours. ( C ) Left, schematic drawing of the sedimentation assay. Right, WB analyses of Fu, Ci, Sufu, phosphorylated Fu, and Ci in S3, S100, and P100 fractions from Fu-depleted Cl8 cells stably expressing the indicated RNAi-insensitive HA-Fu constructs and treated with Hh-conditioned or control medium. ( D ) Left, schematic drawing of in vitro condensation of Fu driven by phosphorylation and SUMOylation. Right, Flag-tagged kinase dead Fu (Fg-Fu K33R ) purified from Sf9 cells was subjected to in vitro kinase assay by FuN EE and CK1, followed by in vitro SUMOylation assay in the presence or absence of SUMO1 for the indicated periods of time. The distribution of Fg-Fu K33R in S100 and P100 at the indicated time points was analyzed by immunoblot after centrifugation. ( E ) Left, schematic drawing of in vitro deSUMOylation and de-condensation of Fu. Right, Flag-Fu EE condensates (p100) isolated from Sf9 cells were resuspended and deSUMOylated with WT or enzymatic dead (C580S) Ulp1C204 fused to GST for the indicated periods of time. The distribution of total Fu and phosphorylated Fu in condensates (P100) and supernatant (S100) at different time points was analyzed by immunoblot after re-centrifugation.
Techniques Used: Immunostaining, Stable Transfection, Expressing, Construct, Control, Sedimentation, In Vitro, Purification, Kinase Assay, Western Blot, Centrifugation, Isolation
Figure Legend Snippet: ( A ) WB analysis of endogenous Fu maturation and Ci phosphorylation in S100 and P100 fractions from Cl8 cells treated with Hh-conditioned medium for the indicated periods of time. ( B ) In vitro maturation assay of Fu in the absence or presence of NEM (deSUMOylation inhibitor) or TAK981(SUMOylation inhibitor). ( C ) In vitro maturation assay of Fu. Flag-Fu EE proteins expressed in Sf9 cells at high MOI were separated into S100 and P100 fractions. Purified (S100) or resuspended (P100) Flag-Fu EE proteins were incubated with MPA (Sf9 cell lysate, ATP, and SUMO1) for the indicated periods of time. The distribution of Fu in condensates (P100) and supernatant (S100) at different time points after incubation was analyzed by immunoblot after re-centrifugation. ( D ) In vitro Fu maturation and Ci phosphorylation. Flag-Fu EE proteins expressed in Sf9 cells at high MOI were separated into S100 and P100 fractions and then incubated with or without MPA in the presence of Sufu-Ci complexes purified from Sf9 cells for 6 hours, followed centrifugation into S100 and P100 fractions and immunoblot analysis with the indicated antibodies. ( E ) Left, Flag-tagged Fu EE or Fu∆Sufu EE condensates (P100) derived from Sf9 cells were resuspended and incubated with MPA in the presence of free Ci or Sufu-Ci purified from Sf9 cells, followed by immunoblot analysis with the indicated antibodies. Right, Fu∆Sufu can undergo maturation but fail to phosphorylate Sufu-bound Ci although it can phosphorylate free Ci. ( F ) Left, Flag-Fu EE was purified from S100 after in vitro maturation experiments and then incubated with either free Ci or Sufu-Ci, followed by immunoblot analysis with the indicated antibodies. Right, the released mature Fu is unable to phosphorylate Sufu-bound Ci but can still phosphorylate free Ci. ( G ) Model of Ci phosphorylation driven by Fu maturation in Fu condensates.
Techniques Used: In Vitro, Purification, Incubation, Western Blot, Centrifugation, Derivative Assay
Figure Legend Snippet: ( A and B ) Representative images of immunostaining (top) and quantification (bottom; n = 15 cells) of ciliary-localized Ulk3-HA and Flag-Gli2 (A) or Sufu (B) in NIH3T3 cells expressing endogenously tagged Ulk3 and Gli2 and treated with Shh for the indicated time. Data are means ± SD. * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01 ( t test). Acetylated tubulin (AcTub) staining marks the primary cilia. ( C ) Representative images of immunostaining of ciliary-localized Ulk3-HA and SUMO1 in NIH3T3 Ulk3-HA+Flag-Gli2 cells treated with or without Shh. ( D ) Representative images of immunostaining of ciliary-localized Ulk3-HA and SUMO1 in NIH3T3 DKO cells infected with or without lentiviral Ulk3-HA and treated with Shh. ( E ) Representative images of immunostaining (left) and quantification (right, n = 15 cells) of ciliary-localized Ulk3 and Gli2 in Ulk3/Stk36 DKO and Gli2 depleted NIH3T3 cells expressing Flag-Gli2 and the indicated Ulk3-HA constructs and treated with or without Shh. Data are means ± SD. *** P < 0.001 ( t test). ( F ) Immunostaining to examine the ciliary Gli2 phosphorylation (pGli2) in NIH3T3 cells transfected with Myc-Gli2 WT or Myc-Gli2 SA and Flag-Sufu and treated with or without Shh. ( G ) NIH3T3 cells expressing Ulk3-HA and Flag-Gli2 at endogenous loci were treated with control (eGFP) or Kapβ2 shRNA in the presence or absence of Shh, followed by immunostaining to examine Ulk3/Gli2 ciliary localization (top) or IP and WB analysis to examine Ulk3 maturation and Gli2 phosphorylation (bottom). ( H ) Schematic drawing of Ulk3 condensation at ciliary tip that drives Ulk3 maturation and Gli2 activation.
Techniques Used: Immunostaining, Expressing, Staining, Infection, Construct, Transfection, Control, shRNA, Activation Assay