chicken pab against green fluorescent protein gfp (Millipore)
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Chicken Pab Against Green Fluorescent Protein Gfp, supplied by Millipore, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more pab against green fluorescent protein gfp/product/Millipore
Average 86 stars, based on 1 article reviews
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1) Product Images from "Cl − -dependent amplification of excitatory synaptic potentials at distal dendrites revealed by voltage imaging"
Article Title: Cl − -dependent amplification of excitatory synaptic potentials at distal dendrites revealed by voltage imaging
Journal: Science Advances
doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adj2547
Figure Legend Snippet: ( A ) An image of a direct gramicidin patch recording from a dendrite. Magnified view of the patched branch in yellow (left). ( B ) V m trace recorded from a dendritic branch [shown in (A)]. ( C ) V m rest measured by gramicidin patch from dendrites ( n = 8 cells) and soma ( n = 10 cells) is plotted against the distance from the soma. ( D ) Somatic (blue, n = 19 cells) and dendritic (green, n = 11 cells) V m rest with or without 10 μM VU0463271 (soma: yellow, n = 9 cells; dendrite: red, n = 11 cells). Dunnett’s test, ** P < 0.01; n.s., not significant. ( E and F ) V m rest (E) and leak conductance (F) plotted against distance from the soma. VU, VU0463271. ( G ) Representative gramicidin patch currents recorded from the soma (left) or a dendritic branch (right) in response to spot uncaging of DPNI-caged GABA at the recording sites, with altered holding V m indicated by different colors. ( H ) GABA currents at a dendrite (red) or at the soma (blue) plotted against the holding V m . ( I ) Images of immunostained KCC2 (magenta) in green fluorescent protein (GFP)–labeled hippocampal neurons (green). Three rectangular areas (a to c) were expanded with merged colors (middle), and the fluorescent signals for KCC2 and GFP along a line in each area are plotted on the right. ( J ) Relative fluorescent intensity of GFP (green) and KCC2 (red) plotted against the distance from the soma.
Techniques Used: Labeling