braf exon15 c 1799t a p v600e (Geneseeq Technology Inc)
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Braf Exon15 C 1799t A P V600e, supplied by Geneseeq Technology Inc, used in various techniques. Bioz Stars score: 86/100, based on 1 PubMed citations. ZERO BIAS - scores, article reviews, protocol conditions and more exon15 c 1799t a p v600e/product/Geneseeq Technology Inc
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1) Product Images from "Metanephric stromal tumor with BRAF V600E mutation in an adult patient: Case report and literature review"
Article Title: Metanephric stromal tumor with BRAF V600E mutation in an adult patient: Case report and literature review
Journal: Frontiers in Oncology
doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.993414
Figure Legend Snippet: Imaging features of adult metanephric stromal tumor with BRAF V600E mutation. (A) Computed tomography scan shows a slightly enhanced, well-defined, oval mass (white arrow), in the upper pole of the left kidney. (B) Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates that the mass has low-signal intensity on T2-wighted imaging (white arrow).
Techniques Used: Imaging, Mutagenesis, Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Figure Legend Snippet: Histological characteristics of adult metanephric stromal tumor with BRAF V600E mutation. (A) At low power, the tumor is non-encapsulated and has an overall expansile contour. H&E×15. (B) Subtly infiltrative border of the tumor with adjacent normal renal parenchyma (arrows). H&E×40. (C) Numerous entrapped native renal tubules are noted. H&E×100. (D) The tumor is composed of bland, spindle- or stellate-shaped cells, set in a predominantly collagenous and focally myxoid stroma. H&E×100. (E) The highly hyalinized stroma encircles and entraps native renal tubules (arrows). H&E×300. (F) The tumor induces angiodysplasia within entrapped blood vessels (arrow). H&E×300.
Techniques Used: Mutagenesis
Figure Legend Snippet: Immunohistochemistry of adult metanephric stromal tumor with BRAF V600E mutation. The tumor cells are diffusely and strongly positive for CD34. ×100.
Techniques Used: Immunohistochemistry, Mutagenesis
Figure Legend Snippet: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization analysis is negative for rearrangements of both the (A) EWSR1 (×1500, arrows indicate fused green and orange signals) and (B) FUS (×2000, arrows indicate fused green and orange signals) loci (Insets in A and B indicate schematic diagram of break-apart probes flanking EWSR1 and FUS , respectively). (C) Targeted next-generation sequencing discloses the pathogenic mutation of BRAF exon15: c.1799T>A (p.V600E) in the tumor, as illustrated by the Integrative Genomics Viewer screenshot.
Techniques Used: Fluorescence, In Situ Hybridization, Next-Generation Sequencing, Mutagenesis