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Orion Corporation 1r d
1r D, supplied by Orion Corporation, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more d/product/Orion Corporation
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
1r d - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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dopamine receptor d1r agonist  (Tocris)

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    Structured Review

    Tocris dopamine receptor d1r agonist
    Dopamine Receptor D1r Agonist, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor d1r agonist/product/Tocris
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    dopamine receptor d1r agonist - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Merck & Co d1r agonist
    A . Schematic diagram showing the experimental design for analyzing cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling. B . Immunofluorescence images showing the colocalization between DRD1 (red) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in <t>D1R-Cre</t> mice (top panels), and the colocalization between DRD2 (magenta) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in the D2R-Cre mice (bottom panels). Scale bar: 10μm. C, E, G . Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (light green) and iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of contralateral turning (C), licking (E), and digging (G). D, F, H . Comparison of cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling indices for turning (D), licking (F), and digging behavior (H, P = 0.0087). Mann-Whitney test. ** P <0.01.
    D1r Agonist, supplied by Merck & Co, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more agonist/product/Merck & Co
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r agonist - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Behavior- and circuit-specific cortico-striatal decoupling during the early development of Parkinson’s disease-like syndrome"

    Article Title: Behavior- and circuit-specific cortico-striatal decoupling during the early development of Parkinson’s disease-like syndrome

    Journal: bioRxiv

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.13.607859

    A . Schematic diagram showing the experimental design for analyzing cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling. B . Immunofluorescence images showing the colocalization between DRD1 (red) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in D1R-Cre mice (top panels), and the colocalization between DRD2 (magenta) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in the D2R-Cre mice (bottom panels). Scale bar: 10μm. C, E, G . Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (light green) and iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of contralateral turning (C), licking (E), and digging (G). D, F, H . Comparison of cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling indices for turning (D), licking (F), and digging behavior (H, P = 0.0087). Mann-Whitney test. ** P <0.01.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A . Schematic diagram showing the experimental design for analyzing cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling. B . Immunofluorescence images showing the colocalization between DRD1 (red) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in D1R-Cre mice (top panels), and the colocalization between DRD2 (magenta) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in the D2R-Cre mice (bottom panels). Scale bar: 10μm. C, E, G . Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (light green) and iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of contralateral turning (C), licking (E), and digging (G). D, F, H . Comparison of cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling indices for turning (D), licking (F), and digging behavior (H, P = 0.0087). Mann-Whitney test. ** P <0.01.

    Techniques Used: Immunofluorescence, Comparison, MANN-WHITNEY

    A-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal dMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (B-C), and 3-4 Mpi (D-E) during digging. (A) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. Note the CreON-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D1R-Cre mice, while CreOFF-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D2R-Cre mice. Right panel, experiment timeline. (B, D) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (aqua) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, E) Quantitative analyses of the M1-dMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (C) and 3-4 Mpi (E). The hollow signal represents D1R-Cre mice; the cross signal represents D2-Cre mice. (C1, E1) Coupling indices (C1, P = 0.0043. E1, P = 0.0062). (C2, E2) Phase lags (E2, P = 0.0043. G2, P = 0.0062). (C3, E3) Plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities (E3, P = 0.0451). F-J. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal iMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (G-H), and 3-4 Mpi (I-J) during digging. Right panel, experiment timeline. (F) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. (G, I) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and striatal iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (H, J) Quantitative analyses of the M1-iMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (H) and 3-4 Mpi (J). (H1, J1) Comparison of the coupling indices. (H2, J2) Comparison of the phase lags. (H3, J3) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities. Mann-Whitney test. * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal dMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (B-C), and 3-4 Mpi (D-E) during digging. (A) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. Note the CreON-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D1R-Cre mice, while CreOFF-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D2R-Cre mice. Right panel, experiment timeline. (B, D) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (aqua) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, E) Quantitative analyses of the M1-dMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (C) and 3-4 Mpi (E). The hollow signal represents D1R-Cre mice; the cross signal represents D2-Cre mice. (C1, E1) Coupling indices (C1, P = 0.0043. E1, P = 0.0062). (C2, E2) Phase lags (E2, P = 0.0043. G2, P = 0.0062). (C3, E3) Plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities (E3, P = 0.0451). F-J. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal iMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (G-H), and 3-4 Mpi (I-J) during digging. Right panel, experiment timeline. (F) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. (G, I) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and striatal iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (H, J) Quantitative analyses of the M1-iMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (H) and 3-4 Mpi (J). (H1, J1) Comparison of the coupling indices. (H2, J2) Comparison of the phase lags. (H3, J3) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities. Mann-Whitney test. * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.

    Techniques Used: Imaging, Injection, Virus, Comparison, MANN-WHITNEY

    A. Schematic diagram for pharmacological experiments. i.p., intraperitoneal administration. B-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and STR in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 4Mpi during digging, after ip. SAL (saline), L-dopa, SKF (SKF-81297, a D1R selective agonist), or Quin (quinpirole, a D2R selective agonist). (B) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR (green) temporally aligned, digging-associated Ca 2+ activities after administration of drugs. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, D, E) Quantitative analyses of the digging-associated cortico-striatal coupling (C,D) and amplitude of striatal Ca 2+ activities (E) after administration of drugs. (C1) Comparison of the phase lags (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0152. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.588, 9.529) = 9.270, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P =0.0156; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0328). (C2) Comparison of the phase lags, after saline or quinpirole administration. (D1) Comparison of the coupling indices (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0043). (D2) Comparison of the coupling indices, after saline or quinpirole administration. (E1) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0424. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.453, 8.719) = 6.152, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0459). (E2) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity, after saline or quinpirole administration. F-G. Effect of dopaminergic drugs on digging behavior. (F) Comparison of digging duration (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.463, 7.317) = 19.97, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P = 0.0018; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0388). (G) Comparison of digging frequency (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(2.120, 10.60) = 11.78, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0143; SAL-PFF vs. Quin-PFF, P = 0.0192). One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test, unless otherwise noted. Wilcoxon matched-pairs test (C2, D2, E2). * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A. Schematic diagram for pharmacological experiments. i.p., intraperitoneal administration. B-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and STR in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 4Mpi during digging, after ip. SAL (saline), L-dopa, SKF (SKF-81297, a D1R selective agonist), or Quin (quinpirole, a D2R selective agonist). (B) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR (green) temporally aligned, digging-associated Ca 2+ activities after administration of drugs. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, D, E) Quantitative analyses of the digging-associated cortico-striatal coupling (C,D) and amplitude of striatal Ca 2+ activities (E) after administration of drugs. (C1) Comparison of the phase lags (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0152. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.588, 9.529) = 9.270, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P =0.0156; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0328). (C2) Comparison of the phase lags, after saline or quinpirole administration. (D1) Comparison of the coupling indices (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0043). (D2) Comparison of the coupling indices, after saline or quinpirole administration. (E1) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0424. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.453, 8.719) = 6.152, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0459). (E2) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity, after saline or quinpirole administration. F-G. Effect of dopaminergic drugs on digging behavior. (F) Comparison of digging duration (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.463, 7.317) = 19.97, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P = 0.0018; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0388). (G) Comparison of digging frequency (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(2.120, 10.60) = 11.78, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0143; SAL-PFF vs. Quin-PFF, P = 0.0192). One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test, unless otherwise noted. Wilcoxon matched-pairs test (C2, D2, E2). * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.

    Techniques Used: Imaging, Injection, Saline, Comparison, MANN-WHITNEY, Control, Activity Assay

    Structured Review

    Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center d1 receptor promoter
    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) <t>D1-Cre;Mettl14</t> f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings <t>from</t> <t>D2</t> striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    D1 Receptor Promoter, supplied by Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor promoter/product/Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor promoter - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges"

    Article Title: YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges

    Journal: bioRxiv

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.07.607063

    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.

    Techniques Used: In Vivo, Activity Assay, Saline, Injection, Comparison

    (A) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Total distance traveled (cm) was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. n=8. (B) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A- Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). n=8. (C) The rotarod motor learning in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Performance was recorded as latency to fall (s), n=5. (D) The rotarod motor learning in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). N=5. (E) The sensitization of haloperidol-induced catalepsy response in A2A-Cre;Ythdf114 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). Catalepsy duration was recorded (s). ***: P=0.0003, 2-way ANOVA, n=7. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Ythdf1 deletion resembles impairment caused by Mettl14 deletion in a cell type specific manner. YTHDF1 is potentially the main downstream reader protein that regulating translation in response to stimulation and during learning in the striatum.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Total distance traveled (cm) was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. n=8. (B) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A- Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). n=8. (C) The rotarod motor learning in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Performance was recorded as latency to fall (s), n=5. (D) The rotarod motor learning in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). N=5. (E) The sensitization of haloperidol-induced catalepsy response in A2A-Cre;Ythdf114 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). Catalepsy duration was recorded (s). ***: P=0.0003, 2-way ANOVA, n=7. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Ythdf1 deletion resembles impairment caused by Mettl14 deletion in a cell type specific manner. YTHDF1 is potentially the main downstream reader protein that regulating translation in response to stimulation and during learning in the striatum.

    Techniques Used: Saline, Injection

    (A) Representative images of de novo protein synthesis measured by HPG incorporation in the striatal neurons from wild type and Ythdf1 KO P1 mice. Three experimental conditions were compared: HPG+CHX group as negative control, HPG group as baseline condition and HPG+SKF (dopamine D1 receptor agonist) group to test the response after cAMP elevation. Blue: DAPI, red: MAP2, green: HPG tagged newly synthesized protein. Scale bar, 20um (B) Quantification of the HPG expression intensity in CHX, HPG and SKF group in wild type (Ctrl) and Ythdf1 KO striatal neurons. Genotype main effect, p<0.0001, genotype x time interaction, p<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA. HPG vs. SKF treatment: ****: P<0.0001(ctrl), ns: P=0.8390 (KO), paired t-test. Each group contained 3 replicates. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the upregulated YTHDF1 transcripts after cocaine treatment. (D) Venn diagram depicting the number of YTHDF1 targets after saline and cocaine treatment. (E) UHPLC-MS/MS analysis of m 6 A level in the striatum after saline and cocaine treatment. Striatal neurons with Ythdf1 deficiency have a higher baseline de novo protein synthesis rate but are incapable of responding to stimulations. At the molecular level, boosting dopamine release by cocaine drastically increased YTHDF1 binding to many mRNA targets in the striatum.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Representative images of de novo protein synthesis measured by HPG incorporation in the striatal neurons from wild type and Ythdf1 KO P1 mice. Three experimental conditions were compared: HPG+CHX group as negative control, HPG group as baseline condition and HPG+SKF (dopamine D1 receptor agonist) group to test the response after cAMP elevation. Blue: DAPI, red: MAP2, green: HPG tagged newly synthesized protein. Scale bar, 20um (B) Quantification of the HPG expression intensity in CHX, HPG and SKF group in wild type (Ctrl) and Ythdf1 KO striatal neurons. Genotype main effect, p<0.0001, genotype x time interaction, p<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA. HPG vs. SKF treatment: ****: P<0.0001(ctrl), ns: P=0.8390 (KO), paired t-test. Each group contained 3 replicates. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the upregulated YTHDF1 transcripts after cocaine treatment. (D) Venn diagram depicting the number of YTHDF1 targets after saline and cocaine treatment. (E) UHPLC-MS/MS analysis of m 6 A level in the striatum after saline and cocaine treatment. Striatal neurons with Ythdf1 deficiency have a higher baseline de novo protein synthesis rate but are incapable of responding to stimulations. At the molecular level, boosting dopamine release by cocaine drastically increased YTHDF1 binding to many mRNA targets in the striatum.

    Techniques Used: Negative Control, Synthesized, Expressing, Saline, Tandem Mass Spectroscopy, Binding Assay

    Structured Review

    Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center d1 receptor promoter
    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. <t>(C)</t> <t>D1-Cre;Mettl14</t> f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    D1 Receptor Promoter, supplied by Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor promoter/product/Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor promoter - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges"

    Article Title: YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges

    Journal: bioRxiv

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.07.607063

    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.

    Techniques Used: In Vivo, Activity Assay, Saline, Injection, Comparison

    (A) Schematic and timeline of rotarod motor learning training paradigm combined with fiber photometry recording. (B) Left: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the first 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue). Right: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the last 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue). Shaded area represents SEM. (C) The daily average motor performance and the mean Ca 2+ activity in D1- Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) plotted together. (D) Negative correlation between motor learning performance and mean D1 Ca 2+ activity. Each point represents the mean D1 Ca 2+ activity and performance of one trial, p=0.0029. (E) Left: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the first 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green). Right: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the last 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green). Shaded area represents SEM. (F) The daily average performance (s) and the mean Ca 2+ activity in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) are plotted together. (G) Correlation between motor learning performance and mean D1 Ca 2+ activity in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green). Each point represents the mean D1 Ca 2+ activity and performance of one trial, p=0.0661. All data expressed as mean ± SEM, n=5. Gene deletion of Mettl14 in D1 neurons impaired D1-dependent learning.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Schematic and timeline of rotarod motor learning training paradigm combined with fiber photometry recording. (B) Left: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the first 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue). Right: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the last 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue). Shaded area represents SEM. (C) The daily average motor performance and the mean Ca 2+ activity in D1- Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) plotted together. (D) Negative correlation between motor learning performance and mean D1 Ca 2+ activity. Each point represents the mean D1 Ca 2+ activity and performance of one trial, p=0.0029. (E) Left: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the first 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green). Right: Comparison of the mean Ca 2+ traces during the last 10s of training between Day 1 and Day 5 in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green). Shaded area represents SEM. (F) The daily average performance (s) and the mean Ca 2+ activity in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) are plotted together. (G) Correlation between motor learning performance and mean D1 Ca 2+ activity in D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green). Each point represents the mean D1 Ca 2+ activity and performance of one trial, p=0.0661. All data expressed as mean ± SEM, n=5. Gene deletion of Mettl14 in D1 neurons impaired D1-dependent learning.

    Techniques Used: Comparison, Activity Assay

    (A) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Total distance traveled (cm) was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. n=8. (B) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A- Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). n=8. (C) The rotarod motor learning in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Performance was recorded as latency to fall (s), n=5. (D) The rotarod motor learning in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). N=5. (E) The sensitization of haloperidol-induced catalepsy response in A2A-Cre;Ythdf114 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). Catalepsy duration was recorded (s). ***: P=0.0003, 2-way ANOVA, n=7. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Ythdf1 deletion resembles impairment caused by Mettl14 deletion in a cell type specific manner. YTHDF1 is potentially the main downstream reader protein that regulating translation in response to stimulation and during learning in the striatum.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Total distance traveled (cm) was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. n=8. (B) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A- Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). n=8. (C) The rotarod motor learning in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Performance was recorded as latency to fall (s), n=5. (D) The rotarod motor learning in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). N=5. (E) The sensitization of haloperidol-induced catalepsy response in A2A-Cre;Ythdf114 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). Catalepsy duration was recorded (s). ***: P=0.0003, 2-way ANOVA, n=7. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Ythdf1 deletion resembles impairment caused by Mettl14 deletion in a cell type specific manner. YTHDF1 is potentially the main downstream reader protein that regulating translation in response to stimulation and during learning in the striatum.

    Techniques Used: Saline, Injection

    (A) Representative images of de novo protein synthesis measured by HPG incorporation in the striatal neurons from wild type and Ythdf1 KO P1 mice. Three experimental conditions were compared: HPG+CHX group as negative control, HPG group as baseline condition and HPG+SKF (dopamine D1 receptor agonist) group to test the response after cAMP elevation. Blue: DAPI, red: MAP2, green: HPG tagged newly synthesized protein. Scale bar, 20um (B) Quantification of the HPG expression intensity in CHX, HPG and SKF group in wild type (Ctrl) and Ythdf1 KO striatal neurons. Genotype main effect, p<0.0001, genotype x time interaction, p<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA. HPG vs. SKF treatment: ****: P<0.0001(ctrl), ns: P=0.8390 (KO), paired t-test. Each group contained 3 replicates. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the upregulated YTHDF1 transcripts after cocaine treatment. (D) Venn diagram depicting the number of YTHDF1 targets after saline and cocaine treatment. (E) UHPLC-MS/MS analysis of m 6 A level in the striatum after saline and cocaine treatment. Striatal neurons with Ythdf1 deficiency have a higher baseline de novo protein synthesis rate but are incapable of responding to stimulations. At the molecular level, boosting dopamine release by cocaine drastically increased YTHDF1 binding to many mRNA targets in the striatum.
    Figure Legend Snippet: (A) Representative images of de novo protein synthesis measured by HPG incorporation in the striatal neurons from wild type and Ythdf1 KO P1 mice. Three experimental conditions were compared: HPG+CHX group as negative control, HPG group as baseline condition and HPG+SKF (dopamine D1 receptor agonist) group to test the response after cAMP elevation. Blue: DAPI, red: MAP2, green: HPG tagged newly synthesized protein. Scale bar, 20um (B) Quantification of the HPG expression intensity in CHX, HPG and SKF group in wild type (Ctrl) and Ythdf1 KO striatal neurons. Genotype main effect, p<0.0001, genotype x time interaction, p<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA. HPG vs. SKF treatment: ****: P<0.0001(ctrl), ns: P=0.8390 (KO), paired t-test. Each group contained 3 replicates. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the upregulated YTHDF1 transcripts after cocaine treatment. (D) Venn diagram depicting the number of YTHDF1 targets after saline and cocaine treatment. (E) UHPLC-MS/MS analysis of m 6 A level in the striatum after saline and cocaine treatment. Striatal neurons with Ythdf1 deficiency have a higher baseline de novo protein synthesis rate but are incapable of responding to stimulations. At the molecular level, boosting dopamine release by cocaine drastically increased YTHDF1 binding to many mRNA targets in the striatum.

    Techniques Used: Negative Control, Synthesized, Expressing, Saline, Tandem Mass Spectroscopy, Binding Assay

    Structured Review

    Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc d1 receptor
    D1 Receptor, supplied by Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor/product/Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Charles River Laboratories d1r d1 cre
    D1r D1 Cre, supplied by Charles River Laboratories, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more d1 cre/product/Charles River Laboratories
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r d1 cre - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Charles River Laboratories d1r d1 cre
    D1r D1 Cre, supplied by Charles River Laboratories, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more d1 cre/product/Charles River Laboratories
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r d1 cre - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc d1 receptor
    A Representative RNAscope images (left) with probes for <t>Drd1a,</t> Drd2, and tdTomato in NAc slices of NPAS4-TRAP/Ai14 mice that received 4OHT after two cocaine conditioning sessions and quantification (right) of co-localized tdTomato ( Npas4 ) expression with Drd1a or Drd2 markers ( n = 11 mice). B Experimental design for snRNA-seq ( n = 4 mice/group). C Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot of NAc single cells colored by cell type. Cell types were defined using known markers and confirmed by predictive modeling using a single-cell NAc atlas (see “Methods” and Fig. ). D Dot plot showing the cluster-specific markers used to generate UMAP. Gray, low gene expression; dark blue, high gene expression. The size of the circle represents the percentage of cells expressing highlighted genes. E Nebulosa plots depicting Npas4 expression in the home cage and cocaine conditioning experimental groups. F Pie charts showing the cell type distribution of neuronal populations (top), Npas4+ populations (middle), and the highest Npas4 -expressing populations. G Npas4 expression is significantly increased for Drd1+_1, Drd1+_2, Drd2+_1, and Grm8+_1 cell types after cocaine conditioning (nuclei collected from n = 4 mice/group; Wilcoxen rank-sum test). Data are shown as mean ± SEM; **** p < 0.0001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file ( A , F ) or see “Data availability” for source data ( C – E , G ).
    D1 Receptor, supplied by Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor/product/Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "NPAS4 supports cocaine-conditioned cues in rodents by controlling the cell type-specific activation balance in the nucleus accumbens"

    Article Title: NPAS4 supports cocaine-conditioned cues in rodents by controlling the cell type-specific activation balance in the nucleus accumbens

    Journal: Nature Communications

    doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-50099-1

    A Representative RNAscope images (left) with probes for Drd1a, Drd2, and tdTomato in NAc slices of NPAS4-TRAP/Ai14 mice that received 4OHT after two cocaine conditioning sessions and quantification (right) of co-localized tdTomato ( Npas4 ) expression with Drd1a or Drd2 markers ( n = 11 mice). B Experimental design for snRNA-seq ( n = 4 mice/group). C Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot of NAc single cells colored by cell type. Cell types were defined using known markers and confirmed by predictive modeling using a single-cell NAc atlas (see “Methods” and Fig. ). D Dot plot showing the cluster-specific markers used to generate UMAP. Gray, low gene expression; dark blue, high gene expression. The size of the circle represents the percentage of cells expressing highlighted genes. E Nebulosa plots depicting Npas4 expression in the home cage and cocaine conditioning experimental groups. F Pie charts showing the cell type distribution of neuronal populations (top), Npas4+ populations (middle), and the highest Npas4 -expressing populations. G Npas4 expression is significantly increased for Drd1+_1, Drd1+_2, Drd2+_1, and Grm8+_1 cell types after cocaine conditioning (nuclei collected from n = 4 mice/group; Wilcoxen rank-sum test). Data are shown as mean ± SEM; **** p < 0.0001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file ( A , F ) or see “Data availability” for source data ( C – E , G ).
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Representative RNAscope images (left) with probes for Drd1a, Drd2, and tdTomato in NAc slices of NPAS4-TRAP/Ai14 mice that received 4OHT after two cocaine conditioning sessions and quantification (right) of co-localized tdTomato ( Npas4 ) expression with Drd1a or Drd2 markers ( n = 11 mice). B Experimental design for snRNA-seq ( n = 4 mice/group). C Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot of NAc single cells colored by cell type. Cell types were defined using known markers and confirmed by predictive modeling using a single-cell NAc atlas (see “Methods” and Fig. ). D Dot plot showing the cluster-specific markers used to generate UMAP. Gray, low gene expression; dark blue, high gene expression. The size of the circle represents the percentage of cells expressing highlighted genes. E Nebulosa plots depicting Npas4 expression in the home cage and cocaine conditioning experimental groups. F Pie charts showing the cell type distribution of neuronal populations (top), Npas4+ populations (middle), and the highest Npas4 -expressing populations. G Npas4 expression is significantly increased for Drd1+_1, Drd1+_2, Drd2+_1, and Grm8+_1 cell types after cocaine conditioning (nuclei collected from n = 4 mice/group; Wilcoxen rank-sum test). Data are shown as mean ± SEM; **** p < 0.0001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file ( A , F ) or see “Data availability” for source data ( C – E , G ).

    Techniques Used: RNAscope, Expressing

    A Experimental design using Cre-dependent Npas4 shRNA in D1- or D2-Cre mice (CPP) and rats (IVSA). B Timeline of cocaine CPP and locomotor sensitization. C Cocaine CPP in D1-Cre ( n = 11, 12 mice/group) and ( D ) D2-Cre mice ( n = 11, 12 mice/group; unpaired t -test, t = 3.578, df = 21, p = 0.0018). E Timeline of cocaine SA. F Lever presses during acquisition of cocaine SA following NPAS4 knockdown in D1-Cre ( n = 6 rats/group) and ( G ) D2-Cre rats ( n = 8 rats/group). H Cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in D1-Cre ( n = 6 rats/group) and ( I ) D2-Cre rats ( n = 8 rats/group; two-way RM ANOVA with multiple comparisons, p = 0.0003). Data shown are mean ± SEM; ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Experimental design using Cre-dependent Npas4 shRNA in D1- or D2-Cre mice (CPP) and rats (IVSA). B Timeline of cocaine CPP and locomotor sensitization. C Cocaine CPP in D1-Cre ( n = 11, 12 mice/group) and ( D ) D2-Cre mice ( n = 11, 12 mice/group; unpaired t -test, t = 3.578, df = 21, p = 0.0018). E Timeline of cocaine SA. F Lever presses during acquisition of cocaine SA following NPAS4 knockdown in D1-Cre ( n = 6 rats/group) and ( G ) D2-Cre rats ( n = 8 rats/group). H Cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in D1-Cre ( n = 6 rats/group) and ( I ) D2-Cre rats ( n = 8 rats/group; two-way RM ANOVA with multiple comparisons, p = 0.0003). Data shown are mean ± SEM; ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.

    Techniques Used: shRNA, Knockdown

    A Timeline for cocaine CPP and FOS IHC. B Representative FOS IHC images showing Cre-dependent Npas4 shRNA in the NAc of D2-Cre mice. C Quantification of FOS expression in D1- ( n = 6 mice/group; two-way ANOVA, sig. main effect of cell type, f = 105.7, df = 1,20, p = <0.0001) and ( D ) D2-Cre mice ( n = 8 mice/group) after cocaine CPP, including effects on “putative” MSNs after cell type-specific NPAS4 knockdown (two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons, df = 28, p = 0.0002). E Representative image showing FOS expression in the dlVP surrounding mCherry-labeled fibers from the NAc. F Quantification of FOS expression in the dlVP after NPAS4 knockdown in NAc D2-MSNs ( n = 8 and 7 mice/group; unpaired t -test, t = 2.973, df = 12, p = 0.0116). Data shown are mean ± SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Timeline for cocaine CPP and FOS IHC. B Representative FOS IHC images showing Cre-dependent Npas4 shRNA in the NAc of D2-Cre mice. C Quantification of FOS expression in D1- ( n = 6 mice/group; two-way ANOVA, sig. main effect of cell type, f = 105.7, df = 1,20, p = <0.0001) and ( D ) D2-Cre mice ( n = 8 mice/group) after cocaine CPP, including effects on “putative” MSNs after cell type-specific NPAS4 knockdown (two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons, df = 28, p = 0.0002). E Representative image showing FOS expression in the dlVP surrounding mCherry-labeled fibers from the NAc. F Quantification of FOS expression in the dlVP after NPAS4 knockdown in NAc D2-MSNs ( n = 8 and 7 mice/group; unpaired t -test, t = 2.973, df = 12, p = 0.0116). Data shown are mean ± SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001, **** p < 0.0001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.

    Techniques Used: shRNA, Expressing, Knockdown, Labeling

    A Experimental design for snRNA-seq ( n = 4 mice/group). B Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot of NAc single cells colored by cell type. Cell types were defined using known markers and were confirmed by predictive modeling using a single-cell NAc atlas. C Dot plot showing the cluster-specific markers used to generate UMAP. Gray, low gene expression; dark blue, high gene expression. The size of the circle represents the percentage of cells expressing highlighted genes. D Nebulosa plots depicting NPAS4 expression in D1-, D2-, and Grm8-MSNs. E Number of NPAS4 cells in each cluster, colored by experimental replicate. F Radar plot showing the number of differentially expressed genes in each identified MSN cell type. The comparison between saline and cocaine CPP shScram control groups is shown in yellow, and the comparison between cocaine CPP shScram and shNpas4 is shown in blue. DEGs are defined by FDR < 0.05 and abs(log 2 (FC)) > 0.2. G Volcano plots highlighting the transcriptomic differences in each comparison, colored according to cell type-specific clusters. Y -axis corresponds to the log 10 (FDR) and x -axis corresponds to the log 2 (Fold Change). See “Data availability” for source data.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Experimental design for snRNA-seq ( n = 4 mice/group). B Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot of NAc single cells colored by cell type. Cell types were defined using known markers and were confirmed by predictive modeling using a single-cell NAc atlas. C Dot plot showing the cluster-specific markers used to generate UMAP. Gray, low gene expression; dark blue, high gene expression. The size of the circle represents the percentage of cells expressing highlighted genes. D Nebulosa plots depicting NPAS4 expression in D1-, D2-, and Grm8-MSNs. E Number of NPAS4 cells in each cluster, colored by experimental replicate. F Radar plot showing the number of differentially expressed genes in each identified MSN cell type. The comparison between saline and cocaine CPP shScram control groups is shown in yellow, and the comparison between cocaine CPP shScram and shNpas4 is shown in blue. DEGs are defined by FDR < 0.05 and abs(log 2 (FC)) > 0.2. G Volcano plots highlighting the transcriptomic differences in each comparison, colored according to cell type-specific clusters. Y -axis corresponds to the log 10 (FDR) and x -axis corresponds to the log 2 (Fold Change). See “Data availability” for source data.

    Techniques Used: Expressing, Comparison, Saline, Control

    A Timeline for behavior and dendritic spine labeling. B Representative images of dendritic spines on NAc D2-MSNs. C Quantification of spine density on D2-MSNs after cocaine ( n = 27 and 36 dendritic segments/group from 4 mice/group, p = 0.0068) and saline CPP ( n = 42 and 27 dendritic segments/group from 3 mice/group). D Timeline for cocaine CPP experiment inhibiting the PrL-NAc core circuit and ( E ) behavioral results following cocaine CPP ( n = 7, 8 mice/group; two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons, df = 26, p = 0.0035). F Experimental design for stimulating mPFC afferents to NAc MSNs. G Timeline of cocaine CPP before electrophysiology. H Evoked EPSCs onto D1-MSNs and ( I ) D2-MSNs from the mPFC after NPAS4 knockdown in the corresponding cell type (two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons; D1-Cre mice: shScram n = 13 and 9 cells/group, shNpas4 n = 18 and 12 cells/group; D2-Cre mice: shScram n = 14 and 12 cells/group, shNpas4 n = 8 cells/group, p = 0.0009, 0.0046). J Graphical illustration showing the effects of NAc shNpas4 D2 on MSN activity, dendritic spine density, excitatory transmission from the mPFC, and subsequent cocaine-seeking. Data shown are mean ± SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Timeline for behavior and dendritic spine labeling. B Representative images of dendritic spines on NAc D2-MSNs. C Quantification of spine density on D2-MSNs after cocaine ( n = 27 and 36 dendritic segments/group from 4 mice/group, p = 0.0068) and saline CPP ( n = 42 and 27 dendritic segments/group from 3 mice/group). D Timeline for cocaine CPP experiment inhibiting the PrL-NAc core circuit and ( E ) behavioral results following cocaine CPP ( n = 7, 8 mice/group; two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons, df = 26, p = 0.0035). F Experimental design for stimulating mPFC afferents to NAc MSNs. G Timeline of cocaine CPP before electrophysiology. H Evoked EPSCs onto D1-MSNs and ( I ) D2-MSNs from the mPFC after NPAS4 knockdown in the corresponding cell type (two-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons; D1-Cre mice: shScram n = 13 and 9 cells/group, shNpas4 n = 18 and 12 cells/group; D2-Cre mice: shScram n = 14 and 12 cells/group, shNpas4 n = 8 cells/group, p = 0.0009, 0.0046). J Graphical illustration showing the effects of NAc shNpas4 D2 on MSN activity, dendritic spine density, excitatory transmission from the mPFC, and subsequent cocaine-seeking. Data shown are mean ± SEM; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001. Source data are provided in the Source Data file.

    Techniques Used: Labeling, Saline, Knockdown, Activity Assay, Transmission Assay

    Structured Review

    Promega receptor flag d1r or chimeric flag β2v2
    ( A ) Initial velocity of optimal Src peptide (AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK) phosphorylation by Src (V0) alone or in the presence of βarr1 WT or βarr1 mutants. V2Rpp was added to each reaction. Individual data, mean ±SD of five independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. ( B ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on Src activity downstream of <t>β2V2.</t> β2V2, Src and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of BI-167107 for 10 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to Src phosphorylations in control cells (no βarr1 transfected). Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=6). ( C ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on endogenous Src activity downstream of <t>D1R.</t> <t>D1R</t> and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of dopamine for 5 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to phospho-Src in unstimulated cells. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=4). βarr1 mutants numbering is the same as in (B). ( D ) Structural superposition of Src–βarr1 (SH3, magenta; βarr1, green) with the β1V2R–βarr1 complex (β1V2R, slate; PDB: 6TKO), cartoon representation. The clashing region is indicated with the red arrow. ( E ) SH3 binding interferes with the core coupling of βarr1 to phosphorylated V2R in membranes. Top left panel: representative experiment of βarr1 finger loop bimane fluorescence. Top right panel: peak fluorescence of βarr1 finger loop bimane; individual data, mean ±SD of six independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (* - P=0.0174, **** - P<0.0001). Bottom panel: schematic of SH3-mediated disruption of βarr1 core coupling to V2R.
    Receptor Flag D1r Or Chimeric Flag β2v2, supplied by Promega, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more flag d1r or chimeric flag β2v2/product/Promega
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    receptor flag d1r or chimeric flag β2v2 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Beta-arrestin 1 mediated Src activation via Src SH3 domain revealed by cryo-electron microscopy"

    Article Title: Beta-arrestin 1 mediated Src activation via Src SH3 domain revealed by cryo-electron microscopy

    Journal: bioRxiv

    doi: 10.1101/2024.07.31.605623

    ( A ) Initial velocity of optimal Src peptide (AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK) phosphorylation by Src (V0) alone or in the presence of βarr1 WT or βarr1 mutants. V2Rpp was added to each reaction. Individual data, mean ±SD of five independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. ( B ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on Src activity downstream of β2V2. β2V2, Src and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of BI-167107 for 10 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to Src phosphorylations in control cells (no βarr1 transfected). Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=6). ( C ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on endogenous Src activity downstream of D1R. D1R and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of dopamine for 5 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to phospho-Src in unstimulated cells. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=4). βarr1 mutants numbering is the same as in (B). ( D ) Structural superposition of Src–βarr1 (SH3, magenta; βarr1, green) with the β1V2R–βarr1 complex (β1V2R, slate; PDB: 6TKO), cartoon representation. The clashing region is indicated with the red arrow. ( E ) SH3 binding interferes with the core coupling of βarr1 to phosphorylated V2R in membranes. Top left panel: representative experiment of βarr1 finger loop bimane fluorescence. Top right panel: peak fluorescence of βarr1 finger loop bimane; individual data, mean ±SD of six independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (* - P=0.0174, **** - P<0.0001). Bottom panel: schematic of SH3-mediated disruption of βarr1 core coupling to V2R.
    Figure Legend Snippet: ( A ) Initial velocity of optimal Src peptide (AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK) phosphorylation by Src (V0) alone or in the presence of βarr1 WT or βarr1 mutants. V2Rpp was added to each reaction. Individual data, mean ±SD of five independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. ( B ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on Src activity downstream of β2V2. β2V2, Src and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of BI-167107 for 10 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to Src phosphorylations in control cells (no βarr1 transfected). Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=6). ( C ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on endogenous Src activity downstream of D1R. D1R and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of dopamine for 5 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to phospho-Src in unstimulated cells. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=4). βarr1 mutants numbering is the same as in (B). ( D ) Structural superposition of Src–βarr1 (SH3, magenta; βarr1, green) with the β1V2R–βarr1 complex (β1V2R, slate; PDB: 6TKO), cartoon representation. The clashing region is indicated with the red arrow. ( E ) SH3 binding interferes with the core coupling of βarr1 to phosphorylated V2R in membranes. Top left panel: representative experiment of βarr1 finger loop bimane fluorescence. Top right panel: peak fluorescence of βarr1 finger loop bimane; individual data, mean ±SD of six independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (* - P=0.0174, **** - P<0.0001). Bottom panel: schematic of SH3-mediated disruption of βarr1 core coupling to V2R.

    Techniques Used: Comparison, Binding Assay, Activity Assay, Transfection, Western Blot, Control, Fluorescence, Disruption

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    Merck & Co d1r agonist
    A . Schematic diagram showing the experimental design for analyzing cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling. B . Immunofluorescence images showing the colocalization between DRD1 (red) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in <t>D1R-Cre</t> mice (top panels), and the colocalization between DRD2 (magenta) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in the D2R-Cre mice (bottom panels). Scale bar: 10μm. C, E, G . Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (light green) and iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of contralateral turning (C), licking (E), and digging (G). D, F, H . Comparison of cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling indices for turning (D), licking (F), and digging behavior (H, P = 0.0087). Mann-Whitney test. ** P <0.01.
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    d1r agonist - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center d1 receptor promoter
    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) <t>D1-Cre;Mettl14</t> f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings <t>from</t> <t>D2</t> striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    D1 Receptor Promoter, supplied by Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor promoter/product/Mutant Mouse Resource & Research Center
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
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    d1 receptor promoter - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc d1 receptor
    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) <t>D1-Cre;Mettl14</t> f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings <t>from</t> <t>D2</t> striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    D1 Receptor, supplied by Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more receptor/product/Advanced Cell Diagnostics Inc
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
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    d1 receptor - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Charles River Laboratories d1r d1 cre
    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) <t>D1-Cre;Mettl14</t> f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings <t>from</t> <t>D2</t> striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.
    D1r D1 Cre, supplied by Charles River Laboratories, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more d1 cre/product/Charles River Laboratories
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
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    d1r d1 cre - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Promega receptor flag d1r or chimeric flag β2v2
    ( A ) Initial velocity of optimal Src peptide (AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK) phosphorylation by Src (V0) alone or in the presence of βarr1 WT or βarr1 mutants. V2Rpp was added to each reaction. Individual data, mean ±SD of five independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. ( B ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on Src activity downstream of <t>β2V2.</t> β2V2, Src and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of BI-167107 for 10 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to Src phosphorylations in control cells (no βarr1 transfected). Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=6). ( C ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on endogenous Src activity downstream of <t>D1R.</t> <t>D1R</t> and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of dopamine for 5 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to phospho-Src in unstimulated cells. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=4). βarr1 mutants numbering is the same as in (B). ( D ) Structural superposition of Src–βarr1 (SH3, magenta; βarr1, green) with the β1V2R–βarr1 complex (β1V2R, slate; PDB: 6TKO), cartoon representation. The clashing region is indicated with the red arrow. ( E ) SH3 binding interferes with the core coupling of βarr1 to phosphorylated V2R in membranes. Top left panel: representative experiment of βarr1 finger loop bimane fluorescence. Top right panel: peak fluorescence of βarr1 finger loop bimane; individual data, mean ±SD of six independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (* - P=0.0174, **** - P<0.0001). Bottom panel: schematic of SH3-mediated disruption of βarr1 core coupling to V2R.
    Receptor Flag D1r Or Chimeric Flag β2v2, supplied by Promega, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more flag d1r or chimeric flag β2v2/product/Promega
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    receptor flag d1r or chimeric flag β2v2 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Image Search Results

    A . Schematic diagram showing the experimental design for analyzing cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling. B . Immunofluorescence images showing the colocalization between DRD1 (red) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in D1R-Cre mice (top panels), and the colocalization between DRD2 (magenta) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in the D2R-Cre mice (bottom panels). Scale bar: 10μm. C, E, G . Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (light green) and iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of contralateral turning (C), licking (E), and digging (G). D, F, H . Comparison of cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling indices for turning (D), licking (F), and digging behavior (H, P = 0.0087). Mann-Whitney test. ** P <0.01.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: Behavior- and circuit-specific cortico-striatal decoupling during the early development of Parkinson’s disease-like syndrome

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.13.607859

    Figure Lengend Snippet: A . Schematic diagram showing the experimental design for analyzing cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling. B . Immunofluorescence images showing the colocalization between DRD1 (red) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in D1R-Cre mice (top panels), and the colocalization between DRD2 (magenta) and DIO-GCaMP (green) in the D2R-Cre mice (bottom panels). Scale bar: 10μm. C, E, G . Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (light green) and iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of contralateral turning (C), licking (E), and digging (G). D, F, H . Comparison of cell type-specific cortico-striatal coupling indices for turning (D), licking (F), and digging behavior (H, P = 0.0087). Mann-Whitney test. ** P <0.01.

    Article Snippet: The drugs (all compounds from Merck), including D1R agonist (SKF81297; 1mg/kg), D2R agonist (quinpirole; 0.5mg/kg), L-DOPA (1mg/kg) together with benserazide (15mg/kg), were dissolved in 0.9% saline and filtered through a PES membrane filter unit (0.22μm, Millex).

    Techniques: Immunofluorescence, Comparison, MANN-WHITNEY

    A-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal dMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (B-C), and 3-4 Mpi (D-E) during digging. (A) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. Note the CreON-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D1R-Cre mice, while CreOFF-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D2R-Cre mice. Right panel, experiment timeline. (B, D) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (aqua) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, E) Quantitative analyses of the M1-dMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (C) and 3-4 Mpi (E). The hollow signal represents D1R-Cre mice; the cross signal represents D2-Cre mice. (C1, E1) Coupling indices (C1, P = 0.0043. E1, P = 0.0062). (C2, E2) Phase lags (E2, P = 0.0043. G2, P = 0.0062). (C3, E3) Plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities (E3, P = 0.0451). F-J. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal iMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (G-H), and 3-4 Mpi (I-J) during digging. Right panel, experiment timeline. (F) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. (G, I) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and striatal iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (H, J) Quantitative analyses of the M1-iMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (H) and 3-4 Mpi (J). (H1, J1) Comparison of the coupling indices. (H2, J2) Comparison of the phase lags. (H3, J3) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities. Mann-Whitney test. * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: Behavior- and circuit-specific cortico-striatal decoupling during the early development of Parkinson’s disease-like syndrome

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.13.607859

    Figure Lengend Snippet: A-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal dMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (B-C), and 3-4 Mpi (D-E) during digging. (A) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. Note the CreON-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D1R-Cre mice, while CreOFF-GCaMP virus was injected into the STR of D2R-Cre mice. Right panel, experiment timeline. (B, D) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR dMSN (aqua) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, E) Quantitative analyses of the M1-dMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (C) and 3-4 Mpi (E). The hollow signal represents D1R-Cre mice; the cross signal represents D2-Cre mice. (C1, E1) Coupling indices (C1, P = 0.0043. E1, P = 0.0062). (C2, E2) Phase lags (E2, P = 0.0043. G2, P = 0.0062). (C3, E3) Plateau amplitude of dMSN Ca 2+ activities (E3, P = 0.0451). F-J. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and striatal iMSN in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 2 Mpi (G-H), and 3-4 Mpi (I-J) during digging. Right panel, experiment timeline. (F) Scheme of virus injection and optic fiber implantation. (G, I) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and striatal iMSN (dark green) Ca 2+ activities temporally aligned to the initiation of digging. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (H, J) Quantitative analyses of the M1-iMSN coupling and plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities at 2 Mpi (H) and 3-4 Mpi (J). (H1, J1) Comparison of the coupling indices. (H2, J2) Comparison of the phase lags. (H3, J3) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of iMSN Ca 2+ activities. Mann-Whitney test. * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.

    Article Snippet: The drugs (all compounds from Merck), including D1R agonist (SKF81297; 1mg/kg), D2R agonist (quinpirole; 0.5mg/kg), L-DOPA (1mg/kg) together with benserazide (15mg/kg), were dissolved in 0.9% saline and filtered through a PES membrane filter unit (0.22μm, Millex).

    Techniques: Imaging, Injection, Virus, Comparison, MANN-WHITNEY

    A. Schematic diagram for pharmacological experiments. i.p., intraperitoneal administration. B-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and STR in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 4Mpi during digging, after ip. SAL (saline), L-dopa, SKF (SKF-81297, a D1R selective agonist), or Quin (quinpirole, a D2R selective agonist). (B) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR (green) temporally aligned, digging-associated Ca 2+ activities after administration of drugs. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, D, E) Quantitative analyses of the digging-associated cortico-striatal coupling (C,D) and amplitude of striatal Ca 2+ activities (E) after administration of drugs. (C1) Comparison of the phase lags (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0152. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.588, 9.529) = 9.270, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P =0.0156; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0328). (C2) Comparison of the phase lags, after saline or quinpirole administration. (D1) Comparison of the coupling indices (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0043). (D2) Comparison of the coupling indices, after saline or quinpirole administration. (E1) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0424. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.453, 8.719) = 6.152, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0459). (E2) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity, after saline or quinpirole administration. F-G. Effect of dopaminergic drugs on digging behavior. (F) Comparison of digging duration (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.463, 7.317) = 19.97, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P = 0.0018; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0388). (G) Comparison of digging frequency (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(2.120, 10.60) = 11.78, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0143; SAL-PFF vs. Quin-PFF, P = 0.0192). One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test, unless otherwise noted. Wilcoxon matched-pairs test (C2, D2, E2). * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: Behavior- and circuit-specific cortico-striatal decoupling during the early development of Parkinson’s disease-like syndrome

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.13.607859

    Figure Lengend Snippet: A. Schematic diagram for pharmacological experiments. i.p., intraperitoneal administration. B-E. Dual fiber photometry imaging of M1 and STR in PFF- and PBS-injected mice at 4Mpi during digging, after ip. SAL (saline), L-dopa, SKF (SKF-81297, a D1R selective agonist), or Quin (quinpirole, a D2R selective agonist). (B) Z-scored average traces of M1 (red) and STR (green) temporally aligned, digging-associated Ca 2+ activities after administration of drugs. Left, PBS; Right, PFF. (C, D, E) Quantitative analyses of the digging-associated cortico-striatal coupling (C,D) and amplitude of striatal Ca 2+ activities (E) after administration of drugs. (C1) Comparison of the phase lags (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0152. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.588, 9.529) = 9.270, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P =0.0156; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0328). (C2) Comparison of the phase lags, after saline or quinpirole administration. (D1) Comparison of the coupling indices (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0043). (D2) Comparison of the coupling indices, after saline or quinpirole administration. (E1) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity (SAL-PBS vs. SAL-PFF: Mann-Whitney test, P = 0.0424. PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.453, 8.719) = 6.152, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0459). (E2) Comparison of the plateau amplitude of striatal activity, after saline or quinpirole administration. F-G. Effect of dopaminergic drugs on digging behavior. (F) Comparison of digging duration (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(1.463, 7.317) = 19.97, SAL-PFF vs. Ldopa-PFF, P = 0.0018; SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0388). (G) Comparison of digging frequency (PFF groups: SAL-PFF as control, F(2.120, 10.60) = 11.78, SAL-PFF vs. SKF-PFF, P = 0.0143; SAL-PFF vs. Quin-PFF, P = 0.0192). One-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s multiple comparisons test, unless otherwise noted. Wilcoxon matched-pairs test (C2, D2, E2). * P <0.05. ** P <0.01.

    Article Snippet: The drugs (all compounds from Merck), including D1R agonist (SKF81297; 1mg/kg), D2R agonist (quinpirole; 0.5mg/kg), L-DOPA (1mg/kg) together with benserazide (15mg/kg), were dissolved in 0.9% saline and filtered through a PES membrane filter unit (0.22μm, Millex).

    Techniques: Imaging, Injection, Saline, Comparison, MANN-WHITNEY, Control, Activity Assay

    (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.07.607063

    Figure Lengend Snippet: (A) A schematic showing the timeline to examine cocaine’s sensitization effect in the open field box. (B) A schematic showing the in vivo fiber photometry recording setup. (C, D) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization. (C) D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice, n=7/genotype. (D) A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, red) mice, n=7/genotype. Locomotor activity was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. Total distance traveled was recorded. (E) Fiber photometry recordings from D1 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, green) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (F) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Mettl14 f/f (KO, green) mice from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. *: P=0.0163, paired T-test. ns: P=0.0702, paired T-test. **: P=0.0010, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0029, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.1250, paired T-test. ****: P<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. (G) Fiber photometry recordings from D2 striatal neurons. Left: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. Right: representative Ca 2+ traces from A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) after saline and cocaine injection using fiber photometry. (H) Left bar graph: Mean Ca 2+ activity of A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Mettl14 f/f mice (KO, red) from 15 min fiber photometry recording after saline (S) and cocaine (C) injection. **: P=0.0020, paired T-test. Ns: P=0.0690, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA. Right bar graph: Peak Ca 2+ transients level comparison. **: P=0.0011, paired T-test. *: P=0.0150, paired T-test. ***: P=0.0007, 2-way ANOVA, n=5. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Overall, Mettl14 deficiency blunted the cellular responses in both D1 and D2 SPNs, but resulted in opposite behavioral outcomes observed in mice after cocaine treatment.

    Article Snippet: To selectively delete Ythdf1 in D1 or D2 SPNs, we crossed Ythdf1 f/f mice to a D1 receptor promoter-driven Cre recombinase (D1-Cre) transgenic line (B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)EY262Gsat/Mmucd, RRID: MMRRC-030989-UCD) or an adenosine 2A receptor promoter-driven Cre recombinase (A2A-Cre) transgenics line (B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG139Gsat/Mmucd, RRID: MMRRC_036158-UCD).

    Techniques: In Vivo, Activity Assay, Saline, Injection, Comparison

    (A) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Total distance traveled (cm) was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. n=8. (B) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A- Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). n=8. (C) The rotarod motor learning in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Performance was recorded as latency to fall (s), n=5. (D) The rotarod motor learning in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). N=5. (E) The sensitization of haloperidol-induced catalepsy response in A2A-Cre;Ythdf114 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). Catalepsy duration was recorded (s). ***: P=0.0003, 2-way ANOVA, n=7. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Ythdf1 deletion resembles impairment caused by Mettl14 deletion in a cell type specific manner. YTHDF1 is potentially the main downstream reader protein that regulating translation in response to stimulation and during learning in the striatum.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.07.607063

    Figure Lengend Snippet: (A) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Total distance traveled (cm) was recorded for 60 min after saline/cocaine injection. n=8. (B) Cocaine-induced locomotor sensitization in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A- Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). n=8. (C) The rotarod motor learning in D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and D1-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, cyan). Performance was recorded as latency to fall (s), n=5. (D) The rotarod motor learning in A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). N=5. (E) The sensitization of haloperidol-induced catalepsy response in A2A-Cre;Ythdf114 f/+ mice (Ctrl, blue) and A2A-Cre;Ythdf1 f/f mice (KO, magenta). Catalepsy duration was recorded (s). ***: P=0.0003, 2-way ANOVA, n=7. All data expressed as mean ± SEM. Ythdf1 deletion resembles impairment caused by Mettl14 deletion in a cell type specific manner. YTHDF1 is potentially the main downstream reader protein that regulating translation in response to stimulation and during learning in the striatum.

    Article Snippet: To selectively delete Ythdf1 in D1 or D2 SPNs, we crossed Ythdf1 f/f mice to a D1 receptor promoter-driven Cre recombinase (D1-Cre) transgenic line (B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)EY262Gsat/Mmucd, RRID: MMRRC-030989-UCD) or an adenosine 2A receptor promoter-driven Cre recombinase (A2A-Cre) transgenics line (B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG139Gsat/Mmucd, RRID: MMRRC_036158-UCD).

    Techniques: Saline, Injection

    (A) Representative images of de novo protein synthesis measured by HPG incorporation in the striatal neurons from wild type and Ythdf1 KO P1 mice. Three experimental conditions were compared: HPG+CHX group as negative control, HPG group as baseline condition and HPG+SKF (dopamine D1 receptor agonist) group to test the response after cAMP elevation. Blue: DAPI, red: MAP2, green: HPG tagged newly synthesized protein. Scale bar, 20um (B) Quantification of the HPG expression intensity in CHX, HPG and SKF group in wild type (Ctrl) and Ythdf1 KO striatal neurons. Genotype main effect, p<0.0001, genotype x time interaction, p<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA. HPG vs. SKF treatment: ****: P<0.0001(ctrl), ns: P=0.8390 (KO), paired t-test. Each group contained 3 replicates. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the upregulated YTHDF1 transcripts after cocaine treatment. (D) Venn diagram depicting the number of YTHDF1 targets after saline and cocaine treatment. (E) UHPLC-MS/MS analysis of m 6 A level in the striatum after saline and cocaine treatment. Striatal neurons with Ythdf1 deficiency have a higher baseline de novo protein synthesis rate but are incapable of responding to stimulations. At the molecular level, boosting dopamine release by cocaine drastically increased YTHDF1 binding to many mRNA targets in the striatum.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: YTHDF1 mediates translational control by m6A mRNA methylation in adaptation to environmental challenges

    doi: 10.1101/2024.08.07.607063

    Figure Lengend Snippet: (A) Representative images of de novo protein synthesis measured by HPG incorporation in the striatal neurons from wild type and Ythdf1 KO P1 mice. Three experimental conditions were compared: HPG+CHX group as negative control, HPG group as baseline condition and HPG+SKF (dopamine D1 receptor agonist) group to test the response after cAMP elevation. Blue: DAPI, red: MAP2, green: HPG tagged newly synthesized protein. Scale bar, 20um (B) Quantification of the HPG expression intensity in CHX, HPG and SKF group in wild type (Ctrl) and Ythdf1 KO striatal neurons. Genotype main effect, p<0.0001, genotype x time interaction, p<0.0001, 2-way ANOVA. HPG vs. SKF treatment: ****: P<0.0001(ctrl), ns: P=0.8390 (KO), paired t-test. Each group contained 3 replicates. (C) Gene ontology (GO) analysis of the upregulated YTHDF1 transcripts after cocaine treatment. (D) Venn diagram depicting the number of YTHDF1 targets after saline and cocaine treatment. (E) UHPLC-MS/MS analysis of m 6 A level in the striatum after saline and cocaine treatment. Striatal neurons with Ythdf1 deficiency have a higher baseline de novo protein synthesis rate but are incapable of responding to stimulations. At the molecular level, boosting dopamine release by cocaine drastically increased YTHDF1 binding to many mRNA targets in the striatum.

    Article Snippet: To selectively delete Ythdf1 in D1 or D2 SPNs, we crossed Ythdf1 f/f mice to a D1 receptor promoter-driven Cre recombinase (D1-Cre) transgenic line (B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Drd1-cre)EY262Gsat/Mmucd, RRID: MMRRC-030989-UCD) or an adenosine 2A receptor promoter-driven Cre recombinase (A2A-Cre) transgenics line (B6.FVB(Cg)-Tg(Adora2a-cre)KG139Gsat/Mmucd, RRID: MMRRC_036158-UCD).

    Techniques: Negative Control, Synthesized, Expressing, Saline, Tandem Mass Spectroscopy, Binding Assay

    ( A ) Initial velocity of optimal Src peptide (AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK) phosphorylation by Src (V0) alone or in the presence of βarr1 WT or βarr1 mutants. V2Rpp was added to each reaction. Individual data, mean ±SD of five independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. ( B ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on Src activity downstream of β2V2. β2V2, Src and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of BI-167107 for 10 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to Src phosphorylations in control cells (no βarr1 transfected). Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=6). ( C ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on endogenous Src activity downstream of D1R. D1R and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of dopamine for 5 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to phospho-Src in unstimulated cells. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=4). βarr1 mutants numbering is the same as in (B). ( D ) Structural superposition of Src–βarr1 (SH3, magenta; βarr1, green) with the β1V2R–βarr1 complex (β1V2R, slate; PDB: 6TKO), cartoon representation. The clashing region is indicated with the red arrow. ( E ) SH3 binding interferes with the core coupling of βarr1 to phosphorylated V2R in membranes. Top left panel: representative experiment of βarr1 finger loop bimane fluorescence. Top right panel: peak fluorescence of βarr1 finger loop bimane; individual data, mean ±SD of six independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (* - P=0.0174, **** - P<0.0001). Bottom panel: schematic of SH3-mediated disruption of βarr1 core coupling to V2R.

    Journal: bioRxiv

    Article Title: Beta-arrestin 1 mediated Src activation via Src SH3 domain revealed by cryo-electron microscopy

    doi: 10.1101/2024.07.31.605623

    Figure Lengend Snippet: ( A ) Initial velocity of optimal Src peptide (AEEEIYGEFEAKKKK) phosphorylation by Src (V0) alone or in the presence of βarr1 WT or βarr1 mutants. V2Rpp was added to each reaction. Individual data, mean ±SD of five independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test. ( B ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on Src activity downstream of β2V2. β2V2, Src and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of BI-167107 for 10 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to Src phosphorylations in control cells (no βarr1 transfected). Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=6). ( C ) Effect of βarr1 mutations in SH3 binding sites on endogenous Src activity downstream of D1R. D1R and βarr1 were transiently expressed in HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells. 48 hours after transfection with 16-hour starvation, cells were stimulated with 10 uM of dopamine for 5 minutes at 37 °C and lysed. Left panel: representative Western blots. Right panel: densitometry analysis of Src phosphorylation normalized to phospho-Src in unstimulated cells. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (n=4). βarr1 mutants numbering is the same as in (B). ( D ) Structural superposition of Src–βarr1 (SH3, magenta; βarr1, green) with the β1V2R–βarr1 complex (β1V2R, slate; PDB: 6TKO), cartoon representation. The clashing region is indicated with the red arrow. ( E ) SH3 binding interferes with the core coupling of βarr1 to phosphorylated V2R in membranes. Top left panel: representative experiment of βarr1 finger loop bimane fluorescence. Top right panel: peak fluorescence of βarr1 finger loop bimane; individual data, mean ±SD of six independent experiments is shown. Statistical differences were determined by one-way ANOVA and Dunnett’s multiple comparison test (* - P=0.0174, **** - P<0.0001). Bottom panel: schematic of SH3-mediated disruption of βarr1 core coupling to V2R.

    Article Snippet: HEK-293 βarr1/βarr2 dKO cells ( ) were co-transfected with receptor (FLAG-D1R or chimeric FLAG-β2V2), Src (only for chimeric FLAG-β2V2) and wild-type or mutant βarr1 with a C-terminal HA tag with a 1:5 DNA:FuGENE®6 (Promega) ratio according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

    Techniques: Comparison, Binding Assay, Activity Assay, Transfection, Western Blot, Control, Fluorescence, Disruption