Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
Article Title: mPR-Specific Actions Influence Maintenance of the Blood–Brain Barrier (BBB)
doi: 10.3390/ijms23179684
Figure Lengend Snippet: mPR-specific actions on nPR(+/−) ECs increases microvascular permeability in vitro. Two different EC lines, nPR(+) EAhy926 ECs, derived from HUVECs, and nPR(−) RBMVECs, were used to measure in vitro permeability with the passage of FITC-conjugated dextran under vehicle and various steroid treatments. ( A ). Impact of sex-steroid-induced mPR-specific actions on the permeability of both nPR(+/−) ECs. Both nPR(+/−) ECs were under sex steroid treatments (PRG (20 µM), MIF (20 µM), and PRG + MIF, (20 µM each)) plated on either uncoated (top panels) or collagen-I coated wells (bottom panels). Although increased levels of permeability were initially observed in both ECs (on Collagen-I coated wells, bottom panels), the permeability of nPR(+) EAhy926 ECs was back to normal after 12 h (bottom right panel), while the permeability was continuously enhanced among all sex hormone treatments for RBMVECs (bottom left panel) on Collagen-I coated wells. Interestingly, permeability remained continuously enhanced among all sex hormone treatments for RBMVECs, when cultured in the absence of collagen-I (upper left panel), while the permeability of nPR(+) EAhy926 ECs did not return to normal until after 48 h (upper right panel), suggesting crosstalk between integrin and PRG-receptors-mediated signaling cascades in nPR(+) EAhy926 ECs, but not in nPR(−) RBMVECs. Four treatments are Vehicle, PRG, MIF, and PRG + MIF sequentially. ( B ). Impact of neurosteroids-induced mPR-specific actions on the permeability of both nPR(+/−) ECs. Both nPR(+/−) ECs treated with two common neurosteroids synthesized from PRG (or PRG metabolites), Allopregnanolone (3a-hydroxy-5a-pregnan-20-one, ALLO, 20 µM) and Pregnanolone (3a-hydroxy-5b-pregnan-20-one, P5, 20 µM), were plated on collagen-I coated wells, and the EC permeability was continuously monitored and measured as aforementioned. ( C ). The summarized feedback regulatory mechanism within the CmP signaling network under mPR-specific PRG actions for nPR(−) ECs. Yellow line separates transcriptional and translational levels. The + symbols represent enhancement, and symbols represent inhibition of the expression of targeted genes/proteins. Red-colored symbols/lines represent positive effects of mPR-specific PRG treatment (PRG + MIF), and blue-colored symbols/lines represent negative effects of treatment. Dark-green-colored letters indicate the direct supporting data generated from this work. Arrow indicates effect direction, solid line is the direct impact, and dotted line is indirect effects. The fluorescence intensity of FITC-dextran was measured using a 96-multiwell fluorescent plate reader. In all bar plots, *, **, and *** above any bar graph indicate p ≤ 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively, using two-way ANOVA with Holm–Sidak’s multiple comparison correction.
Article Snippet: Human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMVEC), human dermal microvascular endothelial cells (HDMVEC), human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC), and rat brain microvascular endothelial cells (RBMVEC) cells were cultured following manufacturers’ recommendations (ATCC) and as previously described [ , , , , ].
Techniques: Permeability, In Vitro, Derivative Assay, Cell Culture, Synthesized, Inhibition, Expressing, Generated, Fluorescence