Journal: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science
Article Title: Myofiber Type Shift in Extraocular Muscles in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
doi: 10.1167/iovs.64.5.15
Figure Lengend Snippet: Cross-sections of the OL and GL in the mid-portion of medial recti muscles from a control donor (OL, a1–a3; GL, b1–b3), a spinal-onset ALS donor (OL, c1–c3; GL, d1–d3), and a bulbar-onset ALS donor (OL, e1–e3; GL, f1–f3), triple-labeled for MyHCIIa ( long arrows , green myofibers ), MyHCI ( arrowheads , red myofibers ), and laminin ( gray ), which labels the basal lamina, thereby delineating the myofiber contours as well as making nerve fascicles and capillaries visible. A proportion of the myofibers was not labeled with either antibody and was inferred to contain MyHCeom ( short arrows ). The labeling of myofibers containing MyHCIIa was more homogeneous and stronger in the GL of the control donors (b1, b3) compared to the GL in both spinal-onset ALS donors (d1, d3) and bulbar-onset ALS donors (f1, f3). The labeling intensity of myofibers containing MyHCIIa was less heterogeneous in the OL of control donors (a1, a3) than both spinal-onset ALS donors (c1, c3) and bulbar-onset donors (e1, e3). Myofibers that were not labeled with antibodies against either MyHCIIa or MyHCI were more frequent in the GL of the spinal-onset ALS donors (d3) and even more abundant in the bulbar-onset ALS donors (f3) compared to the myofibers in the GL of control donors (b3). Scale bar : 50 µm.
Article Snippet: Rabbit polyclonal primary antibody against laminin was used to label myofiber contours (Z 0097; Dako Denmark A/S, Glostrup, Denmark).
Techniques: Muscles, Control, Labeling