Journal: bioRxiv
Article Title: Dextromethorphan inhibits collagen transport in the endoplasmic reticulum eliciting an anti-fibrotic response in ex-vivo and in vitro models of pulmonary fibrosis
doi: 10.1101/2023.04.19.537530
Figure Lengend Snippet: A, immunofluorescence staining against ECM deposited COL1 in NHLFs upon TGFb1 and TGFb1+DXM treatment. DXM used in this assay was obtained from a different commercial source. B, quantification of ECM deposited COL1 (immunofluorescence) by different cell types upon in-vitro culture. Normal Human Lung Fibroblasts (NHLFs), BJ-5ta, hTERT-immortalized foreskin fibroblasts, IPF-LF, Lung fibroblasts obtained from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patient, Pericytes, immortalized kidney pericytes. C, label-free SHG imaging of ECM deposited fibrillar collagen by NHLFs after 7 days of in-vitro culture (TGFb1 and TGFb1+DXM). SHG images represent fibrillar collagen signal, while AF represents 2-photon excited autofluorescence that gives an estimate of number of cells in the image field of view. D, quantification of SHG signal in each image normalised to AF, with subsequent normalization to the SHG signal from TGFb1 stimulated NHLFs. E, quantification of varying concentration of DXM on ECM deposited COL1 (immunofluorescence) in in-vitro cultured NHLFs. F, representative images (sum projections) of regions of interest from label-free SHG signal acquired from hPCLS (5mm in diameter and 350µm thickness). The hPCLS were stimulated with DMSO, TGFb1+MMPi and TGFb1+MMPi+DXM. Scale bar = 500µm. G, quantification of SHG signal across respective conditions. Color of the dot represents patient ID. Each dot represents a ROI analysed in respective hPCLS of the patient. 3-4 hPCLS were imaged per patient per condition. Patient n= 4. One-way ANOVA was used for testing statistical significance. p-value ≤0.001****. Note: FDA screen image analysis was performed on two replicates of experiments, while all other analysis in the figure here had n=3. Students t-test was used for testing statistical significance. p-value ≤0.01**, p-value ≤0.001***.
Article Snippet: Using cell seeder (ThermoFisher, Multidrop Combi #5840300) primary normal human lung fibroblasts were plated at a density of 6000 cells per well of a 96 well glass bottom plate (Zellkontakt #5241).
Techniques: Immunofluorescence, Staining, In Vitro, Imaging, Concentration Assay, Cell Culture