d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride  (Tocris)

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    Tocris d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride
    D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390 Hydrochloride, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride/product/Tocris
    Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    95/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Millipore d1r antagonist sch23390
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Millipore, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Millipore
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride  (Tocris)

    Bioz Verified Symbol Tocris is a verified supplier
    Bioz Manufacturer Symbol Tocris manufactures this product  
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    Tocris d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride
    D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390 Hydrochloride, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride/product/Tocris
    Average 95 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    95/100 stars


    Structured Review

    ApexBio d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
    D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by ApexBio, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1 receptor antagonist sch23390/product/ApexBio
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Ltd d1r antagonist sch23390
    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of <t>D1R</t> and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist <t>(SCH23390)</t> recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Ltd, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Ltd
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Dichotomous Regulation of Striatal Plasticity by Dynorphin"

    Article Title: Dichotomous Regulation of Striatal Plasticity by Dynorphin

    Journal: Molecular psychiatry

    doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01885-0

    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.

    Techniques Used: Blocking Assay, MANN-WHITNEY, Activation Assay, Expressing

    Structured Review

    Ltd d1r antagonist sch23390
    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of <t>D1R</t> and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist <t>(SCH23390)</t> recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Ltd, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Ltd
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    1) Product Images from "Dichotomous Regulation of Striatal Plasticity by Dynorphin"

    Article Title: Dichotomous Regulation of Striatal Plasticity by Dynorphin

    Journal: Molecular psychiatry

    doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01885-0

    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    Figure Legend Snippet: A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.

    Techniques Used: Blocking Assay, MANN-WHITNEY, Activation Assay, Expressing

    dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390  (Millipore)

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    Millipore dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
    Dopamine Receptor Antagonists D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Millipore, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390/product/Millipore
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390  (Millipore)

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    Millipore dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
    Dopamine Receptor Antagonists D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Millipore, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390/product/Millipore
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    d1r antagonist sch23390  (Tocris)

    Bioz Verified Symbol Tocris is a verified supplier
    Bioz Manufacturer Symbol Tocris manufactures this product  
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    Tocris d1r antagonist sch23390
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Tocris
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1r antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
    86/100 stars


    Structured Review

    Becton Dickinson d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
    D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Becton Dickinson, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1 receptor antagonist sch23390/product/Becton Dickinson
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Structured Review

    Millipore d1r antagonist sch23390
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Millipore, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Millipore
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    Tocris d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 hydrochloride
    D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390 Hydrochloride, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 95/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
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    Millipore d1r antagonist sch23390
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    ApexBio d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
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    Ltd d1r antagonist sch23390
    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of <t>D1R</t> and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist <t>(SCH23390)</t> recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Ltd, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Ltd
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    d1r antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Millipore dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of <t>D1R</t> and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist <t>(SCH23390)</t> recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    Dopamine Receptor Antagonists D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Millipore, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390/product/Millipore
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    dopamine receptor antagonists d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Tocris d1r antagonist sch23390
    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of <t>D1R</t> and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist <t>(SCH23390)</t> recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    D1r Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Tocris, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1r antagonist sch23390/product/Tocris
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    d1r antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Becton Dickinson d1 receptor antagonist sch23390
    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of <t>D1R</t> and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist <t>(SCH23390)</t> recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.
    D1 Receptor Antagonist Sch23390, supplied by Becton Dickinson, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more
    https://www.bioz.com/result/d1 receptor antagonist sch23390/product/Becton Dickinson
    Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
    Price from $9.99 to $1999.99
    d1 receptor antagonist sch23390 - by Bioz Stars, 2024-09
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    Image Search Results

    A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.

    Journal: Molecular psychiatry

    Article Title: Dichotomous Regulation of Striatal Plasticity by Dynorphin

    doi: 10.1038/s41380-022-01885-0

    Figure Lengend Snippet: A Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+)mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded without SKF81297 for reference (same as Figure 1B). B Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl)mice. SKF81297 did not further enhance LTP in D1-pDyn cKO mice. The solid line shows LTP recorded from D1-pDyn cKO mice without SKF81297 for reference (Same as Figure 3A). C Summary plot showing enhanced LTP in the presence of D1 agonist (SKF81297) and KOR antagonist (U50488) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. In the presence of SKF81297, U50488 failed to block the LTP. The solid line shows recording in the presence of +U50488 alone for reference (Same as Figure 1D). D Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of SKF81297. WT+SKF, n = 7/3, 206.76% ± 24.5; cKO+SKF, n = 7/3, 211.83% ± 19.76; WT+U488+SKF, n = 7/2, 210.82% ± 29.05. WT+SKF vs cKO+SKF, p = 0.805; WT+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.71; cKO+SKF vs WT+U488+SKF, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. E The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR activation. D1R activation enhanced dSPN LTP expression regardless of whether Dyn/KOR pathway is activated. F Summary plot showing the same STDP induction protocol resulted in LTD in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice. The solid line shows control LTP for reference. G Summary plot showing LTP is dampened to WT control LTP level in the presence of D1 antagonist (SCH23390) recorded from D1-pDyn cKO (D1-cre;pDynfl/fl) mice. The solid red line shows LTP in cKO mice and solid black line shows WT control LTP for reference. H Summary plot showing LTP recorded from WT (D1-cre;pDyn+/+) mice in the presence of both D1 antagonist (SCH23390) and KOR antagonist (norBNI). When D1R is blocked, blocking KOR resulted in normal LTP. The solid orange line shows WT+norBNI LTP and solid black line shows control LTP for reference. I Box-plot summary showing LTP levels in the presence of D1R antagonist (SCH23390). Loss of KOR function rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. WT+SCH, n = 9/4, 59.95% ± 11.72; cKO+SCH, n = 9/3, 156.01% ± 19.31; WT+norBNI+SCH, n = 9/4, 154.68% ± 14.14. WT+SCH vs cKO+SCH, p = 0.0008; WT+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.0005; cKO+SCH vs WT+norBNI+SCH, p = 0.99, Mann-Whitney. J The schematic depicting the signaling pathway of D1R and KOR blockade. Blockade of D1R suppressed dSPN LTP, deletion or blockade of KOR rescued LTP in the presence of D1R antagonist. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. ns: not significant, p > 0.05, *** p < 0.001.

    Article Snippet: Conversely, in the presence of the D1R antagonist SCH23390 (3 μM), dSPNs from WT D1-cre;pDyn +/+ mice expressed long-term depression (LTD) even though an LTP induction protocol was used ( ) and is consistent with previous findings ( 12 ).

    Techniques: Blocking Assay, MANN-WHITNEY, Activation Assay, Expressing