mouse monoclonal pax8 abcam (Danaher Inc)
Danaher Inc is a verified supplier
Danaher Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Mouse Monoclonal Pax8 Abcam, supplied by Danaher Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more monoclonal pax8 abcam/product/Danaher Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
anti mouse pax8 monoclonal antibody (OriGene)
OriGene is a verified supplier
OriGene manufactures this product
Structured Review
Anti Mouse Pax8 Monoclonal Antibody, supplied by OriGene, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more mouse pax8 monoclonal antibody/product/OriGene
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Prognostic value of PAX8 in small cell lung cancer"
Article Title: Prognostic value of PAX8 in small cell lung cancer
Journal: Heliyon
doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28251
Figure Legend Snippet: Expression of PAX8 in clinicopathological characteristics of SCLC.
Techniques Used: Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: Immunohistochemical expression of PAX8 in SCLC. (A) Extensive-stage SCLC PAX8 positive case. (B) Limited-stage small cell lung cancer PAX8 positive case. (C) Extensive-stage small cell lung cancer PAX8 negative case. (D) limited-stage small cell lung cancer PAX8 negative case.
Techniques Used: Immunohistochemical staining, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: Overexpression of PAX8 in HEK-293T. (A) Real-time PCR analysis of PAX8 in HEK-293T. (B) Immunohistochemical expression of PAX8 in HEK-293T.
Techniques Used: Over Expression, Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Immunohistochemical staining, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: Comparative survival analyses in SCLC patients. (A) Comparison of OS between PAX8 positive and PAX8 negative group. (B) Comparison of OS between Ki-67 high and Ki-67 low group. (C) Comparison of OS between Limited-stage and Extensive-stage patients. (D) Comparison of OS among PAX8 expression and stage status combination groups. The difference in OS between groups was compared by Log-rank test, with death as the outcome.
Techniques Used: Comparison, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: The HR value of Ki-67, PAX8 and stage status for overall survival.
Techniques Used:
mouse anti pax8 (Proteintech)
Structured Review
Mouse Anti Pax8, supplied by Proteintech, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more anti pax8/product/Proteintech
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
mouse anti pax8 antibody (Biocare Medical)
Structured Review
Mouse Anti Pax8 Antibody, supplied by Biocare Medical, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more anti pax8 antibody/product/Biocare Medical
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
mouse anti pax8 antibody (Biocare Medical)
Structured Review
Mouse Anti Pax8 Antibody, supplied by Biocare Medical, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more anti pax8 antibody/product/Biocare Medical
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
mouse anti pax8 (Proteintech)
Structured Review
Mouse Anti Pax8, supplied by Proteintech, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more anti pax8/product/Proteintech
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Identification of a core transcriptional program driving the human renal mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition"
Article Title: Identification of a core transcriptional program driving the human renal mesenchymal-to-epithelial transition
Journal: bioRxiv
doi: 10.1101/2023.04.30.538857
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Time course RT-qPCR data for OSR1 and SALL1 over the period of the kidney organoid protocol. Dots and bars represent mean ± SEM, N = 2-4 independent organoid batches at each time point. (B) Representative immunofluorescence image of a renal organoid at day 24 stained for WT1 (green), LTL (white), CDH1 (red) and DAPI (blue). Scale bar is 30µm. (C) UMAP plot of 23,856 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells harvested across 3 organoid batches, harvested at days 10, 14 and 24, coloured by batch. (D) Violin plots showing number of genes per batch. (E) Violin plots showing percentage mitochondrial reads per batch. Box center line, median; limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5x interquartile range (F) UMAP plot of 23,856 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (C), coloured by epithelial or stromal lineage. (G) Heatmap showing top 10 genes that define the epithelial and stromal lineages. (H) UMAP plots of 23,856 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (C), coloured by PAX8 expression (top) and TWIST1 expression (bottom). (I) UMAP plot of 15,917 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells corresponding to the epithelial lineage as in (F), re-projected and coloured according to time point. (J) UMAP plots of 15,917 6 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (I), coloured by MAFB expression (top left), HNF4A expression (top right), TFAP2B expression (bottom left) and GATA3 expression (bottom right). (K) UMAP plots of 15,917 6 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (I), coloured by cell cycle phase. (L) UMAP plots of 15,917 6 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (I), coloured by unsupervised clustering, annotated according to querying marker genes for each cluster with the Human Nephrogenesis Atlas ( ) and assessment of cell cycle phase. (M) Dot plot of gene expression for epithelial genes in 15,917 6 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (D) separated by time point. (N) Dot plot of gene expression for nephron marker genes in 15,917 6 sc-RNA-seq and sn-RNA-seq cells as in (D) separated by time point.
Techniques Used: Quantitative RT-PCR, Immunofluorescence, Staining, RNA Sequencing Assay, Expressing, Marker
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) UMAP plot of 17,994 sc-RNA-seq cells from 6 human fetal kidney samples collected between post conception week (pcw) 7 and 16, split by epithelial and stromal lineages, coloured by cell type annotations . (B) UMAP plot of 17,994 sc-RNA-seq cells as in (A), coloured by gene expression of the stromal marker TWIST1 (left) or the nephron marker PAX8 (right). (C) Asymmetric integration of kidney organoid sc-RNA-seq data split by time point with human fetal kidney sc-RNA-seq data, coloured by point density of organoid data. (D) UMAP plots of 8,862 nephron epithelial cells from (A), isolated and re-projected, and coloured by gene expression of nephron marker genes (related to ).
Techniques Used: RNA Sequencing Assay, Expressing, Marker, Isolation
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) UMAP of 9,147 cells from multi-ome batch 3 projected according to ATAC data, with clusters annotated according to epithelial or stromal lineage. (B) UMAP plots of multi-ome cells from batch 3, coloured by PAX8 gene expression (top) and TWIST1 gene expression (bottom). (C) Heat map of expression of marker genes for clusters in (A) determined by snRNA-seq with representative marker genes annotated (log2 FC > 1, FDR < 0.01, two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test). (D) Heat map of marker peaks of accessible chromatin for clusters in (A) determined by snATAC-seq (left, log2 FC > 1, FDR < 0.01, two-sided Wilcoxon rank-sum test). (E) Schematic of the principle by which correlation values, between transcription factor gene expression and corresponding motif accessibility, were used to classify transcription factors as either transcriptional repressors or activators. PCC, Pearson correlation coefficient. (F) Transcription factors plotted according to PCC of gene expression versus corresponding motif accessibility, and log2FC gene expression in the epithelial compared to the stromal lineage as determined by snRNA-seq. Thresholds used to colour points according to principle outlined in (D): PCC > 0.2, Log2FC epithelial lineage > 1.5 (red = activators), PCC < -0.2, Log2FC epithelial lineage > 1.5 (blue = repressors). See also Supplemental Figs S3 and S4.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Marker
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) UMAP plots of 9,147 multi-ome cells from batch 3 showing gene expression (top) and motif accessibility (bottom) for PAX8 and PAX2, highlighting start of expression of PAX8 at day 10 and of PAX2 at day 12, but accessibility of the shared motif apparent at day 10. (B) Immunofluorescence analysis of representative organoids at days 8, 10, 12 and 14, stained for PAX8 (top) or PAX2 (bottom), scale bars 25µm. (C) Time course RT-qPCR data for PAX8 and PAX2 over the period of the kidney organoid protocol. Dots and bars represent mean ± SEM, N = 2-4 independent organoid batches at each time point. (D) RT-qPCR for PAX2 in organoids generated from PAX2-dCas9-KRAB iPSCs (top 20% sorted, see STAR METHODS) and harvested at day 14, either with no treatment (control, white bars) or following Dox treatment from day 4 (1μM Dox, green bars). N = 3 independent organoid batches. Dots represent data from each batch normalised to corresponding control, with bars representing mean ± SEM. Unpaired t-test, **** (p < 0.0001), compared to control. (E) Immunofluorescence of organoids generated from PAX2-dCas9-KRAB iPSCs and harvested at day 14, either with no treatment (control, top) or following Dox treatment from day 4 (1μM Dox, bottom), showing GFP (green), PAX2 (magenta), E-Cadherin/CDH1 (white) with DAPI as counterstain (blue, nuclei). Scale bars 25µm. (F) Schematic of strategy used to identify peak to gene links (related to ). (G) Violin plots of gene expression of CDH1 , CDH3, CDH4, CDH6 and CDH16 in 9,147 multi-ome cells from batch 3 split by time point (related to ). (H) Immunofluorescence analysis of representative organoids at day 10 showing co-localisation of PAX8 (white) and CDH6 (green). Scale bars 20µm (related to ).
Techniques Used: Expressing, Immunofluorescence, Staining, Quantitative RT-PCR, Generated
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Schematic of the dCas9-KRAB CRISPR interference gene perturbation system . (B, C) RT-qPCR for (B) PAX8 and (C) E-Cadherin/CDH1 in organoids generated from PAX8-dCas9-KRAB iPSCs and harvested at day 14, either with no treatment (control, white bars) or following Dox treatment from day 4 (1μM Dox, green bars). N = 3 independent organoid batches. Dots represent data from each batch normalised to corresponding control, with bars representing mean ± SEM. Unpaired t-test, * (p < 0.05), *** (p < 0.001), compared to corresponding control. (D) Immunofluorescence of organoids generated from PAX8-dCas9-KRAB iPSCs and harvested at day 14, either with no treatment (control, top) or following Dox treatment from day 4 (1μM Dox, bottom), showing GFP (green), PAX8 (magenta), E-Cadherin/CDH1 (yellow) with DAPI as counterstain (blue, nuclei). White brackets indicate PAX8 + CDH1 + cells confined to a GFP - region. Scale bars 25µm. (E) Immunofluorescence images showing projected z-stacks of whole organoids of PAX8-dCas9-KRAB organoids at day 14, either with no treatment (control, top) or following Dox treatment from day 4 (1 μM Dox, bottom), showing PAX8 (white), E-Cadherin (red), and DAPI (blue, nuclei) alongside volume render of corresponding E-Cadherin/CDH1 signal (middle), and GFP expression after Dox treatment (green, right bottom). Arrow points to GFP - region that contains PAX8 + CDH1 + cells. Scale bars 30µm. (F) Quantification of volume-rendered E-Cadherin/CDH1 signal in PAX8-dCas9-KRAB organoids at day 14 either with no treatment (Control, white bar) or following Dox treatment from day 4 (1μM Dox, green bar). n = 9 organoids across N = 2 independent batches. Dots represent data from individual organoids, with bars representing mean ± SEM. Unpaired t-test, **** (p < 0.0001). See also Supplemental Fig. S5.
Techniques Used: CRISPR, Quantitative RT-PCR, Generated, Immunofluorescence, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Immunofluorescence analysis of organoids showing PAX8 (white, top) with DAPI as counterstain (blue, nuclei), with corresponding expression of HNF1B and E-Cadherin/CDH1 (green and magenta, respectively, bottom) at day 10, 12 and 14. Scale bars 25µm. (B) Footprint analysis of PAX8 and PAX2 motifs using cluster annotations from . (C) GO terms overrepresented in the PAX8 regulon (full list in Supplemental Table 5). (D-F) Chromatin accessibility tracks for (D) CDH6 , (E) E-Cadherin/CDH1 and (F) HNF1B loci, split according to clusters annotated in , epithelium day 10, 12, 14 and stroma (all time points combined), with peak to gene links highlighted. Violin plots of gene expression determined by snRNA-seq (box center line, median; limits, upper and lower quartiles; whiskers, 1.5x interquartile range). Purple asterisks indicate overrepresentation of PAX8 motifs as determined by analysis with HOMER (see STAR METHODS). See also Supplemental Fig. S5.
Techniques Used: Immunofluorescence, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) UMAP plot of 3,040 cells from batch 2 coloured according to tube epithelial pseudotime trajectory, generated in ArchR . (B) Cells in batch 2 plotted according to tube epithelial pseudotime as in (A), and gene expression (left) or motif accessibility (right), of the transcriptional activators PAX8, PAX2 which show consistent motif accessibility along pseudotime, an example upregulated activator HNF1B, and example downregulated activators LEF1 and TCF7 . (C) Cells in batch 2 plotted according to tube epithelial pseudotime as in (A), and gene expression (left) or motif accessibility (right), of example downregulated transcriptional repressors SNAI2, and ZEB1, and example upregulated repressor FOXK1 .
Techniques Used: Generated, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Immunofluorescence of organoids at day 12 from same batch as shown in (B) and in Main , showing expression of CDH1 (magenta), ZO1 (yellow) and HNF1B (green). Scale bars 20µm (top), 40µm (bottom). (B) Insets from of organoids treated with the indicated conditions between days 12 to 14, to show individual channels of CDH1 (magenta), ZO1 (yellow) and HNF1B (green). Scale bars 20µm. (C) Schematic of experiment to test reversibility of effect of sustained Wnt/β-Catenin signalling with CHIR washout between days 14 and 17. (D) Organoids harvested at day 17 following treatments indicated in (A), with light microscopy images (top, scale bar 400µm), and immunofluorescence images showing expression of HNF1B (green), E-Cadherin/CDH1 (magenta) and ZO1 (yellow). Dotted white boxes indicate positions of magnification panels below. Scale bars 50µm. (E) Schematic of renal organoid multi-ome profiling strategy for batch 3 – corresponding to schematic in Main but including including the two day 14 samples sequenced in parallel: one treated with DMSO from day 12 to 14 (analogous to normal protocol), and one treated with 3µM CHIR from day 12 to 14. (F) UMAP plot of 13,502 multi-ome cells from batch 3, of organoids harvested at day 10, day 12, and at day 14 treated either with DMSO or 3µM CHIR from day 12 to 14 (See ), coloured according to sample. (G) UMAP plots of 13,502 multi-ome cells from batch 3 as in (D), coloured according to gene expression of PAX8 (left) , EPCAM (centre) , or TWIST1 (right). (H) Gene ontology analysis of genes enriched in day 14 epithelium treated with DMSO from day 12-14 compared to 3µM CHIR, showing top 5 highest specific GO Molecular Function terms by log10 adjusted p value, full list in Supplemental Table 7.
Techniques Used: Immunofluorescence, Expressing, Light Microscopy
mouse monoclonal anti pax8 (Danaher Inc)
Danaher Inc is a verified supplier
Danaher Inc manufactures this product
Structured Review
Mouse Monoclonal Anti Pax8, supplied by Danaher Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more monoclonal anti pax8/product/Danaher Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
mouse anti pax8 (Abcam)
Structured Review
Mouse Anti Pax8, supplied by Abcam, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more anti pax8/product/Abcam
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Claudin18.2 as a potential therapeutic target for primary ovarian mucinous carcinomas and metastatic ovarian mucinous carcinomas from upper gastrointestinal primary tumours"
Article Title: Claudin18.2 as a potential therapeutic target for primary ovarian mucinous carcinomas and metastatic ovarian mucinous carcinomas from upper gastrointestinal primary tumours
Journal: BMC Cancer
doi: 10.1186/s12885-023-10533-x
Figure Legend Snippet: Pathological phenotypic features of POMC and MGMC from the upper and lower gastrointestinal tract. P values indicating statistical significance are denoted. p 1: POMC vs. lower gastrointestinal MGMC; p 2: POMC vs. upper gastrointestinal MGMC; p 3: upper vs. lower gastrointestinal MGMC; NS, no significant difference
Techniques Used:
Figure Legend Snippet: HE staining and staining for different immunophenotypic markers in POMCs and MGMCs from the upper and lower gastrointestinal tracts. The immunophenotypic characteristics of POMCs, upper gastrointestinal tract MGMCs, and lower gastrointestinal tract MGMCs were claudin 18.2 + /PAX8 + /SATB2-, claudin 18.2 + /PAX8-/SATB2- and claudin 18.2-/PAX8-/SATB2 + , respectively. (bar = 100 µm)
Techniques Used: Staining
mouse monoclonal anti pax8 (Abcam)
Structured Review
Mouse Monoclonal Anti Pax8, supplied by Abcam, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more monoclonal anti pax8/product/Abcam
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "SOX17-positive rete testis epithelium is required for Sertoli valve formation and normal spermiogenesis in the male mouse"
Article Title: SOX17-positive rete testis epithelium is required for Sertoli valve formation and normal spermiogenesis in the male mouse
Journal: Nature Communications
doi: 10.1038/s41467-022-35465-1
Figure Legend Snippet: a , b Schematic illustration of the experiment and Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot of cells isolated from the proximal part of the testis of P14 Sox17- cKO and controls, showing twenty clusters ( a ) and the distribution of cells from each sample ( b ). Control n = 2, Sox17- cKO n = 2. c UMAP plot showing the expression level of Sox9, Pax8, and Sox17 in the control samples. The right two panels show the expression of each gene in the extracted clusters of the RT (cluster 16) and Sertoli cells (clusters 1, 2, 10, 18). d Dot plots representing the expression levels of marker genes for Sertoli cells ( Amh ) and RT epithelial cells ( Krt8, Pax8 ) together with their common marker genes ( Nr5a1, Gata4, Wt1, Sox9 ) in the clusters expressing Sox9 shown in ( c ) (clusters 1, 2, 10, 16, 18). e A violin plot showing the expression level of Sox17 in each cluster, together with Pecam1 (vascular endothelial cell marker) and Pax8 (RT marker). “ n ” represents the number of biological replicates.
Techniques Used: Isolation, Expressing, Marker
polyclonal pax8 mouse antibody (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)
Structured Review
Polyclonal Pax8 Mouse Antibody, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more pax8 mouse antibody/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "An Epistatic Interaction between the PAX8 and STK17B Genes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Susceptibility"
Article Title: An Epistatic Interaction between the PAX8 and STK17B Genes in Papillary Thyroid Cancer Susceptibility
Journal: PLoS ONE
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0074765
Figure Legend Snippet: Gene-gene interaction results for susceptibility to classic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma.
Techniques Used:
Figure Legend Snippet: Relative frequencies of the nine genotype combinations of the replicated interaction ( PAX8 - STK17B ) are shown for cases and controls (red and blue columns, respectively). The cell containing the high-risk genotype combination is highlighted in light red, those with low-risk combinations in light blue, and those with neutral combinations are uncoloured. Figure1a - based on the discovery stage (series I); - based on the replication stage (series II and III); – based on both stages combined (series I, II and III).
Techniques Used:
Figure Legend Snippet: PCCl3 cells were transiently (A) or stably (B) silenced for the transcription factor Pax8 (siPax8). As a control, wild type or siScramble transfected cells were used. The expression levels were assessed by means of qRT-PCR (A, upper panel) or western blot (A, lower panel, and B).
Techniques Used: Stable Transfection, Transfection, Expressing, Quantitative RT-PCR, Western Blot