human icam 1 specific mouse igg 1 antibody (Absolute Biotech Inc)
Structured Review

Human Icam 1 Specific Mouse Igg 1 Antibody, supplied by Absolute Biotech Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more icam 1 specific mouse igg 1 antibody/product/Absolute Biotech Inc
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
1) Product Images from "Antibody Conjugates Bispecific for Pollen Allergens and ICAM-1 with Potential to Prevent Epithelial Allergen Transmigration and Rhinovirus Infection"
Article Title: Antibody Conjugates Bispecific for Pollen Allergens and ICAM-1 with Potential to Prevent Epithelial Allergen Transmigration and Rhinovirus Infection
Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences
doi: 10.3390/ijms24032725

Figure Legend Snippet: Antibody conjugates (αPhl p 5/αICAM-1) bind to Phl p 5 and human ICAM-1. Conjugates formed with αPhl p 5-IgG*Strep and αICAM-1-IgG*Bio ( x -axes: αPhl p 5/αICAM-1; 5 µg/mL, 1 µg/mL and 0.2 µg/mL), αPhl p 5-IgG*Strep or αICAM-1-IgG*Bio alone were tested for reactivity to Phl p 5 ( A ) and ICAM-1 ( B ) and detected by anti-human F(ab´) 2 (green bars) or anti-mouse IgG (blue bars). Optical density (OD) values ( y -axes) corresponding to bound αPhl p 5/αICAM-1 conjugates, αPhl p 5-IgG*Strep or αICAM-1-IgG*Bio are shown as means of 10-fold analysis (deriving from duplicate determination of five independent experiments) ± standard deviation (SD)s. ( C , D ) are schematic representations of the experiments in ( A , B ).
Techniques Used: Standard Deviation

Figure Legend Snippet: Detection of ICAM-1 or Phl p 5 captured by αPhl p 5/αICAM-1 conjugates on 16HBE14o- cells through flow cytometric analysis. ( A ) Expression of human ICAM-1 on the surface of 16HBE14o- cells was confirmed by using αICAM-1-IgG*Bio ( upper panel: white) or an isotype control ( upper panel: gray) and is shown as the percentage of ICAM-1-positive cells out of the alive cells in the scatter plot ( lower panel). ( B ) Cells were incubated with αPhl p 5/αICAM-1 conjugates and different amounts of Phl p 5 (1 µg/50 µL, 2 µg/50 µL and 5 µg/50 µL) and were subsequently probed for αPhl p 5/αICAM-1-bound Phl p 5 with specific rabbit serum or pre-immune serum as an isotype control. Results are displayed as overlayed histograms of Phl p 5-specific rabbit serum (white) and the isotype control (gray) ( upper panels), or as percentages of Phl p 5-positive cells out of the alive cells in the scatter plots ( lower panels). Scatter plots depict the forward scatter (FSC-A) ( x -axes) against ( y -axes) ( A ) Steptavidin Dylight 488 and ( B ) anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 405. Experiments were performed in triplicates, and displayed data are representatives of two independent experiments.
Techniques Used: Expressing, Incubation