human trpc3 sirna (Santa Cruz Biotechnology)
Structured Review
Human Trpc3 Sirna, supplied by Santa Cruz Biotechnology, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 93/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more trpc3 sirna/product/Santa Cruz Biotechnology
Average 93 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1) Product Images from "Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells"
Article Title: Calcium Sensing Receptor Modulates Extracellular Calcium Entry and Proliferation via TRPC3/6 Channels in Cultured Human Mesangial Cells
Journal: PLoS ONE
doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0098777
Figure Legend Snippet: Human MCs were starved for 24-free medium prior to stimulation with 1 mM (Ctl) or 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. (A) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the administration of 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h significantly increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 mRNA levels but did not affect the mRNA levels of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Representative Western blot and corresponding quantitative analysis showing that treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h increased the TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression but did not affect the protein expression of TRPC1 or TRPC4 (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01), with respect to 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o conditions (Ctl). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
Techniques Used: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Western Blot, Expressing
Figure Legend Snippet: (A, B) Real-time PCR experiments showed that the TRPC3 siRNA (A) and TRPC6 siRNA (B) decreased the mRNA expression of TRPC3 and TRPC6, respectively (*p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 3), without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3). (C, D) Western blot experiments showed that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (C) and TRPC6 siRNA (D) reduced TRPC3 and TRPC6 protein expression (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 3), respectively, without affecting other TRPC channels (p>0.05, n = 3) compared with transfection with scramble siRNA. Asterisks indicate the statistical significance (**p<0.01). Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
Techniques Used: Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction, Expressing, Western Blot, Transfection
Figure Legend Snippet: [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. (A, B) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly inhibit the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (C) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 3 mM spermine-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. (D, E) Representative traces showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (D) or TRPC6 siRNA (E) significantly inhibits the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (p<0.05 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively, in contrast with cells transfected with scrambled siRNA. (F) Summary of data showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA or TRPC6 siRNA significantly inhibits the average value of the plateau of the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase (**p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 5), respectively. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.
Techniques Used: Fluorescence, Transfection
Figure Legend Snippet: [Ca 2+ ] i dynamics were monitored by Fura-3 fluorescence methods. Representative traces are shown in A-D. (A, B) Representative traces (A–B) and summary of data (C) showing that transfection with TRPC3 siRNA (A) or TRPC6 siRNA (B) significantly reduces the 100 µM OAG-induced Ca 2+ influx (p<0.01 vs. Scr, n = 4), respectively, compared with transfection with scrambled siRNA. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs. (D, E) The 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (D)- and spermine(E)-induced [Ca 2+ ] i increase is significantly enhanced by pretreatment with 100 µM OAG for 20 min (p<0.05 vs. Ctl, n = 4). The results were from at least three independent experiments, and each experiment measured 20 to 40 cells.
Techniques Used: Fluorescence, Transfection
Figure Legend Snippet: Cell proliferation was measured by a Cell Proliferation ELISA BrdU kit. After starvation for 24-free medium, cells were incubated in the same medium supplemented with different [Ca 2+ ] o (1–5 mM) in the presence or absence of various inhibitors for 24 h. Untreated cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. (A) Incubation of cells for 24 h with 3 mM and 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o increase proliferation of human MCs, respectively, compared with 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (Ctl) (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs. Ctl, n = 3). (B) Pretreatment with 10 µM NPS2390 significantly reduces the 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o -induced cell proliferation (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, # p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without NPS2390, n = 3). Incubation with NPS2390 alone do not affect cell proliferation at 1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (p>0.05, n = 3). (C) The [Ca 2+ ] o -mediated cell proliferation is significantly inhibited by pretreatment with 50 µM SKF96365 or 100 µM 2-APB (**p<0.01 vs. Ctl, #p<0.05 vs. 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o without inhibitors, n = 3). (D) Transfection of TRPC3 siRNA and TRPC6 siRNA significantly attenuate the promotion of proliferation by 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o (**p<0.01 vs. Scr+1 mM [Ca 2+ ] o , #p<0.05 vs. Scr+5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o ), respectively, compared with scramble siRNA treated with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o . Cells were transfected with TRPC3 siRNA, TRPC6 siRNA or scrambled siRNA followed by treatment with 5 mM [Ca 2+ ] o for 24 h. Untransfected cells cultured in medium containing 1 mM Ca 2+ were used as a control. Data are shown as the means ± SEMs.
Techniques Used: Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay, Incubation, Cell Culture, Transfection
targetplus human trpc3 (Revvity Signals)
Structured Review
Targetplus Human Trpc3, supplied by Revvity Signals, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more human trpc3/product/Revvity Signals
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99